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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/24271032 modify mode-ify v.更改 [to change somewhat the form or qualities of] ps. 通常是change it slightly, usually in order to improve it. ex. We have to modify our plan a little bit. 我們得對我們的計劃稍加修改。 上一頁我們提過: 字源:mode的概念其實就是manner, rule的意思, 所以modify的意思是"to impose a rule" (同時mode有含有limit的概念...來自另外的字源,延伸單字modest, modicum) ps.小常識,modify在文法的意思是指『修飾』, ex. a good man, good modifies man. modish mode-ish adj.流行的;時髦的 [in the current fashion; stylish.] ex. a modish hat modulate modul-ate ps. modul是從mode來自,這邊是u addition rule v.控制;緩和 [to regulate by or adjust to a certain measure or proportion; soften; tone down.] ps. 當我們modulate某個activity or process,意味者我們改變他是他們更能適合。 ex. Please modulate the sound on the TV. 請調節一下電視的音量。 v.改變音調、音量等 [to alter or adapt (the voice) according to the circumstances, one's listener, etc.] ex. At this point the players have to modulate from E to G. 這時演奏者必須由E調轉到G調。 ps.在電子學,或xx實驗課中,也滿常見這個字的唷~ mogul n.有權勢的人 [ an important, powerful, or influential person ] ex. a mogul of the movie industry 大寫的Mogul就是蒙古人(尤指16世紀征服印度建立回教帝國的蒙古族人) 小寫就指的是:有權勢的人 molar n. 臼齒 ps. Your molars are the large, flat teeth towards the back of your mouth that you use for chewing food. adj.臼齒的 字源:是mill 磨坊 發展過來的 ps.mole 莫爾 = 6.02 X 1023個 mole + ar = molar adj.莫爾的 (字型完全相同) mold n.模子,模型 [a hollow form or matrix for giving a particular shape to something in a molten or plastic state.] n.類型,性格 [a distinctive nature, character, or type] ex. Women of her mold are easy to see through. 她那種性格的女人是很容易看穿的。 v.用模子做 [to shape or form in or on a mold.] ex. Children mold figures out of clay. 孩子們用粘土塑造人像。 字源:L. modulus (module 組件),akin to Old High German molta soil pliable:mold 易變形的可以塑造 n.黴,黴菌 [a growth of minute fungi forming on vegetable or animal matter, commonly as a downy or furry coating, and associated with decay or dampness.] v.發霉 字源:"fungus," c.1425, probably from moulde, pp. of moulen "to grow moldy" (c.1225), related to O.N. mygla "grow moldy," from P.Gmc. *mug- Or it may have evolved from (or been influenced by) O.E. molde "loose earth" molding n.【建築】凹凸形;裝飾板條 (decorative)[any of various long, narrow, ornamental surfaces that are either continuous or discontinuous, with uniform cross sections for the full length and a strikingly modeled profile that casts strong shadows: used on frames, tables, etc., and certain architectural members, as cornices, stringcourses, or bases.] n.製模;鑄造 (process)[the act or process of molding.] molding:cabinet 線條修飾柜子 moldy mold-y adj.發霉的 [covered with mold.] ex. moldy bread adj.陳腐的 [old-fashioned; outmoded] molt v.動物脫皮、換羽毛 [(of birds, insects, reptiles, etc.) to cast or shed the feathers, skin, or the like, that will be replaced by a new growth.] 字源:1340, mouten, of feathers, "to be shed," from O.E. (be)mutian "to exchange," from L. mutare "to change" (see mutable). Trans. sense, of birds, "to shed feathers" is first attested 1530. melt v. [to become liquefied by warmth or heat, as ice, snow, butter, or metal.] ex. The snow has melted. 雪已融化了。 ex. Her tears melted his heart. 她的眼淚使他心軟了。 ex. The crowd around the bench began to melt away. Mariah Carey --Melt Away molten adj.熔化的,熔解的 [liquefied by heat; in a state of fusion; melted] ex. molten lead. ps. 【古】melt的過去分詞 ---------------------------------------- 近型字 meld v.混和 | mold v.塑造 melt v.融化 | molt v.脫舊毛換新羽 melter n.鎔爐 welter n.混亂 melt的時態變化 過去式 melted or molt (後者較少用) 過去完成式 melted or molten ---------------------------------------- molecule n.分子 [Chemistry, Physics. the smallest physical unit of an element or compound, consisting of one or more like atoms in an element and two or more different atoms in a compound.] ex. H2O molecule 字源:1794, "extremely minute particle," from Fr. moléclue (1678) mollify moll(soft)-ify v.緩和;減輕 [to soften in feeling or temper, as a person; pacify; appease.] ex. to mollify his anger. reveiw p.172 emollient mollycoddle molly-coddle v.溺愛 [To be overprotective and indulgent toward; pamper] ex. Grandparents often mollycoddled the children. n. [A person, especially a man or a boy, who is pampered and overprotected] 字構:molly是 milksop (from Molly, nickname for Mary),而coddle是慣養的意思。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: