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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/24046813 歡迎在推文中補充相關的知識唷 maternal mater(mother)-n-al adj.母親的 [of, pertaining to, having the qualities of, or befitting a mother] ex. maternal grandparents 外祖父母 ex. maternal instincts. 母性 字源:L. ma-tern(us) (ma-ter mother + -nus adj. suffix) + -a-lis -al ps. pater = father mater = mather matrix mater(mother)-ix n.母體 [the environment or context in which something such as a society develops and grows. ] ex. The Greco-Roman world was the matrix for Western civilization. ps. 也可以當作子宮唷 = womb n.矩陣 ps. 我想是因為透過matrix就可以做出很多transformation,所以才有mother的概念吧~ 字源:L. ma-trix female animal kept for breeding matrix在拉丁文的意思是指「繁殖用的雌性動物」 matrix:number=crystal:atoms 數字有規則排列組成矩陣=原子有規則排列組成晶體 mattress n. [a large pad(墊) for supporting the reclining body, used as or on a bed, consisting of a quilted or similarly fastened case, usually of heavy cloth, that contains hair, straw, cotton, foam rubber, etc., or a framework of metal springs.] 小故事: 在中世紀的初期,阿拉伯文化是比歐洲文化先進的。在那時候的阿拉伯文化中,他們會睡在被丟在地面cushions上,阿拉伯字"mat.rah."指的是「place where something is thrown」是從mat「cushion」+ t.arah.a「to throw」而衍生過來的。在十字軍東征的時候,歐洲社會將這種先進、舒適的睡法帶回來。首先出現在義大利文中"materasso",然後在跑去法國,OF. materas,到英國已經是1300年的事情了。 ps. sheet 床單 mattress 床墊 tablecloth:table=sheet:mattress 桌布用來鋪桌子=床單用來鋪床 mature adj.成熟的 [Having reached full natural growth or development;ripe] ex. a mature cell. ex. a mature cherry. v.變成熟;長成 [To bring to full development; ripen.] ex. Wine and judgement mature with age. 酒陳味香,人老識深。 maturity mature-ity n.成熟 [the state of being mature; ripeness] ex. The fruit will reach maturity in a few days. ex. This job calls for a man with a great deal of maturity. 這個工作需由老練持重的人去做。 callow:maturity 無經驗的人沒有成熟 maudlin adj.好哭的 [ tearfully or weakly emotional; foolishly sentimental; mawkish] ex. Jimmy turned maudlin after three drinks. Magdalene 字源:原本是個女人的名字,Mary Magdalene,在聖經中她是一位耶穌的追隨者,在中世紀的繪畫中,她常常以流淚來表現她對罪的後悔(她流的淚都可以幫耶穌洗腳了),因此她的名字就就變成「tearful sentimentality」的同義詞了。 maul n.大鎚 [a heavy hammer, as for driving stakes(樁).] v.粗魯對待 [to handle or use roughly] ex. The book was badly mauled by its borrowers. v.打傷(通常是嚴重的) [ to injure by a rough beating, shoving(推), or the like; being violently attacked by it and badly injured.] ex. He had been mauled by a tiger. 字源:L. malleus hammer 聯想:哞一聲就被老虎打傷(maul) mauve n.淡紫色 [a pale bluish purple.] ps.就像薰衣草的顏色 adj.淡紫色 聯想: mauve grove 淡紫色的小樹林 (有押韻呢) maven n.專家 [an expert or connoisseur.] 字源:來自於德國的猶太語 maven ps. Max Maven 他是一位讀心術專家,魔術師,也會講流利的日文。 maven:experience 專家有經驗 maverick n.不服從的人;持不同意見的人 [One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group; a dissenter.] ex. Her independence and maverick(adj.) behaviour precluded any chance of promotion. n.未烙印的小牛 [Southwestern U.S. an unbranded calf(小牛), cow, esp. an unbranded calf that is separated from its mother.] 字源:來自於人名 Samuel Augustus Maverick (1803-70),他是一位德州(Texas)的律師、政治家,也是一位大地主。因為他不想他所屬的農場的牲畜被打烙記,因此他的名字就成了「未烙印的小牛」的同義詞。 ps. NBA的 Dallas Maverick 達拉斯小牛隊 maverick:conformity mawkish adj.好哭的, 感傷的 [characterized by sickly sentimentality; maudlin.] ps.這個字是指不好的sentimentality,比方說電影的結局非常嬌柔做作,男女主角哭在一起,但又沒什麼悲傷的事情,只是分隔兩地就要十八相送。你就可以說: a mawkish ending,同樣的a mawkish love story也是指這類型。 ps. mawkish 與 maudlin是同義詞。 maximize maximum-ize v.最大化 [to increase to the greatest possible amount or degree] ex. to look for ways of maximizing profit. maze n.迷宮 [a confusing network of intercommunicating paths or passages] ex. a maze of narrow roads 字源:maze是從 amazed的概念來的,因為令人amazed的東西,時常是需要費很多功夫才能完成的,所以你也可以看到maze也是需要花很多時間才能走出來的。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
pentimento :說到 Mary Magdalene,有人說就是耶穌基督的老婆。 03/17 13:22
pentimento :看過達文西密碼的人都該知道。p304 的最大八卦。 03/17 13:23