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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23997131 macabre adj.可怕的 [gruesome and horrifying; ghastly; horrible.] ex. Police have made a macabre discovery. adj.以死亡為主題的 [of, pertaining to, dealing with, or representing death] adj.象徵死亡之舞的 [of or suggestive of the allegorical dance of death.] 字源:Macabre 最早是出現在 John Lydgate的寫作之中,使以 Macabrees daunce的形式出現。 John Lydgate以為 Macabree是個法國作家的名字,但事實上,他搞錯了古法文 Danse Macabre(the Dance of Dance; 一種藝術形式) 的意思了,在Danse Macbre中,死神帶領各階級的人走向他們最後之地。 而Macbre當作死亡的由來,是跟猶太的烈士Maccabees有關,他幫助猶太人奪回了耶路撒冷,並在之後不久獻身死亡,後世紀念他而有了「光明節」...相關故事可以參考這篇 Macabre is first recorded in the phrase Macabrees daunce in a work written around 1430 by John Lydgate. Macabree was thought by Lydgate to be the name of a French author, but in fact he misunderstood the Old French phrase Danse Macabre, "the Dance of Death," a subject of art and literature.In this dance, Death leads people of all classes and walks of life to the same final end.The macabre element may be an alteration of Macabe, "a Maccabee." The Maccabees were Jewish martyrs who were honored by a feast throughout the Western Church, and reverence for them was linked to reverence for the dead. Today macabre has no connection with the Maccabees and little connection with the Dance of Death, but it still has to do with death. macerate macer(make soft)-ate v.浸軟 [ to soften or separate into parts by steeping in a liquid.] ex. to macerate strawberry with cognac(科涅克白蘭地) /*[konj?k]]*/ ps. 就類似水+泡麵的感覺 字源: L ma-cera-tus (ptp. of ma-cera-re to make soft) 題外:西川貴教 有一首歌叫Tears Macerate Reason 我覺得title取的很好 (listen to it) macerate <> harden by drying machination machine-ation n.策劃 [The act of plotting.] n.陰謀 [A crafty scheme or cunning design for the accomplishment of a sinister end.] ex. The spy, a past master of machination , was caught at last. 這個老奸巨滑的間諜終於被逮住了。 字的概念:因為機器中含有精心設計的概念,後來就形成了「陰謀的概念」,像老子也說過:「智慧出,有大偽」,其概念相同。 ps. machine n.機器 [A system or device for doing work] ps. 像computer, lever, 人體器官,都可以稱為machine v.用機器做 [To be cut, shaped, or finished by machine] 字源: L. machina machine, engine, fabric, frame, device, trick 字根 machin machine n.機器 machine-ery n.一組機器 [an assemblage of machines ] machine-ation n.陰謀 字根 mechan = machin mechan-ic n.修理工,技工 mechan-ics n.力學 mechan-ism n.機制 mechan-ical a.機器的 [Of or relating to machines] maculate macul(to spot; stain)-ate v.加斑點;弄污 adj.[spotted; stained.] review. immaculate adj.潔淨的, 無瑕疵的 字源:L. macula-tus (ptp. of macula-re to spot, stain) 聯想:fuck!you勒 maculate my beauty. XX! 玷污我的美 madrigal n.牧歌 長智慧--madrigal 牧歌是什麼? 原本是指一種在義大利的音樂形式,又稱Trecento,繁盛於1300-1370年。經常是two voices的唱法,而主題時常是以農村牧野。 現在所指的madrigal是在16~17世紀時(文藝復新與巴洛克時期)的音樂,它是一種室內樂,大多為無伴奏的複調音樂。通常牧歌是由三到六個聲部來演唱,歌詞內容幾乎全與愛情有關。 聯想: A Madrid girl is singing a mardrigal. 一位馬德里少女唱正唱者牧歌 maelstrom mael(荷蘭語 驚人的)-strom n. 大漩渦 [a large, powerful, or violent whirlpool.] ex. The maelstrom sucked in the canoe. 大漩渦吞沒了獨木舟。 ex. Caught in the maelstrom of war. 陷入戰爭的大漩渦之中 字源:whirlpool off the northwest coast of Norway," from Dan. malstr?m (1673), from Du. Maelstrom, lit. "grinding-stream," from malen "to grind" magenta n.紅紫色 [a purplish red.] Magenta 地名 長智慧 -- Magenta是個義大利的地名,在1859年的Magenta之役 (the Battle of Magenta),法國與薩丁尼亞(Sardinians)聯軍擊敗了 奧地利(Austrians) 。而在戰役之後,不久變發現了crimson aniline dye 深紅色苯胺染料,便以此地名命為此種顏色,此外crimson aniline dye ,也加速了義大利的獨立,與激發了對歐洲自由的想像。 magisterial magister(=master)-ial adj.專家的、有權威的 [Of, relating to, or characteristic of a master or teacher; authoritative] ex. Merriam-Webster is a magisterial dictionary. 字源: L. magister master magnanimous magn(large)-anim(spirit)-ous adj.寬宏大量的 [Courageously noble in mind and heart.] ps. 像是你對於曾經攻擊過你的人寬懷、或是對被你打敗的人和善,就是magnanimous的意思。 ex. to be magnanimous toward one's enemies. 字構:拉丁字根magn的意思是 large、great magnanimity magn(large)-anim-ity n.寬宏大量 [the quality of being magnanimous.] ex. Her magnanimity provoked his tears. 她的寬宏大量惹起他的眼淚 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: