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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/25120594 這頁真的講了很久!!!! ----------------------------------------- oafish oaf(silly person)-ish n.愚蠢的 聯想:o + ha + fish + (ness) c.f oa-fish adj.愚蠢的 [喔阿,蠢蠢的] of-fish adj.冷淡的 [魚離開,池塘變得冷清] oak n.橡樹 acorn oasis n.綠洲 [a small fertile or green area in a desert region, usually having a spring or well. ] ex. The town was an oasis of prosperity in a desert of poverty. 該鎮是貧窮荒漠中的一塊繁榮的"綠洲"。 ex. oasis:desert Oasis -- Live version of Up in the Sky from the "Definitely Maybe" album. oath n. 誓約 [A solemn, formal declaration or promise to fulfill a pledge, often calling on God, a god, or a sacred object as witness.] n. [Something declared or promised.] ps.1 An oath is a formal promise, especially a promise to be loyal to a person or country. ex. He took an oath of loyalty to the government. ps.2 In a court of law, when someone takes the oath, they make a formal promise to tell the truth. Barack Obama Oath of Office n.詛咒 [a curse] cf. 可以順便複習p.47 vow n. [a solemn promise, pledge, or personal commitment] ex. marriage vows; a vow of secrecy. ex. take the vows of a nun. Bride Can't Stop Laughing During Vows 字首 ob- 字首 ob- 是個很奇怪的字首,他有很多意思 主要的意思是against、over 另外還有toward、after、加強語氣的解釋 ob-: against 逆著、反對 obdurate adj.固執的 [against + durate(持久)-->不斷的反對你意見的-->固執的] object v.反對 [against + ject(擲)-->把別人的提議丟回去-->反對] oppress v.鎮壓 [against + press-->把人民的抗議壓回去-->鎮壓] oblique adj.斜的 [against+lique(正直向上)-->反對正直向上-->斜的] obloquy n.大罵、譴責 [against + loquy(speak)-->大聲說出反對別人的話-->大罵] obsessed adj.著迷的 [原來的意思指to besiege包圍,指的是令你著迷的事物包圍者你] [against + sess(sit),對者你坐成一圈(包圍)-->著迷的] obstreperous adj.吵鬧的 [noisy, clamorous, or boisterous] [against + strepere(make a noise)-->吵鬧而難以管束的] obtuse adj.遲鈍的 [against + tuse (to beat)-->被敲扁而不尖的 ] ob- : over 過度、覆蓋 obese adj.過胖的 [over+eat] oblivion n.遺忘 [Lacking all memory] [over(覆蓋)+ liv(想成live)]-我自己掰的 obscure adj.模糊的、身份卑微的不顯赫的 [over(過度) + scure(covered)] obliterate v.擦掉 (字跡、痕跡) [to remove or destroy all traces of] [over + liter (letter、script)] ob- : to obfuscate v.使困惑 [to + fusc(dark)] obtain v.得到 [ob(to)+tain-->去握住] oblige v.不得不..、施恩惠於 [to +lig(bind綁)] obnoxious adj.不愉快的、引起反感的 [to + nox(injury, hurt)] ob- : toward /* to 跟 toward 其實可以看成一組 */ obituary n.訃聞 [a notice of the death of a person] [ob(toward)-it(go)-uary] ob- : 加強語氣 omit v.遺漏 [ob- + mit] ob-:after(少)、away(少) obsequious adj.逢迎諂媚的 [ob(after) + sequ(follow)] obsolete adj.廢棄的、過時的 [ob(away) + solere (to be used to)] obdurate ob(against)-dur(hard)-ate adj.固執的 [Hardened in wrongdoing or wickedness; stubbornly impenitent] ps. If you describe someone as obdurate, you think that they are being unreasonable in their refusal to change their decision or opinion. ex. Parts of the administration may be changing but others have been obdurate defenders 字構:不斷的反對你意見的-->固執的 brief reveiw duration n.持續期間 durable a.耐用的 endure v.忍耐 indurate v.使硬化 obdurate a.固執的 obedient obey-ent /* not ob-edient*/ adj. [obeying or willing to obey; complying with or submissive to authority] ex. obedient son World's most obedient dog 西元前48年壯烈犧牲的300名斯巴達勇士的墓誌銘: Go, tell the Lacedainonians, Passer by, 路過的人,請轉告斯巴達人, That here obedient to their laws we lie. 我們長眠於此是為了效忠祖國和人民。 obeisance obey-s-ance n. 敬禮(指鞠躬、行屈膝禮等) [a movement of the body expressing deep respect or deferential courtesy, as before a superior; a bow, curtsy, or other similar gesture.] ex. He made a deep obeisance to the queen. 他向女王深深鞠了一躬。 Living Buddha Lian-Sheng Pay Obeisance obese ob(over)-ese(eat) adj.過胖的 [very fat or overweight; corpulent.] ps. obesity n. I Eat 33,000 Calories a day - Lisa Sellers obfuscate ob(to)-fusc(dark)-ate v.使困惑 [to confuse, bewilder, or stupefy. ] ex. obfuscated code ...似乎資工的人常常用這個字 v.使模糊 [to make obscure or unclear] obituary ob(toward)-it(go)-uary n. [a notice of the death of a person, often with a biographical sketch, as in a newspaper. ] ps. 因為obituary是個euphemism所以字面上,找不到跟死直接的關係。 object ['ɑbdʒɛkt] n. 物體 [anything that is visible or tangible and is relatively stable in form. ] n. 對象 [the end toward which effort or action is directed; goal; purpose] ex. Profit is the object of business n. 受詞 ex. S + V + O [əbdʒ'ɛkt] v.反對 (object to) [to offer a reason or argument in opposition. ] ex. No one objected to the plan. 沒有人反對這項計劃。 字構: against + ject(擲)-->把別人的提議丟回去-->反對 objection object-ion n.反對 [a reason or argument offered in disagreement, opposition, refusal] objective object-ive adj.客觀的 [not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased] ps1. Objective information is based on facts objective : fact ps2. subjective 主觀的 adj.受格的 (objective case) n.目的,目標 [something that one's efforts or actions are intended to attain or accomplish; purpose; goal; target] ex. His objective was to play golf and win. 整理 object n.物體 → objective a.客觀的 n.對象 → objective n.目標 object v.反對 → objection n.反對 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: