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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/24932448 我不是老頭子 呵呵 mote n. 塵埃;微粒 [a small particle or speck, esp. of dust.] ex. dust and sand are motes 聯想:mote + l = motel 塵埃+棒棒 =飯店 motley mote(speck)-ly adj.雜色的 [exhibiting great diversity of elements; heterogeneous] n.雜色 [a combination of different colors.] 字源:Diversified in color," especially of a fool's dress. Motley Crue (克魯小丑)-- Too Fast For Love motley <> colorless adj.無色的 motley <> unique adj.唯一的 cf. motley Vs. medley review p.306 medley n.混雜 [ a mixture, esp. of heterogeneous elements; hodgepodge; jumble.] ex. a medley of different nationalities. n.【音】混合曲,集錦 [a piece of music combining tunes or passages from various sources] ps.medley為好幾首歌串連一起唱,比方說第一首歌唱完後,接著第二首歌,中間有時 候會有overlapping。這在pop music中滿常見的,而以歌曲的形式比較多,純樂器的形式 比較少。 字源:medley 是由 middle演變過來的 mottle n.雜色斑點 [A spot or blotch of color.] v.使成有雜色斑點[To mark with spots or blotches of different shades or colors.] 字源:Probably back-formation from motley. mottled adj. [spotted or blotched in coloring] motif motif ≒ motive n.(文學、藝術作品的)主題 [a theme or idea that is frequently repeated throughout a piece of literature or music] ex. The motif of this painting is that 'solitude is the richness of the soul. n.(服裝設計等的)基本圖案,基調 ex. a flower motif in wallpaper 壁紙的一種花朵圖案 motile mot(move)-ile(capable of) adj. 能動的 [Biology. moving or capable of moving spontaneously] ex. motile cells motility mot(move)-ile-ity n.能動性 [Biology.] cf. mobility mobile-ity n.流動性 ex. upward social mobility 社會地位的上向流動 movement move-ment n.運動 n.樂章 [A movement of a piece of classical music is one of its main sections] ex. the first movement of Beethoven's 7th symphony. Beethoven 7th Symphony - 1st movement excerpt - RCM movement:symphony 樂章組成交響樂 motto n.座右銘 [A brief statement used to express a principle, goal, or ideal.] ex. Her motto is "Never say die". 她的座右銘是"永不氣餒"。 n. [A sentence, phrase, or word of appropriate character inscribed on or attached to an object.] 整理 saying A saying is an often repeated and familiar expression. (重複性) a collection of philosophical sayings Maxim Maxim denotes particularly an expression of a general truth or a rule of conduct. Adage Adage applies to a saying that has gained credit through long use. ex. Good things come in small packages motto A motto expresses the aims, character, or guiding principles of a person, group, or institution. ex. "Exuberance over taste" is my motto. 豐富勝於得體 epigram An epigram is a witty expression, often paradoxical or satirical and neatly or brilliantly phrased. ex. "I can resist everything except temptation." Proverb Proverb refers to an old and popular saying that illustrates something such as a basic truth or a practical precept: ex."Slow and steady wins the race" is a proverb to live by. Aphorism denoting a concise expression of a truth or principle, implies depth of content and stylistic distinction: 簡而意駭 ex.'What if they gave a war and nobody came?' motto:shield 座右銘刻在盾牌上 mountainous mountain-ous adj.多山的 [abounding in mountains] ex. a mountainous country 一個多山的國家 adj.巨大的 ex. mountainous waves 排山倒海似的巨浪 mourn ps.moan v.哀悼 [to feel or express sorrow or grief] ex. Mourning for the dead ex. The whole nation had mourned the death of their great leader. 聯想:m + our + n 因為哀悼,讓我們的m與n發音都分不清楚了 mournful adj.悲傷的;悲切的 [Feeling or expressing sorrow or grief; sorrowful.] ex. a mournful expression on her face 她臉上憂傷的神情 ex. the mournful sound of a train whistle. muffle v.包裹 (為保暖等) [To wrap up, as in a blanket or shawl, for warmth, protection, or secrecy.] ex.It's cold, she muffles a scarf in her neck. v.使其聲音低沈 [To wrap or pad in order to deaden the sound] ex.The noises of the street were muffled considerably. 街上的噪音減輕了許多。 ex. Mother made an effort to muffle her emotions. 母親努力控制自己的感情。 n. [Something that muffles.] 字源:"to cover or wrap (something) to conceal or protect," perhaps from M.Fr. mofler "to stuff," muffle:sound 減弱聲音使聲音減少 muffled muffle-ed adj. (聲音)被隔的,聽不太清的 ex. the muffled voice comes from the next room. muffler muffle-er n.圍巾、頭巾 n.消音器 [A muffler is a device on a car exhaust that makes it quieter.] mulish mule-ish [-ish表示不好的形容詞] adj.騾似般的頑固 [of or like a mule, as being very stubborn, obstinate, or intractable.] ex. He is so mulish that he won't go with us. mulish <> flexible -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: