精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/25042350 最近的講解有越講越長的趨勢.... sorry nitpick v.挑剔、雞蛋裡挑骨頭 [to be excessively concerned with or critical of inconsequential details. ] nit n.蝨子、 寄生蟲的蛋 [the egg of a parasitic insect, esp. of a louse, often attached to a hair or a fiber of clothing] n.蝨子、 寄生蟲 nocturnal noct(=nox;night)-urnal adj.夜間的 [[of or pertaining to the night]] ex. a nocturnal journey 夜間的旅行 ex. nocturnal stillness 夜晚的寂靜 adj.夜間活動的 [Zoology Most active at night] ex.nocturnal animals 字源:O.E. neaht-(night) + -urnus 所發展過來成nox + urnal的 review page 158 diurnal di(day)-urnal noisome noi(shortened form;annoy)-some adj. [Offensive to the point of arousing disgust] /*中文很難翻*/ ex. a noisome odor adj. [harmful or injurious to health; noxious. ] ex. The air was infected with noisome gases 空氣遭到有害氣體的污染。 nomad n.遊牧民族 [a member of a people or tribe that has no permanent abode but moves about from place to place, usually seasonally and often following a traditional route or circuit according to the state of the pasturage or food supply.] 聯想:如果你是第一次看到這個字的話,可以這樣想 no mad, 我又沒有瘋掉,為什麼我會去當遊牧民族呢nomad 電影 Nomad : The Warrior -- 哈薩克民族的偉大可汗—阿布賴(Ablai Khan)童年開 始講起,少年出英雄的阿布賴在困境中挽救民族的危亡,抗擊他族侵略,最後統一大片中 亞草原的英勇傳奇。 nomadic nomad-ic adj.遊牧的 ex. For generations the Arabian has shared the hardships of his nomadic master. 阿拉伯人一代又一代地分擔著它的遊牧主人的艱辛。 nominal nomin(=L. nomen;name)-al adj.名義上的 [being such in name only; so-called] ps. You use nominal to indicate that someone or something is supposed to have a particular identity or status, but in reality does not have it. ex. The old man is only the nominal head of the business. 那老人只是這個企業的掛名的總裁 ex. They pay a nominal fee. (nominal 也可以指很少的錢) 字源:在羅馬時代,L. nomen是指 the second name of a citizen, indicating his gens(氏族) ex. Gaius Julius Caesar 的nomen就是指 julius的意思, 本身nomen的概念就是name的意思,你從這邊也可以看得出來 review ---------------------------------------- nomin; nomen == name (較偏名稱 ex.某某公司的職稱) nom nomin-al adj.名義上的 nomin-ate v.提名 ---------------------------------------- onym == name (字義、名字) anonymous adj.匿名的 (an- 沒有) antonym n.反義字 (anti + onym) synonym n.同義字 ---------------------------------------- nominate nomin(name)-ate v.提名 [To propose by name as a candidate, especially for election] ex. a presidential decree nominating him as sports ambassador ex. I nominate Bill for the club president. nonchalance non(not)-chal(have concern for)-ance [ps. L.calere是hot的意思, ex. calorie 卡路里] n.漠不關心 [cool indifference or lack of concern] ex. Beneath his apparent nonchalance he is as nervous and excited as the rest of us. 他外表上冷靜,實際上跟我們一樣緊張不安. nonchalant non-chal-ant adj.漠不關心的[coolly unconcerned, indifferent, or unexcited] noncommittal non-commit-al adj.不表態的 [Refusing commitment(承諾) to a particular opinion or course of action; not revealing what one feels or thinks] review page 95 commit con-mit(send, give over) v.把...交託 [ to give in trust or charge; consign.] ex. The child was committed to the nurse's care. v.承諾 [to bind or obligate, as by pledge or assurance] ex. The government must commit itself to improving health care. v.犯罪 ex. to commit murder; to commit an error. nonconformist non-conform-ist n.不順從一般公認信念習慣的人 adj.不順從一般公認信念習慣的 review page 105 conformist con-form-ist n.遵奉習俗者 [a person who conforms to the usual practices or standards of a group, society, etc.] n.英國國教徒 ps. The Conformist 本片根據意大利著名小說家莫拉維亞的作品改編。1970年代,意大利國內出現極左思潮, 許多人對原有的價值觀念產生改變,對許多問題產生猶豫和動搖。本片表現的正是「思想 處於危機與混亂狀態」下、缺乏堅定政治信念的資產階級知識分子的內心狀態。歐洲影評 界認為本片的內容有著現實意義 nonentity non-entity n.無足輕重的人 [a person or thing of no importance. ] ps.也可以說是小人物(不存在的東西) review page 178 entity n.實體 [something that has a real existence] ex. North and South will remain separate entities within a commonwealth. ex. A corporation is treated by the law as an entity. 法人在法律上被視為一個實體 nonflammable non-flame-able adj. [not flammable; not combustible or easily set on fire] 字源:flame, flash 你有沒有覺得不僅字型很像,而且概念也很像呢其實這兩個字都是 同一個原始印歐語所發展過來的 fl 其實有飛、流的概念,火搖晃的樣子就是飛來飛去不是嗎。 ps. inflame in-flame(n.火焰) v.使燃燒、;使憤怒 v.【醫】使發炎 inflammable adj.易燃的, 易激動的 inflammable的 in-是加強語氣用,而不是not的解釋 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: