精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23925353 lint n.小毛球(就是洗衣服後付著在衣服上得小毛球) [Clinging bits of fiber] ex. tenacious lint on my jacket. 粘在我夾克上的棉絨 n.紗布 [Downy material obtained by scraping linen cloth and used for dressing wounds.] lint:covering 保護傷口的軟布是一種覆蓋物 lionize lion(獅子)-ize v.捧某人為名人 [ to treat (a person) as a celebrity] ps. If someone is lionized, they are treated as if they are very important or special by a particular group of people, often when they do not really deserve to be. 字的概念:因為獅子很兇,必須要好好對待。 liquefy lique(L. liquere; liquid)-fy v.液化 [to make or become liquid.] ex. liquefied wax liquid n.液體 [The state of matter in which a substance exhibits a characteristic readiness to flow, little or no tendency to disperse, and relatively high incompressibility.] ex. Oil, milk and water are all liquids. 油、牛奶和水都是液體。 adj.液體的 [Of or being a liquid.] adj.清澈的, 流暢的 [Clear and shining; Having a flowing quality without harshness or abrupt breaks] liquidate liquid-ate v.清理債務 [To pay off (a debt, a claim, or an obligation); settle.] ex. To liquidate(a debt, such as a mortgage)by installment payments. 分期償還 ps.1 inquidate也可以指公司賣出所有資產,來償還債務。 ps.2 liquidate people 是「清掉惹麻煩的人」的意思。 ex. Hitler tried to liquidate the Jews in Germany. 希特勒試圖全部消滅德國的猶太人。 v.將...變換成現金 [To convert (assets) into cash.] lissome liss(=lithe)-some adj.柔軟的 [ lithesome or lithe, esp. of body; supple; flexible.] 字源:liss其實就是lithe的意思。 類似的還有bliss, blithe 聯想:kiss的時候要lissome 同義:limber, lithe c.f lassitude n.無精打采、厭倦 lissome a.柔軟的 lithe adj.易彎的,柔軟的 [bending readily; pliant; limber; supple; flexible] ex. the lithe body of a ballerina. ps. lithe adj.易彎的、柔軟的 blithe adj.歡樂的、快活的 list n.名冊;目錄 [a series of names or other items written or printed together in a meaningful grouping or sequence so as to constitute a record] ex. a list of members. v.傾斜(像船一樣的傾斜) [ leaning to one side, as of a ship.] ex. The ship listed to the right 船向右傾。 list <> be upright listless adj.無精打采的,倦怠的 [ Lacking energy or disinclined to exert effort; lethargic] ex. He was listless and pale and wouldn't eat much. ps. list 有也當作"desire"的意思(verb),它之後我們會談到 lust是同來源的。 Quick Reivew ---------------------------------------- 字根liter == letter 文字 liter-al adj.照字面的、逐字的 il-liter-acy n.文盲 liter-ate a.能讀寫的、受過教育的 (有文學知識的) // il-liter-ate a.不會讀寫的 liter-ature n.文學 liter-ary n.文人[-ary 為集合名詞] adj.文學的 liter-atus n.文人、學者 // liter-ati 複數 ---------------------------------------- literal liter(letter)-al adj.照字面的、逐字的 [Conforming or limited to the simplest, nonfigurative, or most obvious meaning of a word or words.] ex. There had been a literal truth in his declaration. 從字面上看,他剛才說的話並不假。 adj.如實的,不誇張的 [Avoiding exaggeration, metaphor, or embellishment; factual] Litterally speaking( in a litteral sense), I have a bady now. literate liter(letter)-ate adj.能讀寫的 [able to read and write.] ex. The Greeks became more literate, more capable of recording their history and ideas. 希臘人變得更通文達理,更有能力來記載他們的曆史和思想了。 adj.受過教育的(在某些特別的領域)[Knowledgeable or educated in a particular field or fields.] n.能讀寫的人 literati n.文人、學者 [persons of scholarly or literary attainments; intellectuals] ex. For a long, long time, the Chinese literati have aspired to bring home the Nobel Prize. 對於這個獎,中國的文化人已經盼了很久很久。 litigant lit(law)-ig(=ag;do)-ant n.訴訟當事人(被告與原告都算是litigant) [a person engaged in a lawsuit.] adj.訴訟當事人的 [ engaged in a lawsuit.] arbitrator:disputants=judge:litigants 仲裁者解決爭論者的爭紛=法官解決訴訟當事人的爭紛 litigation n.訴訟 [To contest in legal proceedings.] ps. Litigation is the process of fighting or defending a case in a civil court of law. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ejeanlien :~推 02/18 12:44
catalparue :謝謝分享 ^___^ 02/18 20:34
Teachor :推~感謝大大分享^^ 02/18 20:39
csjiuun :推~ 02/19 12:50
barista147 :辛苦了 謝謝!!! 02/19 20:37