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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/24046843 歡迎在推文補充相關的information唷 meager adj.不足的;貧乏的 [Deficient in quantity, fullness, or extent; scanty.] ex. meager cultural resources 貧乏的文化資源 聯想:m + eager(熱切的) Mark is eager for improving his meager income. mean n. 方法、手段(通常用means) n.中間, 平均 [ a quantity having a value intermediate between the values of other quantities] adj.中間的 [ occupying a middle position or an intermediate place, as in kind, quality, degree, or time] ex. a mean speed; a mean course; the mean annual rainfall. adj.吝嗇的 [selfish, small-minded, stingy, or miserly] /*這兩組 from G. common*/ ex. Her husband is very mean about money. adj.卑鄙的, 低下的 [inferior in grade, quality, or character] v.意謂 [to intend to express or indicate] ex. what do you mean by "over" ? ex. The word "freedom" means many things to many people. mean <> lavish measly measles-y adj.患痲疹的 [ infected with measles] adj.(informal)無價值的、可憐兮兮地少的 [contemptibly small, meager, or slight] ex. They paid me a measly fifteen dollars for a day's work. ps. 如果一個小孩患了痲疹,感覺的可憐兮兮的,所用也用這個概念來形容某些小東西實在太小了,可憐兮兮的。 ps. measles 痲疹 症狀是 發高燒 與 長出紅斑 meander v.蜿蜒 [to proceed by or take a winding or indirect course] ex. The stream meandered through the valley. 字源:他來自一個河流的名字-- Meander River,在希臘的時代是拼成 Gk mai'andros,其河流以蜿蜒為有名,他是土耳其西南方的一條河流 檢視較大的地圖 measured measure-ed adj.精確的 [deliberate and restrained; careful; carefully weighed or considered] ex. measured language; measured terms. adj.基於標準的 [ regular or uniform, as in movement] ex. to walk with measured strides. review ---------------------------------------- 字根 machin machine n.機器 machine-ery n.一組機器 [an assemblage of machines ] machine-ation n.陰謀 字根 mechan = machin mechan-ic n.修理工,技工 mechan-ics n.力學 mechan-ism n.機制 mechan-ical a.機器的 [Of or relating to machines] ---------------------------------------- mechanical mechan(=machine)-ical adj.機器的 [relating to machines and engines ] ex. Most mechanical devices require oil as a lubricant. ex. the train had stopped due to a mechanical problem. ex. Many teachers have a kind of mechanical attitude towards bad children. mechanical <> emotional mechanic mechan(=machine)-ic n.修理工,技工 [a person who repairs and maintains machinery, motors, etc.: an automobile mechanic.] mechanics mechan(=machine)-ics n.力學 [the branch of physics that deals with the action of forces on bodies and with motion, comprised of kinetics, statics, and kinematics.] mechanism mechan(=machine)-ism n.機制 [A system of parts that operate or interact like those of a machine] ps. 就是指一個系統(不一定要機器)運作起來,或是彼此的交互作用像個機器。 ex. the mechanism of the solar system ex. defense mechanism (心理學)防禦機制 n.機器 [A machine or mechanical appliance.] ps. 除了指"機制"外,也可以指機器 medal n.獎牌, 勛章 [A flat piece of metal stamped with a design or an inscription commemorating an event or a person, often given as an award.] ex. a gold medal for the best swimmer. 字源:L. metallea (moneta) "metal (coin)" 原指是一種金屬硬幣,後來形成「獎牌, 勛章」的字意了。 medal:honor 獎章用來獎勵 ps.1 mettle n.勇氣、鬥志 [courage and fortitude] ex. troops who showed their mettle in combat. 字源:mettle是「metal」的變體,是後來人為了文學上的用法改寫的,mettle採取了金屬在於形象上的用法,ex.鋼鐵搬的意志,常被解釋作為勇氣、鬥志 ps.2 nettle n.咬人貓(蕁麻;一種植物) v.使苦惱 [to irritate, annoy, or provoke.] ex. I was rather nettled by his rude questions. ---------------------------------------- metal n.金屬 mettle n.勇氣、鬥志 medal n.獎牌 nettle n.咬人貓 v.使苦惱 meddle v.擅自干涉 [to involve oneself in a matter without right or invitation; interfere officiously and unwantedly] ex. You'd better not meddle with married women,it always leads to troubles. 聯想:med(中間) + dle 字源: L. miscere "to mix" ps. 英國有個團體叫"Pink Floyd"...很舊了,但滿有名的,1973時他們發了一張《meddle》的專輯。 mediate medi(middle;中間)-ate v.調停解決 [To resolve or settle (differences) by working with all the conflicting parties] ex.mediate a labor-management dispute. 字源:Late Latin media-re "to be in the middle", from L. medius "middle" arbitrator:mediate 仲裁者調停 ps. intermediate [inter-medi(middle)-ate] adj.中間的 mediterranean [medi(middle)-terran-ean] n/adj.地中海 近型字 meddle v.干涉 [from mix] middle a.中間的 muddle n.混亂狀態 [from mud n.泥漿 ] v.使渾濁 medieval medium aevum ←原本是這樣拼的 adj.中世紀的 [476~1453] 字源:L. aevum "age, time" mediocre medi(middle)-orce(mountain) adj.中等的, 平凡的, 不好不壞的 [ of only ordinary or moderate quality; neither good nor bad] ex. His school record was mediocre. 字源:from L. mediocris "of middling height or state",= medius (middle) + ocris (jagged mountain), 原本的意思是指不高也不矮的山。 mediocrity medi(middle)-ocre-ity n.中等, 平凡, 不好不壞 [the state or quality of being mediocre.] ex. The transformation of mediocrity into genius through transmutation(變質). mediocrity <> virtuosity n.大師級的藝術 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
carnival :推 03/21 15:31
tnaa :good job! 03/21 17:13