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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23925478 lumen n.光通量單位 [ Optics. the unit of luminous flux] luminary n.發光的星體 [a celestial body, as the sun or moon.] ps. 只要是能發光的物體都可以較作luminary n.才智出眾的人 [a person who has attained eminence in his or her field or is an inspiration to others] ps. illuminate in-lumin(light)-ate v.照亮 [ to supply or brighten with light; light up.] v.闡明 [ To make understandable; clarify] ex. even wrong guesses illuminate the problem. lump n. [a piece or mass of solid matter without regular shape or of no particular shape] ex. a lump of coal. ps. 還可以當方糖,lump of sugar, 就是泡咖啡用小方糖。 n.隆起,腫塊 [ a protuberance or swelling] ex. a lump in her right breast n.整個 [A collection or totality; an aggregate.] ps. lump sum 一次付款額 ex. A pension is often commutable into a lump sum. 養老金常可改為一次性總付款 v.把...弄成一團 [To put together in a single group without discrimination.] lunar luna(moon)-ar adj.月的 [ of or pertaining to the moon] ex. the lunar orbit. ex. lunar calendar ps. 1 Luna 月亮女神 ps.2. Luna Sea ...超強的主唱:河村隆一 《I For You》...(歌詞) lunatic luna(moon)-tic n.瘋子 [an insane person; a person whose actions and manner are marked by extreme eccentricity or recklessness.] adj.瘋的,精神錯亂的 [insane; demented] ex. He must be lunatic to drive his car so fast. 他把車開這麼快一定是瘋了。 ps. 古代人認為精神病與月亮盈缺有關,因為精神病看起來是periodic的 lurch n.突然傾斜 [an act or instance of swaying abruptly.] ps. 可以用來指船突然傾斜一邊,比方說人進船的時候。 n.蹣跚 [ an awkward, swaying or staggering motion or gait.] v.突然傾斜 [to make a lurch; move with lurches; stagger] ex. The ship lurched in the storm. ex. The car gave a start and then lurched forward. 聯想:On the way to the church, he walks with lurch. ps.有一隻名叫Lurch的牛,很特別(see it)。 字源不詳 lurch <> progress smoothly lurk v.潛伏 [to lie or wait in concealment, as a person in ambush; remain in or around a place secretly or furtively.] ex. a man lurking in the shadows. ex. danger lurking around every bend. v.偷偷地行動 [To move furtively; sneak.] 字源:c.1300, lurken "to hide, lie hidden," probably from Scand. 聯想:The turk is good at lurking. 土耳其人善於潛伏 c.f lurk n.潛伏 意思較偏向單純指hide ambush v.伏擊 除了有 hide外加 attack lurid adj.可怕的 [Causing shock or horror; gruesome.] adj.火紅的; 豔紅的 [lighted or shining with an unnatural, fiery glow; wildly or garishly red] ex. lurid sunset 豔紅色的夕陽 adj.轟動的 [glaringly vivid or sensational; shocking] ex. a lurid account of the crime 字源: L. lu-ridus 最原先的意思是「可怕的」,後來變成可怕的顏色;類似血的顏色,就是豔紅色。在18xx年,才有「sensational」的字義出現。 聯想: lu + red 這樣看,裡面就有個紅色了。 lush adj.蒼翠繁茂的 [Having or characterized by luxuriant vegetation.] ex. The beautifully landscaped gardens sprawl with lush vegetation. adj.豪華的 [characterized by luxuriousness, opulence] ex. the lush decoration of a grand hotel. 聯想:The bush is lush. 這灌木叢蒼翠繁茂。 字源:跟字根lax loosen有關,因為原指植物鮮嫩多汁,很柔翠。 lush <> sere adj.乾焦的;枯萎的 lustrous luster-ous adj.有光澤的 [having luster; shining] ex. lustrous pearls 明亮的珍珠 lust n.強烈的慾望 [An overwhelming desire or craving] ex. the lust of conquest 征服欲 ex. wanderlust 旅行癖 n.強烈的性慾 [Intense or unrestrained sexual craving.] ps.《 Love or Lust 》 平井堅的歌 v.強烈地渴望 [ to have a yearning or desire; have a strong or excessive craving] luxury luxur(excess)-y n.奢侈品 [Something inessential but conducive to pleasure and comfort.] ex. Cream cakes are no long a luxury. 奶油蛋糕再也不是奢侈品了。 n.奢侈,奢華 [Sumptuous living or surroundings] ex. They live in luxury. 他們生活奢華。 字源: L. luxuria excess luxurious adj.奢侈的 [characterized by luxury] adj.豪華的;非常舒適的 [Of a sumptuous, costly, or rich variety] ex. luxurious hotels. luxuriant adj.繁茂的 [Characterized by rich or profuse growth ; producing or yielding in abundance] ex. Luxuriant forests covered the hills. 山丘上長滿茂密的樹木。 ex. a luxuriant imagination 豐富的想像力 這兩個字常常被搞混。 luxurious 是形容奢侈的、豪華的;它是高檔的(high quality),但不一定要數量多 luxuriant 是形容繁茂的;它是數量多的(high quantity),但不一定要高檔 如果你說,luxurious sakura, 是指很高檔的櫻花,很貴、很難買到。 而 luxurant sakura,是指很多櫻花,像三月櫻花翩翩。 另外,我們之前也提過 florid vs flourish ... review p.206 florid adj.華麗的(有過份、不好的意味在) flourish n/v.茂盛,繁茂 lyric lyra- ic n.抒情詩;抒情作品 [Of or relating to a category of poetry that expresses subjective thoughts and feelings, often in a songlike style or form.] n.歌詞 adj. 抒情的 ex. a lyric love poem 一首愛情抒情詩 字源:from Gk. lyre 指一種琴,長的有點像harp,在希臘的神話中lyre是Hermes從一個牛身體中拉出來的。 在古希臘時代,詩歌是用一種被稱為「詩琴」(lyre)的樂器在伴奏下吟唱的,猶如我國古代《詩經》中的詩篇是吟唱的一樣。這種樂器因有七根弦,可以抱在懷中,因而也稱七絃琴、抱琴或里拉琴。 ps. 現在lyra 指天琴座 libretto:opera=lyrics:song 劇本:歌劇=歌詞:歌曲 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: