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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23925444 lounge v.懶洋洋地閒逛 [To move or act in a lazy, relaxed way; loll] ex. lounging on the sofa n. [A public waiting room, as in a hotel or an air terminal] ps.飯店、旅館、機場的候機室等的休息室 字源:原本的概念來自於"to stretch out" ps. lounge music 沙發音樂 loutish lout-ish adj.笨拙的;粗野的 [like or characteristic of a lout; awkward; clumsy; boorish.] ps.1 lout n.笨拙、粗野的人 [an awkward, stupid person; clumsy, ill-mannered boor] 題外話:Lout Gehrig 是大聯盟史上第一個單場擊出四支全壘打的球員,同時也是洋基唯一的一位。 low adj.低的 v.牛哞哞叫 [ to utter the deep, low sound characteristic of cattle; moo.] loyal adj.忠誠的 [faithful to one's sovereign, government, or state] ps. 也可以指忠於自己的誓言、責任、理由、某位領導者等.. ex. We will remain loyal, come hell or high water. 字源:< MF, OF loial, le(i)al < L le-ga-lis 跟字根leg law有關 ps. royal adj.王室的 其中roy是字根reg king 的衍化 lubricant lubric(to make slippery)-ant n.潤滑劑 [a substance, as oil or grease, for lessening friction, esp. in the working parts of a mechanism.] ps.也可以指 KY ... 潤滑人用的潤滑劑 ex. Gear lubricant 齒輪潤滑油 字源:< L lu-bricant- (s. of lu-brica-ns), prp. of lu-brica-re to make slippery lubricate lubric(to make slippery)-ate v.滑潤 [to apply some oily or greasy substance to (a machine, parts of a mechanism, etc.) in order to diminish friction] ps.還可以用於指舒緩人際關係等等 ex. You should lubricate the wheels of your bicycle once a month. 你應該每個月給自行車輪子加一次潤滑油。 lucid luc(light)-id adj.清楚易懂的 [easily understood; completely intelligible or comprehensible] ex. a lucid explanation. adj.頭腦清楚的 [Mentally sound; sane or rational.] ps. Lucid Dreaming 在意識清醒的時候所作的夢 adj.清澈的;透明的 [=limpid; clear, transparent,] 字源:< L lu-cidus, = lu-c-(s. of lu-x light) + -idus -id c.f p.292 limpid limp(water)-id adj.清澈的;透明的 [clear, transparent, or pellucid, as water, crystal, or air] ex. We could see to the very bottom of the limpid pond. ex. limpid eyes adj.暢達的(ex.文體)[free from obscurity; lucid; clear] ex. a limpid style; limpid prose. 字源:L. limpidus clear,其中的 limp(a)是 water的意思,與 lymph(淋巴,淋巴液)同源的,指的都是clear water lucrative lucre(money)-ative adj.能賺錢的,有利可圖的 [profitable; moneymaking; remunerative] ex. a lucrative business; a lucrative investment ex. Farmers abandoned the land for more lucrative employment in the booming construction industry. 農民們拋棄了土地,到發達的建築業中去找更能賺錢的職業。 lucre n.金錢 ps. lucre雖然當作money來解釋,但是卻含有"avarice"、"shameful gain"意味在,因此除非你想特別指不好的錢,不然一般用money就好了。 ex. I don't want to lose my health for the sake of filthy lucre. 我不想為了幾個臭錢而損傷身體。 字源: L. lucrum profit ludicrous ludicr(joke)-ous adj.荒唐可笑的 [ Laughable or hilarious because of obvious absurdity or incongruity.] ex. The old woman looked ludicrous in her daughter's clothes. 老婦人穿著她女兒的衣服,看上去很滑稽。 音:ludicrous 與 ridiculous發音很像 字源:L. ludicrum source of amusement, joke ludicrous:buffoon lug v.使勁的拖拉 [to pull or tug laboriously.] ex. to lug a suitcase upstairs. n. [an act or instance of lugging; a forcible pull] 音:拉 聯想: pull + tug lukewarm luke(tepid)-warm adj.微溫的 [moderately warm; tepid.] ex. lukewarm water 溫水 ex. lukewarm swimming pool adj.不夠熱心的 [having or showing little ardor, zeal, or enthusiasm; indifferent] ex. lukewarm praise 不夠熱情的讚揚 字源:ME lukewarme tepid, = luke tepid+ warme warm 聯想:我是用Lue...一位NBA player的名字去記得,因為Lue長得小小的,所以lukewarm就是小小的warm。 lull v.使入睡 [to put to sleep or rest by soothing means] ex. to lull a child by singing. ex. The motion of the train soon lulled me to sleep. 火車的行駛很快使我進入夢鄉。 v.平息、安靜 [ to soothe or quiet.] n.暫時的平靜 [A relatively calm interval, as in a storm.] ex. a lull in the conversation 談話的中斷 聯想:lull 的u表示睡覺睡到流口水, ps. loll v.懶洋洋地倚靠 的o是指一棵頭 lullaby lulla(=lull)-by(bye) n.搖籃曲 [a song used to lull a child to sleep; cradlesong.] 聯想:lull + baby 哄寶寶入睡的歌 字源:lulla lull + -by bye "Johannes Brahms(布拉姆斯) - Lullaby....應該很多人都有聽過" lumber n.木材 [timber sawed or split into planks, boards, etc.] ps. timber 是原始的木材,裁切成板子好的木材教lumber v.裁切木材準備銷售 [to cut timber and prepare it for market.] v.笨重地移動 [ to move clumsily or heavily, esp. from great or ponderous bulk] ex. overloaded wagons lumbering down the dirt road. lumber:grace 笨拙地移動不會優雅 c.f timber n.木材(原料) lumber n.木材 (裁切好的) limb n.樹的枝幹 lumberjack lumber-jack n.伐木工人 [a person who works at lumbering; a person whose job is to cut down trees] 字源:因為 Jack一氏大多在作木工 ps. blacksmith -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: