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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23864698 liberate liber(free)-ate v.解放,使獲自由 [to set free, as from imprisonment or bondage.] ps. 也可以用來指從外國政府的控制下釋放、社會的經濟的束縛中釋放 ex. to liberate slaves. 去解放奴隸。 字源:li-bera-tus (ptp. of li-bera-re to free), = li-bera--+ -tus suffix c.f.小提醒 字根 liter == letter 字根 liber == free liberal liber-al adj.開明的,不守舊的 [Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas] ex. The church has become more liberal in this century. adj.自由主義的,允許變革的, [Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.] adj.慷慨的,大方的 [Generous in amount; ample] ex. He is liberal with his money. 他花錢大方。 ps. liberal arts = 文科 liberal studies/education = 通識教育 liberality liberal-ity n.開明、慷慨 [The quality or state of being liberal or generous.] ex. He was a man of extraordinary vigor and liberality of mind. 他是個生氣勃勃和思想非常開朗的人。 liberty liber-ty n.自由 [The condition of being free from restriction or control.] n.自由權 [The right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing.] ex. You may have the liberty of my room. 你可以使用我的房間。 ps. The Statue of Liberty= 自由女神像 字源:L li-berta-s, = li-ber free + -ta-s -ty c.f. liberal 概念偏是指open mind...能廣泛、沒有限制的接收不同的ideas liberality是他的名詞型,指的是「廣泛、沒有限制的接收不同的ideas」 liberty的概念是freedom,它指一種情況、或者是一種權利,於此,我們可以自由行動、自由說話。 libertine libert-ine n.放蕩者 [a person who is morally or sexually unrestrained, esp. a dissolute man] n.持自由思想者 [a freethinker in religious matters.] adj. [free of moral, esp. sexual, restraint; dissolute; licentious.] 字源:li-bert(us) freedman (appar. by reanalysis of liber-ta-s liberty as libert-a-s) + -i-nus -ine 它將原來的拉丁字拆法改變,原先是liber-tas, liber代表freedom, 改拆成libert-as, 然後再用libert接 ine這個字尾。 它的字義,最早是"an emancipated slave"(1382)被釋放的奴隸,在1563後才有"freethinker"的概念,then於1593開始有"dissolute or licentious person",而現在,我們大多使用這個字義--放蕩者,也有香水使用這個名字唷。 "電影The Libertine " ps.Johnny Depp(THE LIBERTINE)中扮演了羅切斯特伯爵John Wilmot,(2nd Earl of Rochester),英國宮廷才子、詩人,以放蕩墮落英年早逝聞名,死後他的作品才受到各界注意與褒揚。 libretto n.劇本,歌詞(ex.歌劇,音樂劇的) [ the text or words of an opera or similar extended musical composition.] ex. an opera libretto = 歌劇的劇本 字源:libretto是從義大利文來的字,其中libr(libro)是book的意思,例如library圖書館,也是由這樣構成的。雖然字根的來源不同,你可以這樣想,書是用來使人自由的,藉由liber聯想出libr有當書的意思。 ps. NBA馬刺隊有個叫Oberto的球員。 license n.許可 [Official or legal permission to do or own a specified thing.] ex. 比方說汽車駕照, driving license. ex. a license for the sale of alcoholic drinks n.放縱 [Lack of due restraint; excessive freedom] ps.有放縱字義的原因是由於"特許"的概念來的 ex. When liberty becomes license, dictatorship is near. 當自由變成了放縱,專制就靠近了。 ps. 還有 n.文藝,美術作品的)破格 [intentional deviation from rule, convention, or fact, as for the sake of literary or artistic effect] ex. poetic license. = 詩的破格 字源:licentia authorization, = licent- (s. of lice-ns, prp. of lice-re to be allowed) + -ia -ia licentious licent(to be allowed)-ious adj.放蕩的 [Lacking moral discipline or ignoring legal restraint, especially in sexual conduct.] ex. Though great artists have been licentious, licence does not necessarily result in great art. 偉大的藝術家們雖然曾經都是放蕩形骸的,但放蕩形骸未必導致偉大的藝術。 adj. [Having no regard for accepted rules or standards.] licentious:dissoluteness lien n.抵押權,留置權 (扣押他人的財產來保障債務還清) [Law. the legal claim of one person upon the property of another person to secure the payment of a debt or the satisfaction of an obligation.] ex. The court granted me a lien on my debtor's property. 法庭授予我對我債務人財產的留置權。 聯想: 1. Mathew Lien (馬修連恩)的財產被人抵押了 2. 財產被躺在別人的地方,被抵押了 字源:L liga-men tie, bandage, = liga-(re) to tie + -men n. suffix of result /* 看看就好*/ lien:claim 扣押權是一種權利 ligneous lign(wood)-eous adj.木質的[of the nature of or resembling wood; woody.] ex. ligneous tissue 木質組織 c.f. lign-eous adj.木質的 ign-eous adj.火成的 [樹幹 l 被燒掉的就是火成的...] liken like-en v.比擬 [To see, mention, or show as similar] ex. life has often been likend to a journey. ps. compare A to B; liken A to B 把A比喻B ex. I can only compare the experience to falling in love. = I can only liken the experience to falling in love. liken:similarity=discriminate:difference 有相似性才可以相比=有差別才可以區分 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
boloo :有看!推! 01/05 20:33
lery :推 01/05 22:18
atypia :推! 01/06 09:01