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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23997823 問個小問題, 推文前面有顯示 = ~ 那個要怎麼設定阿..... mania n.狂;狂熱 [ excessive excitement or enthusiasm; craze] ex. The country has a mania for soccer. ps. 常常接在字尾,作為對什麼狂熱...Obamamania 字源:Gk mani'a madness manifest man(hand)-ifest(~infest; struck) [用手打得到的,明顯的] /* infest 的字源跟assail有關*/ adj.明顯的 [Clearly apparent to the sight or understanding; obvious] ex. the manifest failure of the policies v.顯示,表露 [To show or demonstrate plainly; reveal] ex. She manifests much desire to marry him. 她表白真想嫁給他的意願。 n.乘客名單 [A list of cargo or passengers carried on a ship or plane.] n.貨品清單(火車、船等所運的貨物之清單) [An invoice of goods carried on a truck, train, or ship.] late 14c., "clearly revealed," from L. manifestus "caught in the act, plainly apprehensible, clear, evident," from manus "hand" (see manual) + -festus "struck" (cf. second element of infest). 字源:從 L. manifestus,意思是"caught in the act, plainly apprehensible, clear, evident",最初的字義是形容詞「明顯的」。在1706年有了船的貨物的字義,演化到今日的字義是「乘客名單」與「貨品清單」。 補充:Manifest Destiny 認為美國領土應向西擴張到太平洋的觀念。該用語是編輯J. L.奧沙利文在1845年首先提出,以表達美國兼併得克薩斯州以及通過擴張佔領美洲大陸其餘領土是美國人的神聖權力,因而成為美國兼併俄勒岡、新墨西哥、加利福尼亞以及後來幹涉阿拉斯加、夏威夷和菲律賓的藉口 manifestation manifest-ation n.顯示,表明 [an act of manifesting.] ex. Fever is one manifestation of a cold. n.示威運動 [a public demonstration, as for political effect.] ps.也可以當作一種心理的理論:當你在心裡想什麼,未來就會顯示、或發生什麼。 manifesto n.宣言[a public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or motives, as one issued by a government, sovereign, or organization.] ex. an election manifesto 選舉宣言 -- 宣告預想的政策等 ex. The Fourteen points at once became the great manifesto of the war. 這十四點原則立即成為重要的戰爭宣言。 字源:從 It. manifesto 而來的,義大利文中就是manifest的意思 manifold many-fold adj.各式各樣的;種種的 [Many and varied; of many kinds; multiple] ex. Only the blind can realized the manifold blessings that lie in sight. 只有盲人才能意識到視覺帶來的種種幸福。 n.多種 [something having many different parts or features.] v.複寫 [to make copies of, as with carbon paper.] manipulate man(hand)-i-pul(~pull)-ate v.操縱(非常有技巧的操縱) [To move, arrange, operate, or control by the hands or by mechanical means, especially in a skillful manner] ex. to manipulate people's feelings. ex. to manipulate a computer 聯想: man(手) + i + pull(拉)+ ate -- 像拉傀儡一樣操作人們 字源:maniipulate 是 maniple-ate來的, from L.manipulus man是hand的意思,pulus是個suffix。 manipulative man-i-pul(~pull)-ative adj.巧妙操縱的 ex. "Rather than simply being instinct-driven, the group says fish are cunning, manipulative and even cultured." mannered manner-ed adj.矯飾的 [Artificial or affected] ps.就是太正經、太故意,讓人覺得是裝出來、假的,我們就可以用mannered來形容 adj.守規矩的 ps.也常作復合形容詞,ex. ill-mannered mannered <> natural ps. manner n.方式 n.規矩 ex. It is bad manners to interrupt. mansion n.大廈(很大的house) [a very large, impressive, or stately residence.] ps.在日劇中,應該會不少的機會聽到這個字吧;????? = mansion。意思是公寓(多層的集合住宅)。 字源:在拉丁文中L. mansion是指 adobe(泥磚屋) mansion:residence=limousine:automobile mantle n.披風 [A loose sleeveless coat worn over outer garments; a cloak.] n.覆蓋物 [The outer covering.] ps.也可以指地函 v.覆蓋;掩藏 [To cover with or as if with a mantle; conceal.] ex. Snow mantled the trees. 雪覆蓋了樹木。 manumit man(hand)-u-mit(send) v.解放奴隸 [to release from slavery or servitude.] ps. manumission n.解放奴隸 ps.是指奴隸主自願將奴隸釋放以使其自由的行為。 review p.170 emancipate ex-man(hand)-cip(take)-ate v.解放;使不受束縛 [To free from bondage, oppression, or restraint] ex. emancipate somebody from slavery 補充:林肯 manuscript man(hand)-u-script(write) n.手稿、原稿 [the original text of an author's work, handwritten or now usually typed, that is submitted to a publisher.] ex. I am grateful to him for letting me read his early chapters in manuscript. manure n.糞肥 [excrement, esp. of animals, or other refuse used as fertilizer.] ps.指動物的排泄物,其用來當作肥料使用。(與化學肥料是不一樣的) v.施肥 [To fertilize (soil) by applying material] ex. to manure the land. 字源:原指work with hand c.f. manure n.糞肥 v.施肥 mature a.成熟的 v.使成熟 glue:seal=manure:fertilize 膠水用來密封=肥料用來施肥 maple n.楓樹 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
myrzr :~代表有人新推文; =代表文章被m以後有人新推文 02/23 19:14
xination :可是我的沒有耶... 02/23 20:29
xination :喔喔 要在個人化設定那邊改啦~ 之前把它關掉了 囧 02/23 21:08
nt92 :push! 02/23 22:33
secret999 :推~ 02/24 00:20