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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23997849 -------------------------- mar v.損傷;玷污 [To inflict damage, especially disfiguring damage, on.] ex. Nothing marred their happiness. ps. Mars 火星 原本是指羅馬人說稱的「戰神」,因為火星是紅色的,故以此為名。 marble n.大理石 ps.大理石因為盛產於雲南大理,所以因此為名,礦物成分主要為方解石,大理石磨光後非常美觀。主要用於加工成各種形材。 mare n.母馬 [An adult female horse or the female of other equine species.] ps.mare有個已經不用的字義「引起夢魘的魔鬼」, 但你仍可以在nightmare看到這個字義的存在。 nightmare n.惡夢 [ a terrifying dream in which the dreamer experiences feelings of helplessness, extreme anxiety, sorrow, etc.] margarine n.人造黃油,乳瑪琳 [a butterlike product made of refined vegetable oils, sometimes blended with animal fats, and emulsified, usually with water or milk.] 聯想: Margaret + ine 瑪格利特 + ine 字源:從GK. margaron而來,原字義為「珍珠;pearl」 其實Margaret這個名字的涵義就是珍珠唷~。 margin n.頁邊的空白 [The blank space bordering the written or printed area on a page.] ex. She added her comments in the margin. n.邊緣 [A limit in a condition or process, beyond or below which something is no longer possible or acceptable] ex. the margin of reality ex. These islands are on the margins of human habitation. marginal adj.頁邊的空白 adj.邊緣的 ps. 如果你有修一些經濟學的課的話,應該常聽到marginal effect(邊際效果),marginal utiltiy(邊際效用),marginal rate of substitution( 邊際替代率) 等等... marine mari(water)-ine adj.海的 [Of or relating to the sea] ex. marine exploration. n.水兵 [A soldier serving on a ship or at a naval installation.] 字源:L. mari-nus of the sea maritime mari(sea)-time adj.航海的 [connected with the sea in relation to navigation, shipping, etc.] adj.跟海有關的、沿海的 [Of, relating to, or adjacent to the sea.] ex. maritime province. 沿海省份 ex. maritime museum. 字源:L maritimus pertaining to the sea, = mari- sea + -timus adj. suffix marionette marion(Mary)-ette(little) n.牽線木偶 [a puppet(傀儡) manipulated from above by strings attached to its jointed limbs.] ps. Shawn Marion 字源:Fr. marionette "little little Mary" marital mari((marriage)-tal adj.婚姻的 [Of or relating to marriage] ex. marital status ex.marital problems. ps. marriage n.結婚,婚姻 marry v.和...結婚 c.f ... 一不小心就會眼殘唷 marital adj.婚姻的 martial adj.戰爭的 [from Mars+ial ] marked adj.顯著的 [strikingly noticeable; conspicuous] ex. The trends since the 1950s have become even more marked. adj.有記號的 [having a mark or marks] ex. to read the marked pages. maroon adj.褐紫紅色 [dark brownish-red.] ps.1 還有當「把人放逐到孤島以作為懲罰」的字義 ps.2 Maroon 5 中文翻成魔力紅 marsh n.沼澤、溼地 [a tract of low wet land, often treeless and periodically inundated, generally characterized by a growth of grasses] 我們來仔細講一下吧!小小地理學時間 在地理學中,marsh 或者說是 morass 都是指一種溼地,是經由經常性或連續性洪水所造成的。而一般來說在marsh是含有淺水的,裡頭會長一些早生植物,例如莎草、燈心草等等,沒有高大的樹木在裡面。 swamp跟marsh是不同類的,在swamp中含有更高比例水面積,而且有些地方可能比marsh深。在北美,swamp是用來指有樹林的溼地。 bog 與 mire也是溼地的一種,他是由酸性的泥煤,或是死掉的植物的分解物,所堆積而成的溼地。 bog 與 mire常出現於地面上的水是酸性的地方,不管是本身的地面上的水、或者是降雨的水是酸性的都可以。 Bog溼地,的特色之一就是他的水通常帶有棕色。 至於slough也是指溼地。 在英國,slough = muddy or marshy area 在美國(東、東南部),slough是一種淺水湖系統的swamp,通常是由大型水道的回水(backwater)所形成的溼地。slough裡面通常有長樹。另外slough這個字被保留來指「沒有與其他河流有連接」的freshwater swamp,slough中的水全都來自於降水。在海島上,slough是個重要的動植物棲息地,因為通常是唯一的淡水來源,像是短吻鱷也可能住在 slough中。 ---------------------------------------- ps.之前好像講的怪怪的...這邊比較正確! bog n.沼澤 [wet, spongy ground with soil composed mainly of decayed vegetable matter] mire n.沼澤 swamp n.沼澤 morass n.沼澤 marsh n.沼澤 [a tract of low wet land, often treeless and periodically inundated] marshland n.沼澤 slough n.沼澤(通用) n. 蛇蛻下的皮 ---------------------------------------- marshal n.元帥;高級將官 [A military officer of the highest rank in some countries] ps. 還有當「警官局長」、「消防隊長」一些長官的title v.編列 [To arrange or place (troops, for example) in line for a parade, maneuver, or review.] ps. 概念就是為了某種目的,聚集眾人,然後在分配。 ex. Richard was marshalling the doctors and nurses, showing them where to go. 聯想:Marshall marshal 馬歇爾元帥 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
catalparue :thanks! it really help a lot! :D 03/05 15:56