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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/24758768 moment mo(move)-ment n.瞬間;片刻 [A brief, indefinite interval of time.] ex. I'll be with you in a moment. n. [the present time or any other particular time] n. [a definite period or stage, as in a course of events; juncture] ex. at this moment in history. n.重要,重大 [importance or consequence] ex. a decision of great moment. 字源:L mōmentum motion, cause of motion, hence, influence, importance, essential factor moment是由拉丁字L. momentum衍生過來的。L. momentum的意思是運動也含有運動的原因 ,而因此moment被用來當作概念性的延伸,指的是「重要」,因為重要的東西才會使動起 來。 那位什麼moment也有時間的概念呢。那是因為particle很小,所以運動的scale很小,所 以從空間的概念被移轉到時間上來使用,所以moment才有當作小的時間間隔的意思。 醬爆: 『at the moment,要爆了』 momentous moment-ous adj.重大的,重要的 [of great or far-reaching importance or consequence ] ex. a momentous day. ex.I rejoice that you will be at my side in momentous times. 將來到重要的時刻,你將在我的身邊,這使我很高興 atrocious:bad=momentous:important 極壞的和壞的=極重要的和重要的 momentum moment-um n.動力 [force or speed of movement; impetus] ps. 如果不是用在物理上,momentum指的就是 force of moving,產生運動的力。 ex.你可以說political momentum to reform. ex. Our campaign is gaining momentum. n. physics 動量, P = m ×v 字源:L mōmentum monarch mono(solo)-arch(rule) n.君主 [a sole and absolute ruler of a state or nation.] ex.This signified his claim to be a universal monarch. 這表明他自命為宇宙君王。 monarchy mono(solo)-arch(rule)-y n.君主政治 [A system of government in which one person reigns, usually a king or queen. The authority, or crown, in a monarchy is generally inherited. The ruler, or monarch, is often only the head of state, not the head of government. Many monarchies, such as Britain and Denmark, are actually governed by parliaments. ( absolute monarchy and constitutional monarchy.)] ex. Britain is a constitutional monarchy. 英國是一個實行君主立憲制的國家。 ps. 根據統治者的任期和繼承方式劃分的兩種最基本的政權類別。一般而言,君主國的統 治者(君主)的特點是終身任職,職位世襲或由前任君主指定的儲君繼承;而共和國的統治 者職位則有一定任期且非根據世襲原則繼承。但上述劃分法只是就最典型的君主國和共和 國而言,兩者界限並非涇渭分明,因此君主國和共和國的劃分有時只是根據統治者的職銜 而定,無實質意義。 (see more detail) monetary moneta(money)-ary adj.金錢的 [Of or relating to money.] ex. She was in complete charge of all monetary matters affecting the household. 她全權負責一切有關家務的財政事宜。 adj.貨幣的 [f or relating to a nation's currency or coinage.] ex.The objectives of monetary policy are the same as those of fiscal policy. 貨幣政策的目的和財政政策一樣。 字源:Latin monēta, money, mint Moneta是羅馬神明Juno的一個封號,而Moneta這個封號的剛好是在那些製造錢幣的寺廟附 近被發明的(原來的意思有監督的意思),所以後來呢moneta就變成了錢幣的代名詞了。 mongrel mong(mixture)-rel(pejorative suffix) cf. wastrel n.浪子;廢人 n.雜種 [An animal or a plant resulting from various interbreedings, especially a dog of mixed or undetermined breed.] adj. 雜種的 ps. 我們一般說的土狗,可以用 mongrel dog唷 字源:1486, "mixed breed dog," from obs. mong "mixture." Meaning "person not of pure race" is from 1542. 聯想:among+rel monochrome mono(single)-chrome(from Gk. color) n.單色畫 [A picture, especially a painting, done in different shades of a single color.] ex. The sun was down and the room fading to monochrome. 夕陽西下,房間黯淡下來,周圍變成了一幅單色畫。 n.黑白影像 [A black-and-white image, as in photography or on television.] monochromatic mono-chrom(color)-atic adj.單色的 [of or having one color.] ex. By far the most nearly monochromatic source available at present is the laser. 目前可用的最接近單色光的光源是雷射。 monocle mono-cle(from L. oculus;eye) n.單片眼鏡 [an eyeglass for one eye.] From wiki:The connoisseur of antiquities Philipp von Stosch wore a monocle in Rome in the 1720s, in order to closely examine engravings and antique engraved gems, but the monocle did not become an article of gentlemen's apparel until the nineteenth century. It was introduced by the dandy's quizzing glass of the 1790s. monogamy mono(single)-gam(from Gk.gamos; marriage)-y n.一夫一妻制 [marriage with only one person at a time. Compare bigamy, polygamy.] n. 【動】單配偶 [Zoology. the practice of having only one mate.] ps. From wiki Recent discoveries have led biologists to talk about the three varieties of monogamy: social monogamy, sexual monogamy, and genetic monogamy. monolithic mono(single)-lith(stone)-ic adj.獨塊巨石的 [of or pertaining to a monolith;made of only one stone] ex. a huge monolithic concrete building. adj.龐大的 [Massive, solid, and uniform] ex. an authoritarian and monolithic system. ps. paleolith adj. 舊石器時代的 neolith adj. 新石器時代的 monologue mono(single)-logue(speek; say) ps.可以review p.295來複習loqu這個字根 n.獨白; 獨腳戲 [A dramatic soliloquy; A continuous series of jokes or comic stories delivered by one comedian.] n. [A long speech made by one person, often monopolizing a conversation.] Practicing Audition Monologues : Monologue Examples opera:aria=play:monologue 獨唱曲是一個人在歌劇中唱=獨白是一個人在戲劇中說 monomania mono(single)-mania(extreme enthusiasm) n.偏執狂 [a psychosis characterized by thoughts confined to one idea or group of ideas; an inordinate or obsessive zeal for or interest in a single thing, idea, subject, or the like.] ps.1 之後我們還會講到paranoia/paranoid ps.2 In Crime and Punishment, by the renowned Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky, the main character, Raskolnikov, is said to be a monomaniac on numerous occasions. 陳綺貞-我親愛的偏執狂 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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