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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23925413 loll v.懶洋洋地倚靠或躺 [ to recline or lean in a relaxed, lazy, or indolent manner; lounge] ex. to loll on a sofa. ex. He lolled back in his comfortable chair. 聯想:字型還長得滿像床的--橫著看 字源:loll 原來是指在火爐旁睡覺 loll <> move vigorously longevity long-ev(L. aevum; age, time)-ity n.長壽 [a long individual life; great duration of individual life] ex. France's past is distinguished by more than longevity, resiliencey, and culture. 法國的過去不僅僅以曆史悠久,富有韌性和文化燦爛而著稱。 ps. medieval [476~1453] medium aevum (middle age原本的拼法)-al adj.中世紀的 longing long-ing n.渴望 [strong, persistent desire or craving, esp. for something unattainable or distant] ps. 就是會有點sad的那種desire,因為得不到或者是太遙遠了。 ex. a longing for coming home. X Japan 的 《Longing ~跡切??melody》 long-winded long(長)-wind(蜿蜒)-ed adj.冗長的;囉嗦的 [ talking or writing at tedious length] ex. We all grew weary of his long-winded speech. 我們對他冗長的發言都感到很厭煩。 loom n.織布機 [a hand-operated or power-driven apparatus for weaving fabrics] v.隱約地出現 [to appear indistinctly; come into view in indistinct and enlarged form] ex. an enormous shape looms in the distance. ex. A ship loomed out of the fog. 一艘船在霧中隱約出現。 聯想:你可以織布機慢慢織,然後圖形就隱約地出現 ps. 還記得呼 --- heirloom n.傳家寶 loon n.一種鳥 [any of several large, short-tailed, web-footed, fish-eating diving birds of the genus Gavia, of the Northern Hemisphere.] ps. 牠的名字叫潛鳥,短尾、有蹼、會俯衝入水來抓魚吃、居住在北半球。 n.瘋子、笨蛋 [a crazy or simple-minded person.] 聯想:這種呆頭呆腦的鳥,原來叫潛鳥阿~ loop n.圈,環 ex. circuit loop loophole loop-hole n.射彈孔 [A small hole or slit in a wall, especially one through which small arms may be fired.] n. 法律漏洞 [A way of escaping a difficulty, especially an omission or ambiguity in the wording of a contract or law that provides a means of evading compliance.] ex. tax loophole 漏稅 loosen loose-en v.鬆開,解開 [To untie or make looser.] ex. The government's control over the newspapers has loosened in recent years. 近幾年來政府對報紙的控制變鬆了。 lope v.跳躍著奔跑 [to move or run with bounding steps] ex. The deer went off at an easy lope . 那鹿輕鬆地跳躍著去了。 v.大步慢跑 [to canter(慢跑) leisurely with a rather long, easy stride, as a horse] n. [the act or the gait of loping.] 聯想: Jennifer Lopez(珍妮佛羅佩茲) lopes 字源:ME < D lopen to run, leap lope:run=drawl:speak 慢跑和跑=慢說和說 lopsided adj.傾向一側的 [Heavier, larger, or higher on one side than on the other.] ps. 比方說高低不平,就可以用這個字來形容。 ex. a lopsided chair 聯想:loop的一的圈圈被拿掉了,於是就不平了 loquacious loqu-acious adj.多話的 [talking or tending to talk much or freely; talkative; chattering; babbling; garrulous] review p.170 ---------------------------------------- 字根locut、loqu是說的意思 (雖然locut較少見) elocution n.演說術 (在演講中風格、用詞和表達的藝術;像手勢、陰陽頓挫 ) = oratory eloquence n.雄辯、能言善道 [Persuasive, powerful discourse.] eloquent adj.雄辯的、能言善道的 [例如諸葛亮的雄辯] interlocutor n. 對話者 locution n.獨特的措辭、慣用語 = idiom ---------------------------------------- lot n. 大量 ex. a lot of friends n. 一塊地 ex. a parking lot n. 籤(用來作決定用的物體) [the use of objects in making a determination or choice at random] ex. They drew lots to decide who should begin. 他們用抽籤的方法來決定誰先開始。 v.抽籤 lottery lot-ery n.獎券 [a gambling game or method of raising money, as for some public charitable purpose, in which a large number of tickets are sold and a drawing is held for certain prizes.] ex. Marriage is a lottery. 婚姻全靠緣份。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: