精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/24271001 阿~ 話說我4/11會去台南一趟,在成大,早早就到。 有想要問我問題的可以來找我, 我下午也會去傷咖辦的板聚, GRE, TOEFL, SOP, 等等可以問啦,如果我幫的上忙我會盡量。 就先這樣啦 mettle n.勇氣、鬥志 [courage and fortitude] ex. troops who showed their mettle in combat. 字源:mettle是「metal」的變體,是後來人為了文學上的用法改寫的,mettle採取了金 屬在於形象上的用法,ex.鋼鐵搬的意志,常被解釋作為勇氣、鬥志 review p.305 metal n.金屬 mettle n.勇氣、鬥志 medal n.獎牌 nettle n.咬人貓 v.使苦惱 mettlesome mettle-some adj.勇敢的 [spirited; courageous.] ex. In the chilly autumn wind, the soldiers set out with a mettlesome and handsome bearing. 秋風颯颯中,戰士們英姿勃發地出發了。 microbe micro-be(=bio; life) n.微生物;(尤指引起疾病的)細菌 [ A minute life form; a microorganism, especially a bacterium that causes disease. Not in technical use.] 聯想:be 當不及物動詞時的意思為存在,所以micro+be就是小小的存在。 microorganism mirco-organism n.微生物 [any organism too small to be viewed by the unaided eye, as bacteria, protozoa, and some fungi and algae.] microscope mirco-scope n.顯微鏡 [an optical instrument having a magnifying lens or a combination of lenses for inspecting objects too small to be seen or too small to be seen distinctly and in detail by the unaided eye.] microscope:small=telescope:distant microscopic micro-scope-ic adj.只能從顯微鏡裡看到的 [so small as to be invisible or indistinct without the use of the microscope] ex. microscopic organisms adj.顯微鏡的 [of, pertaining to, or involving a microscope] miff n.小爭執 [A petty quarrel or argument; a tiff.] 程度 tiff < squabble <quarrel、dispute 字源:tiff 與 miff是擬聲詞,就類似在爭吵時你「哼」了 mighty adj.強大的;強有力的 [showing superior power or strength] ex. mighty God ex. Once a mighty empire ruled the world. 一個強大的帝國曾統治世界。 migratory migrate-ory adj.遷移的 [Traveling from one place to another at regular times of year, often over long distances. Salmon, whales, and swallows are all migratory animals.] ex. Many migratory birds visit this lake annually. 許多候鳥每年都來這個湖作短期逗留。 milestone mile-stone n.里程碑 [a stone functioning as a milepost.] n.劃時代的事件 [a significant event or stage in the life, progress, development, or the like of a person, nation, etc] ex. Her getting the job of supervisor was a milestone in her career. ps. 就像你會在高速公路上,看到到XX還有幾公里的牌子,古代人只是利用石頭做而已 ,所以叫milestone. militia milit(soldier)-ia n.民兵 [An army composed of ordinary citizens rather than professional soldiers.] ps. military [milit-ary] n.軍隊、陸軍 mill n.磨坊 [A building equipped with machinery for grinding grain into flour or meal.] ps. windmillr v.將...磨成粉 [To grind, pulverize, or break down into smaller particles in a mill.] ex. mill the grain into flour. mill:grain=forge:medal 磨房加工穀物=鐵匠鋪加工金屬 mime n.啞劇 [The art of portraying characters and acting out situations or a narrative by gestures and body movement without the use of words; pantomime.] n. [An actor or actress skilled in pantomime.] v. [To ridicule by imitation; mimic.] charade:word=mime:stories 猜字遊戲通過動作來表現字=啞劇通過動作來表現故事 -- mp3還在傳,要等一下 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
xination :傷咖板聚在 MAP For Masa Loft 04/04 22:32