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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23997739 magnate magn(great)-ate n.巨頭,大王;要人 [A powerful or influential person, especially in business or industry.] ex. a railroad magnate ex. John Davison Rockefeller was an oil magnate. 洛克菲勒是石油大王。 聯想: magnet磁鐵 magnate大王 ps. magnet n.磁鐵 [from Gk. Ma'gne-s] magnify magn(great)-ify v.放大 [To make greater in size; enlarge.] ps. 也可以指用放大鏡放大 ex. This lens can magnify 20 times. v.誇大 [To cause to appear greater or seem more important than is in fact the case; exaggerate] ex. Don't magnify your success. 別誇大你的成功。 magnificent magn-ify-cent adj.壯麗的,宏偉的 [Splendid in appearance; grand] ps.指外表的壯麗 ex. That is magnificent St. Peter's Basilica. 那就是宏偉的聖彼得大教堂 adj.高貴的,高尚的 [Grand or noble in thought or deed] ex. His magnificent ideas had a great influence on me. magnitude magn-itude n.巨大,廣大 [Greatness in size or extent] ex. The magnitude of the flood was impossible to comprehend. ex. we were shocked by the magnitude of the crisis. n.星球的光亮度 magpie n.喜鵲 n.饒舌的人 [A person who chatters.] 音:magpie ~ make a pie A magpie repeatedly says "make a pie, make a pie" 字源:magpie 的mag是人名Margaret(瑪格利特)的nickname,在早期的時候,這個名字常指閒話連篇的女生。 而pie在早期本來就有「喜鵲」的意思了。 maintenance main(hand)-ten(hold)-ance n.維持 [The act of maintaining or the state of being maintained.] n. [Means of support or livelihood] ex. to earn money for the maintenance of her family ps. maintain main(hand)-tain(hold) v.維持 [To keep up or carry on; continue] ex. to maintain good relations. v. [To provide for; support] ex.to maintain a family. c.f. maintain v.維持 v.提供 ex. to maintain good relations. ex. to maintain a family. retain v.保持 v.記住 [ to keep in mind] re是again的意思 ex. He retains a deep respect for the professor ex. She retains a clear memory of her school days sustain v.支持 sus=sub做上解 ex. A faith sustained him. brief review ---------------------------------------- 字根 ten -->tin tain == hold *tent tinu tenable adj.可維持的 [able to hold] tenure n.佔有期、任期 ---------------------------------------- maize n.玉米 [ chiefly in British and technical usage] ps. maize主要使用在英國,與技術上的用語,一般我們說「corn」就可以了 音:妹子 .. 妹子在種maize 字源:從西班牙文的 maiz來的 長常識 -- 玉米原產於中美洲,是印地安人培育的主要糧食作物,16世紀時傳入中國,目前是全世界總產量最高的糧食作物。 majestic majest(major)-ic adj.宏偉的; 崇高的 [Having or showing lofty dignity or nobility; grand] ex. He looks majestic in uniform. 字源:majes- large maladroit mal(bad)-adroit(skilled) adj.笨拙的 [lacking in adroitness; unskillful; awkward; inept] ex. His handling of the negotiations was maladroit. 他的談判技巧十分拙劣. 字首mal- 是「bad」、「ill」的意思,(mal與 bad的發音還滿類似的) malaise mal(bad)-aise(=ease) n.不舒服、倦怠感 [a condition of general bodily weakness or discomfort, often marking the onset of a disease.] ps. malaise常指的是快要生病前的那種不舒服,比方說要感冒前,都會有身體疲倦的情形,那就是malaise。 n. [A general sense of depression or unease] ps. 更可以廣泛的指"不舒服" ex. Stock prices have fallen considerably during the current economic malaise. 股票價格因為當前的經濟蕭條已大幅度下跌。 音:沒累死 ---- 即使沒累死,也會不舒服(malaise) ps.1 ease n.舒適, 自在 [The condition of being comfortable or relieved; freedom from pain, worry, or agitation] v.使舒適 [To free from pain, worry, or agitation] ps.2 disease dis-ease n.疾病 malapropism mal(bad)-apropism n.文字誤用 [an act or habit of misusing words ridiculously, esp. by the confusion of words that are similar in sound.] ps. 尤指誤用發音相似而意義不同的詞語,這個在日文中非常常見唷,比方說???可以指「青蛙」,也可以當「回來」的動詞辭書型。 ex. phiscal year (fiscal) ex. What a terrible cat's after me!" (catastrophe) 字源:Mrs. Malaprop, 一個喜劇中的角色,她常常搞錯字,18世紀Richard Brinsley Sheridan 的喜劇作品, The Rivals. malapropism:verbal=gaffe:social 詞語誤用是言辭錯誤=社交失禮是社交錯誤 malcontent mal(bad)-content(滿足的) adj.不滿的 [not satisfied or content with currently prevailing conditions or circumstances.] n.不滿現狀的人 [a malcontent person, esp. one who is chronically discontented or dissatisfied.] ex. The reform shows the anger of malcontent to the current government. review content n.內容 | content a/n/v.滿足(的) content-ion n.爭論、論點、主張 | content-ed a.滿足的 content-ious a.好爭論的 | content-ment n.滿足 (tent做stretch解) | (tent 做hold解) malevolent male(mal;bad)-vol(will)-ent adj.有惡意的 [Having or exhibiting ill will; wishing harm to others] ex. Her stare was malevolent. 她凝視的目光含有惡意。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
csjiuun :推~ 02/19 15:55