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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/24271007 mimic v.模仿 [to imitate or copy in action, speech, etc., often playfully or derisively.] ps.就像有學小孩玩學人講話的遊戲一樣,他們模仿,但是卻是用種好笑的方式。 adj.模仿的 [imitating or copying something, often on a smaller scale: a mimic battle.] minaret n.清真寺的尖塔 [a lofty, often slender, tower or turret attached to a mosque( 清真寺), surrounded by or furnished with one or more balconies, from which the muezzin(報告禱告時刻的人) calls the people to prayer.] ps. minaret是尖尖高高的塔,屬於mosque的一部分,伊斯蘭教的人會在minaret中禱告 。 spire:church=minaret:mosque 塔尖在教堂上=尖塔在清真寺上 minatory mina(=menace)-tory adj.威脅的 [menacing; threatening.] ex. minatory gestures 字源:minatory 與 menace(p.308) 都是同個來源的,L. mina(ri) mince v.切碎 [to cut or chop into very small pieces.] ex. I'll buy lean meat and mince it myself. n.絞肉 [Finely chopped food, especially mincemeat.] n.以小步子走(矯揉造作地) [to walk or move with short, affectedly dainty steps.] ex. They minced, in beach costumes and make-up. 字源:mince跟小有關唷,原本的意思是「make into small pieces」,其實他就是從L. minutus來的,跟minute同源: stride:mince mingle v.使混合 [to become mixed] v. [To join or take part with others] ps. 比方說你在舞會中,到處移動與與聊天,這動作也可以稱為「mingle」 字源:from mix reveiw p.300 mangle v.嚴重損傷 音: mangle -- 面勾到了...血肉模糊 miniature mini(small)-ature n.微型畫;小畫像 [a representation or image of something on a small or reduced scale.] adj.纖小的 [=small; being on a small or greatly reduced scale.] 字源:原本是指在手稿上的小繪圖 minimize minimum-ize v.最小化 [to reduce to the smallest possible amount or degree.] ex. to minimize the losses. 字構:minimum(最小量)+ize minion n.奴才 [An obsequious follower or dependent; a sycophant.] ps. minion是指一種人,是一種非常奉承的人,非常依賴別人的人。也有人翻成小嘍嘍 。 聯想:min+ion 小小的人 minion:dependent=groveler:petitioner 奴才是過分依賴者=乞求者是過分請求者 minnow n.鯉科淡水小魚(常用作釣餌) [a small, European cyprinoid fish] mint n.【植】薄荷 [any aromatic herb of the genus Mentha, having opposite leaves and small, whorled flowers, as the spearmint and peppermint.] n.造幣廠 [a place where coins, paper currency, special medals, etc., are produced under government authority.] ps.mint有兩個不同的字源,所以才可以既當薄荷,又可當造幣廠。 mint:coin minuet minu(small)-et(small) n.小步舞(曲) [A slow, stately pattern dance in 3/4 time for groups of couples, originating in 17th-century France.] ps. 高雅的男女對舞,起源於法國民間舞蹈,風行於17至18世紀的歐洲宮廷舞廳。舞者 通常跟隨3/4節拍的音樂用緩慢的小步表演多種精心設計的花樣與隊形,其中組合了程序 化的鞠躬和屈膝禮動作。這種18世紀最流行的貴族舞蹈在1789年法國大革命之後不再流行 。 ps.陳綺貞 有一首歌叫小步舞曲 minuscule minu-scule adj.很小的 [very small.] ex. a minuscule kitchen n.小寫字體 比方說a 是A的minuscule, 也可以稱lower case n.= New Roman cursive (一種草寫體)[A small cursive script developed from uncial(安色爾字體) between the seventh and ninth centuries and used in medieval manuscripts.] minuscule:letter 小寫字母是一種字母 minute ['mɪnɪt] n.1分鐘 n.會議記錄 [An official record of the proceedings of a meeting.] ps.紀錄下每一分鐘meeting的內容 [maɪ'n jut] adj.微小的 agenda:minutes 會議記錄記錄會議議程 minutia minute(small)+ia n.細節 [A small or trivial detail] ps.常用複數型minutiae,指的是微不足道的細節。比方說,在思考下午五點一分五十 秒出門,還是下午五點一分四十九秒出門比較好,就是一種minutiae. ex. the minutiae of experimental and mathematical procedure minutia:details=quibbles:objections miracle mir(to wonder at)-acle n.奇蹟 [an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause.] ex. Nothing but a miracle can save her life. 只有奇蹟才能挽救她的生命 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: