精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/24932490 呼呼 List 25 終於完了 也將單字m結束了 下頁就要開始講單字n了 不知道能講到哪裡,每頁都當作最後一頁來講。 musicologist music-o-logist n.音樂理論家 [the scholarly or scientific study of music, as in historical research, musical theory, or the physical nature of sound.] ps. 研究音樂的歷史、音學理論、或是聲音的物理性質 musket n.毛瑟槍,滑膛槍 [A smoothbore shoulder gun used from the late 16th through the 18th century.] daguerreotype:photograph=musket:firearm 早期銀板相片是老相片=毛瑟槍是老槍炮 muster v.召集(士兵等) [to assemble (troops, a ship's crew, etc.), as for battle, display, inspection, orders, or discharge. ] v.集合;聚集 [To cause to come together; gather] ex. Bring all the volunteers you can muster. 聯想: must + er --> must be here 字源:跟monstr "show" 有關 ---------------------------------------- must 必須 muster v.招集 musty adj.發霉的 ---------------------------------------- mutate mut(change)-ate v.變化 [to change; alter.] v.產生突變 [undergo mutation. ] ps. If an animal or plant mutates, or something mutates it, it develops different characteristics as the result of a change in its genes. ex. the fish mutated into a new form by pollution ex. a genetic mutation ps. commute mutiny n.反叛 [rebellion against constituted authority, esp. by sailors against their officers. ] ps. 特別指艦艇上官兵 v.參加叛亂 聯想:把mutinty的 mut 想成是 change就很好去記了 (實際上的字源跟move有關) mutineer mutiny-eer n.叛亂者 [a person who mutinies.] mutter v.低聲嘀咕 [to utter words indistinctly or in a low tone, often as if talking to oneself; murmur. ] v.抱怨 [to complain murmuringly; grumble] ex. to mutter about the new boss. 音:「 mutter 馬的」,他正在發出低聲嘀咕 c.f mutter 跟 murmur 是相等的,都有概念抱怨,而且是低聲碎碎的那種。 mumble 是指幾乎閉著嘴巴說話而且很小聲(但沒有特指抱怨),另外還有指像是因為沒有 牙齒,嚼東西不能很有效率。 mute adj.靜音的 [Refraining from producing speech or vocal sound.] adj.啞的,不會說話的 [Unable to speak] ...不要用這個字,會具有攻擊性...用unable to speak就好了 ex. The child has been mute since birth. n. [One who is incapable of speech.] v.消除(聲音),減輕(聲音) ex. to mute a musical instrument 減低樂器的聲音 ex. to mute your cell phone. 題外:樂團Mute Math --Spotlight (Twilight Mix) muted adj. 無言的;無聲的;(聲音等)變小的 [of low intensity and reduced volume; softened] ex. She spoke in muted tones. muted:color=muffled:sound 顏色柔和的=聲音變柔的 myopia my(to close the eyes)-op(eye)-ia(病) n.近視 [A visual defect in which distant objects appear blurred because their images are focused in front of the retina rather than on it; nearsightedness. Also called short sight.] 聯想:我op了呀 ... 一定是我近視沒看到別人已經po過了 字源:Greek muōpiā, from muōps, muōp-, nearsighted : mūein, to close the eyes + ōps, eye ps. optic a.眼的;視力的 n.光學 myriad adj.無數的,大量的 [of an indefinitely great number; innumerable ] ex. the myriad stars of a summer night. n.無數,大量 [a very great or indefinitely great number of persons or things. ] ex. Myriads of mosquitoes from the swamp invaded our village every twilight. 每天黃昏無數蚊蟲從沼澤地飛來侵襲我們的村子。 聯想:myriad~~many + ad ...收到無數多的admission! 恭喜 字源:from Gk. myrias (gen. myriados) "ten thousand,...古早,一萬是個非常大的 數字 mystic adj.神祕的 [Of or relating to religious mysteries or occult rites and practices.] adj.神祕主義的 [Of or relating to mystic-ism] ps.簡單的說,你可以想成"通靈",神秘主義用冥想、禱告等等的方式跟神靈溝通、或 者與神靈融為一體,超游於物外...ex.像是宣稱自己可以看到上帝。 n. 神祕主義者 myst-ic myst-ery n.神祕的事物 myth n.神話 Western Mysticism -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ocsky :大推! x大加油阿! 04/13 23:46
sovereignty :推 加油! 04/14 00:14