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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/24932468 有人還需要AWA練習呼? multiple multi(many)-duple(fold;double) adj.多樣的 [Having, relating to, or consisting of more than one individual, element, part, or other component; manifold.] ex. multiple functions. n.數學的倍數 ex. 10 is a multiple of 5 multiply multi-ply(fold;double) v.增加 [To increase the amount, number, or degree of.] ex. As we climbed up the mountain, the dangers and difficulties multiplied. 我們越向山頂攀爬,危險和困難越是增加 v. [to breed (animals)] v. 乘 ex. 2 multiplys by 4 makes 8 propagate ( v.繁殖 ) <> fail to multiply ( 不能繁殖 ) multiplicity multi-plic-ity n. [a large number or variety] ex. the multiplicity of architectural styles on that street. ex. the multiplicity of tasks this machine can perform mumble v.咕噥著說 [To utter indistinctly by lowering the voice or partially closing the mouth] ps. 就像是幾乎閉著嘴巴在說話 ex. mumbled an insincere apology. v. [to chew ineffectively, as from loss of teeth] ps. 沒有牙齒的老人在吃飯 聯想: 你把 mum 連續念10遍,你會發現你幾乎閉著嘴巴在說話 字源:一開始這個字的意思是"to eat in a slow, ineffective manner",後來才當"to speak indistinctly" murmur n.低語聲 [A low, indistinct, continuous sound] ps. 溪水、風聲那些低柔的聲音都可以說是murmur v. [To make a low, continuous, indistinct sound or succession of sounds.] ex. The students murmured against the teacher. 字源:murmur原本是"抱怨的那種低語呱呱碎碎念" 長知識 -- heart murmur:an abnormal sound heard on listening to the heart mundane adj.世俗的 「of or pertaining to this world or earth as contrasted with heaven; worldly; earthly ] adj. [common; ordinary] ex. the mundane realities of life. ex. Even the most mundane things can become objects of beauty in philosophers' eyes. 字源: from L. mundanus "belonging to the world" (as distinct from the Church) from mundus "universe, world, 是從 Gk. khosmos 來的,就是現在的cosmos mundane <> exotic adj.異國情調的 之前的整理有些不好背,而且我又把他們再更加簡化了 municipal muni(public office, duty, or gift)-cip(take)-al adj.市的;市政的 [Municipal means associated with or belonging to a city or town that has its own local government.] ex. municipal elections ex. the municipal library ex. XX municipal high school 市立xx高級中學 字源:from L. municipalis "of a citizen of a free town" 字中的muni來自於munus有三種解釋:"public office" 、"duty"、"gift" --- 之前我說 可把字義聯想成公共。 而字根cip是take的意思。 我之前把cip用cap(head)去講解的說法,是比較好記,但其實並不正確。 municipal: muni(公共)+ cip(cap 頭)-->公共的頭---市政的 可參考p. 96 and p. 246的整理 municipality muni-cip-al-ity n.自治區(在台灣也叫作市); 市政當局 [A political unit, such as a city, town, or village, incorporated for local self-government.] ex. Taipei, Keelong, Taichung,Tainan, and Kaohsiung city are municipalities. munificence muni(from L. munus;gift)-fic-ence n.寬宏大量;慷慨 [extremely liberal in giving; very generous.] ex. Your munificence brings joy to you and those praise you. 你的寬宏大量帶給你喜樂與那些你稱善你的人。 字源:from L. munificentia, 其中的 munificus指的是"generous, bountiful, liberal," = munus "gift, duty, office" - fic "to do" munition(s) 通常是複數型 n. [War materiel, especially weapons and ammunition(彈藥)] ex. munition industry 軍火工業 ex. munition factory 字源: L. munire "to fortify" muniment n.契據(法律的用語) [a document, as a title deed or a charter, by which rights or privileges are defended or maintained.] 字源:跟munition一樣,都是來自於L. munire "to fortify",加強關係之物,或只是具 有像城堡一樣可以保護的物品---那個就是契據啦 ---------------------------------------- reveiw * mur from L. morārī "delay" demur v.有顧慮;反對 demure a.矜持的 [characterized by shyness and modesty; reserved.] [來源與mur同; (influenced by Old French mur, meur, mature, serious.from L. morārī)] * mur from L. mūrus"wall" mural n.壁畫 adj.牆壁似的 immure v.監禁,禁閉 *murk from ON. myrkr "dark" murky adj.黑暗的 [dark, gloomy, and cheerless.] [ME mirke, myrke < ON(古挪威) myrkr dark] ---------------------------------------- mural mur( L. murus; wall)-al n.壁畫 [A mural is any piece of artwork painted directly on a wall, ceiling, or other large permanent surface.. ] adj.牆壁似的 [of, pertaining to, or resembling a wall. ] murky adj.黑暗的 [dark, gloomy, and cheerless.] ex. a man with a murky past ex. a murky night, with no moon 昏暗無月的夜 字源:ME mirke, myrke < ON(古挪威) myrkr dark muscle n.肌肉 [a piece of tissue inside your body which connects two bones and which you use when you make a movement. ] n.力量,實力 ex. The party's political muscle is growing. 該黨的政治力量在增強。 字源:muscle是來自於little mouse, 小老鼠。 字尾-cle是"小"的意思 因為造字的人認為我們的某部份的肌肉像老鼠,比方說二頭肌的形狀。 muscular muscle + ar [u addition rule] adj.肌肉的 ex. muscular dystrophy 肌肉萎縮 muse v.沈思,冥想 [to think or meditate in silence, as on some subject] ex. to muse about what I will do when I grow up n. [A muse is a person, usually a woman, who gives someone, usually a man, a desire to create art, poetry, or music, and gives them ideas for it. ] Muse Domain Emblem Calliope Epic poetry Writing tablet Clio History Scrolls Erato Lyric poetry Cithara (an ancient Greek musical instrument in the lyre family) Euterpe Music Aulos (an ancient Greek musical instrument) Melpomene Tragedy Tragic mask Polyhymnia Choral poetry Veil Terpsichore Dance Lyre Thalia Comedy Comic mask Urania Astronomy Globe and compass mushroom n.蘑菇 v.雨後春筍般地湧現 [to spread, grow, or develop quickly. ] ex. New buildings have mushroomed all over the area -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: