精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23997761 賀~終於300篇了!! 這會是一個結束,還是一個開始呢 malfeasance mal(bad)-feas(do)-ance n.瀆職 [the performance by a public official of an act that is legally unjustified, harmful, or contrary to law; wrongdoing] ps. malfeasance 指的是像市長、總統之類的public official作瀆職、違法的事情。 ex. The mayor was condemned for the monstrous malfeasance. review p.199 feasible feas(do, make)-ible adj.可行的;可實行的 malpractice mal(bad)-practice n.醫生誤診 [Mistakes or negligent conduct by a professional person, especially a physician, that results in damage to others, such as misdiagnosis of a serious illness.] ps.1 malpractice常用在「醫生誤診」,但也可以指律師、會計師失職等專業人士的失職。 ps.2 (maybe 波波) ps. practitioner n.醫生、律師之類專業人士的開業者 malfunction mal(bad)-function n.發生故障;機能失常[failure to function properly] ps.可指的範圍較廣泛;機器,人體器官都可以 ex. the malfunction of a rocket. v.故障 [ to fail to function properly.] ex. The radiation can damage microprocessors and computer memories, causing them to malfunction. 閒聊:wardrobe malfunction 衣櫥故障了! [a euphemistic term for an embarrassing display of a body part when clothing droops, falls] c.f dysfunction dys(difficult,ill,bad)-function n. 機能障礙 [ especially of a bodily system or social group;] ps.專用於「人」方面,比方說:身體器官、社會關係、人際關係有了什麼障礙 ex. severe emotional dysfunction ex. sexual dysfunction 性功能障礙 malice mal(bad)-ice(noun suffix from French) n.惡意 [desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile impulse or out of deep-seated meanness] ex. "Please don't bear me malice because I can't accede to your wish," said he, with a melancholy smile. 「請不要恨我不能滿足你的願望」,他露出惆悵的微笑。 bear me malice/ bear malice to me 對我生恨 malicious mal(bad)-ice-ous adj.惡意的 [ full of, characterized by, or showing malice; malevolent] ex. malicious software 惡意軟體 (see wiki) malign mal-benign v.誹謗 [to speak harmful untruths about; speak evil of; slander; defame] ex. to malign an honorable man. adj.惡意的 [having or showing an evil disposition; malevolent; malicious.] ex. She gave him a malign look. ex.a malign tumor 惡性腫瘤 ps. mal-ign adj.惡意的 v.誹謗 ben-ign adj.仁慈的 [showing or expressive of gentleness or kindness] brief review and 有加一些補充 --------------------------------------- **說壞話 ex.亂說別人沒有忠誠or是漢奸之類的 to attack the good name or reputation with false and malicious statements asperse v.誹謗; 灑聖水 有 spread unfavorable charges的意味 calumniate v.誹謗 口語上的誹謗 defame v.誹謗 用 misrepresentation的方式 libel v.誹謗 用文字或圖畫 malign v.誹謗 強調惡意"malicious intent" slander v.誹謗 口語上的誹謗 ...from scandal n.醜聞 traduce v.誹謗 還有 humiliation的意味 vilify v.誹謗 to deliberate,vicious defamation --------------------------------------- malinger mal-linger v.裝病以逃避工作、職責 [to pretend illness, esp. in order to shirk one's duty, avoid work, etc.] ex. She was told by her doctor that she was malingering. 她被她的醫生說,她正在裝病。 聯想:mal(bad) + linger(逗留, 徘徊) 不當的逗留來逃避工作 字源:malinger的 linger是古法文的heingre而來的,它的意思是sickly。所以在早期有當surfer,也有當 pretend to be ill. malleable malle(=mallet;hammer)-able adj.有延展性的 [Capable of being shaped or formed, as by hammering or pressure] ex. a malleable metal. ex. the young are more malleable than the old. 字源:L mallea-bilis,= malle(a-re) to hammer (deriv. of L malleus hammer) + -a-bilis -able review gavel n.小木槌(法官、拍賣用的) [gave給,l ( 在空中畫出的曲線 )] gravel n.砂礫 mammal mamma(mama)-al n.哺乳動物 ex. The whale is the largest mammal in all creation. 鯨是全世界最大的哺乳動物。 字源:在拉丁文中mamma 指的是breast乳房,哺乳類的動物會吃奶... mammoth adj.長毛象(也稱猛?象) [ any large, elephantlike mammal of the extinct genus Mammuthus, from the Pleistocene Epoch, having hairy skin and ridged molar teeth.] adj.巨大的 字源:從俄文來的,mammot,原來用來指在西伯利亞找到的動物遺骸。 brief review --------------------------------------- mend v.修正 amend v.修正 amendment n.修正案 // revision emend v.校正 commend v.稱讚 recommend v.推薦 c.f 字根 mand == 命令 order mandatory a.命令的、強制的 command v.命令 --------------------------------------- mandate mand(command)-ate n.命令 [An authoritative command or instruction.] ex. The government gives the police a mandate to reduce crime. 政府命令警方進一步打擊犯罪活動. ps. mandate of heaven 天命 mandatory mand-atory adj.命令的; 強制的(義務的) [authoritatively ordered; obligatory; compulsory] ex. It is mandatory that all students take two years of math. 每個學生要接受兩年的數學課,這是強制的。 ex. It's mandatory to pay taxes. 繳稅是義務性的 mangle v.嚴重損傷 [to injure severely, disfigure, or mutilate by cutting, slashing, or crushing] ex. He was badly mangled in an automobile accident. 他在一次車禍中被壓得血肉模糊。 ex. The coat sleeve was mangled in the gears of the machine. ps. 還有「軋布機」的意思唷...看看就好了 音: mangle -- 面勾到了...血肉模糊 字源:mangle 的字義,在很早的時候跟"engine of war"有關 c.f mingle v.使混合 [from mix] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ukujam :恭喜! 300真是個里程碑 02/18 23:33
shapi :辛苦了!!!!!!推 02/19 00:09
ikemen :太棒了!!x大又讓我重新燃起對英文的興趣!! 02/19 02:48
csjiuun :用心推~~~ 02/19 11:51
fkwhooi13579:用心推!!!!!!! 02/19 12:33
boloo :X大真的很用心 02/19 13:06
think12381 :感謝X大 過年還在幫大家整理~ 02/19 13:48
granas :感謝推! 02/19 13:52
jachoke :贊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 02/19 18:47
TP6XUP6 :推推推 02/19 20:37
nt92 :push!! 02/20 00:23
gun910 :太棒了拉 x大的部落格陪伴我度過背紅寶的時光阿!!! 02/20 02:23