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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/24046793 marsupial n.【動】有袋動物 ex. 袋鼠 kangaroo:marsupial=squirrel:rodent 袋鼠是有袋動物=松鼠是嚙齒類動物 martial mars-ial adj.戰爭的 [Of, relating to, or suggestive of war.] ps. martial art = 武術 adj.軍隊的 [of, suitable for, or associated with war or the armed forces] ex. martial music. martial:military martyr n.烈士, 殉道者 [a person who willingly suffers death rather than renounce his or her religion, cause, or principle.] ps. 忠烈祠 Martyr's Shrine,台北有,高雄鼓山有也唷~ ex. He died a martyr in the cause of science. 他為科學而犧牲。 字源:在希臘時代Gk. ma'rtyros 是指「witness;見證」,原本是指在法庭中保持著自己的想法,後來就被用作指"寧願死、受難也不願放棄自己信仰、理念的人" marvel n.令人驚奇的事物 [One that evokes surprise, admiration, or wonder] ex. My grandfather is a marvel; he goes hunting at his age. 我祖父真了不得,一大把年紀了還去打獵。 v.對...感到驚異 [To become filled with wonder or astonishment.] ex. We marvelled that he had learned six languages in a short time. mash v.壓碎 [ to crush] v.把...搗成糊狀 [to reduce to a soft, pulpy mass, as by beating or pressure, esp. in the preparation of food.] ex. to mash the bananas with a fork. n.糊狀物 [a soft, pulpy mass] c.f mash v.把...搗成糊狀 n.糊狀物 mesh n. [Any of the open spaces in a net or network] mask n.面具 [a covering for all or part of the face, worn to conceal one's identity.] v. 掩飾, 戴面具 [To cover in order to conceal, protect, or disguise] ex. He tried to mask his disappointment with a smile. 他試圖以微笑來掩飾他的失望。 (能的面具) masquerade masquer(=mask)-ade n.化裝舞會 [a party, dance, or other festive gathering of persons wearing masks and other disguises, and often elegant, historical, or fantastic costumes.] 字尾 - ade是個名詞尾,代表動作、過程,或某人的動作。出現於法文過來的字,有時候也會從西班牙過來的字中出現。 dissemble:information=masquerade:feeling mason mas(~make)-on n.泥水匠 [ a person whose trade is building with units of various natural or artificial mineral products, as stones, bricks, cinder blocks, or tiles, usually with the use of mortar or cement as a bonding agent.] 聯想: mason n.泥水匠 meson n.介子 A mason hardly understands what the meson means. massacre n.大屠殺 [the unnecessary, indiscriminate killing of a large number of human beings or animals, as in barbarous warfare or persecution or for revenge or plunder.] ex. the massacre of millions during the war. v.大屠殺 [to kill unnecessarily and indiscriminately, esp. a large number of persons.] 聯想: mass + acre(英畝) 都跟大大的感覺有關 ps.The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974年版) massive mass-ive adj.大而重的 [Consisting of or making up a large mass; bulky, heavy, and solid] ex. The scale of the problem is massive. mast n.桅杆 [ Nautical. a spar(pole) or structure rising above the hull and upper portions of a ship or boat to hold sails, spars, rigging(ropes), booms(吊桿), signals, etc., at some point on the fore-and-aft line, as a foremast or mainmast.] 聯想:mast and master He is a mast-making master. 他是桅桿製作大師。 masticate mastic(chew)-ate v.咀嚼 [to chew.] ex. Don't gulp everything down without masticating. lung:respire=tooth:masticate ps. mastic n.一種樹,中文叫乳香樹 from Gk. masti'che- chewing gum n.樹脂 [The aromatic resin of the mastic tree, used especially in varnishes, lacquers, adhesives, and condiments and as an astringent.] mate n.配偶 [ husband or wife; spouse.] ps. 也可以指同夥,ex. roommate, classmate v.使成配偶 [to join as a mate or as mates.] materialize material-ize ''material = matter-ial" v.物質化, 使體現 [ to come into perceptible existence; appear; become actual or real; be realized or carried out] ex. Our plans never materialized. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
csjiuun :頭推~ 03/10 21:21