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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/25144018 observatory n.天文台 [A building, place, or institution designed and equipped for making observations of astronomical, meteorological, or other natural phenomena.] observe v.觀察 observance n.遵守、觀察 observatory n.天文台 LIGO Gravitational Wave Observatory ... (很有趣!!) The Elegant Universe - Einstein's Relativity obsess ob(against)-sess(sit) v.我會翻成 魂遷夢縈 [to dominate or preoccupy the thoughts, feelings, or desires of (a person)] ex. obsessed:concern 著迷的有過多關心 字構:against + sess(sit),對者你坐成一圈(包圍)-->著迷的 原來的意思指to besiege包圍,指的是令你著迷的事物包圍者你 ps. review page 27 字根 seed,sess = sit 字根 ced cess == go走、yield讓步 ceed obsessed adj.著迷的 ex. He was obsessed with XX TV program. obsession n.著迷 ex. She would try to forget her obsession with John. 題外:聽歌時間 ...middle 80's Classic Animotion Great Song Vid Obsession - Animotion obsolete ob(away)-sol(to be accustomed to)-ere(拉丁字尾) adj.廢棄的 [No longer in use] ex. an obsolete word adj.過時的 [Outmoded in design, style, or construction] obsolescent ob(away)-sol(to be accustomed to)-esc(becoming)-ent adj. [Being in the process of passing out of use or usefulness; becoming obsolete] ex. Electronic equipments quickly become obsolescent. 電子設備淘汰得很快. obstacle ob(against)-sta(=stand)-cle n.障礙 [One that opposes, stands in the way of, or holds up progress.] ps. 就是梗在路中阻止你前進 ex. an obstacle to her marriage Extreme Japanese Obstacle Courses C.f ... 進階 All of these nouns refer to something that prevents action or slows progress. Obstacle applies to something that stands in the way "We combat obstacles in order to get repose" (Henry Adams). obstruction makes passage or progress difficult A sandbar(沙洲) is an obstruction to navigation bar, barrier suggest an obstruction that confines or prevents exit or entry "Tyranny may always enter—there is no charm, no bar against it —the only bar against it is a large resolute breed of men" (Walt Whitman) Block suggests obstruction that effectively prevents all passage "I had a mental block and couldn't remember the date" obstruct ob(to)-struct(to pile up, or 聯想成construct也可以) v.妨礙 [To block or fill (a passage) with obstacles or an obstacle] ex. to completely obstruct the road obstruction ob(to)-struct(to pile up, or 聯想成construct也可以)-ion n.妨礙,障礙(物) 「One that obstructs; an obstacle」 ex. These obstructions could take some weeks to clear from these canals. 這些障礙物可能要花幾週時間才能從運河中清除掉。 ps. 棒球中的妨礙跑壘也是用這個字唷--obstruction 野手在無持球或未處理球之行為時,妨礙了跑壘員跑壘的行為 obstinate ob-stinate(=stand) ad..頑固的,固執的 [Stubbornly adhering to an attitude, opinion, or course of action; obdurate.] ps.1 Obstinate people are very determined to do what they want, and refuse to change their mind or be persuaded to do something else. ps.2 當你使用這個字的時候,有強調unreasonable rigidity。 而平常的stubborn是 比較有天生就很固執的意思,你沒看到有個born在裡面嗎。 ex. He is obstinate and determined and will not give up. ex. "I must go to England," she said, with a full consciousness that her tone might strike an irritable man of taste as stupidly obstinate. 我必須到英國去,”她說,她充分意識到自己的口氣在一位敏感的雅人聽來,一定顯得既 愚蠢又頑固。 obstinacy n.頑固,固執 [The state or quality of being stubborn] obstreperous adj.吵鬧的 [noisy, clamorous, or boisterous] ps. If you say that someone is obstreperous, you think that they are noisy and difficult to control. ps. 也可以指難駕馭的 ex. obstreperous:control 下面是翻成英文的孫子兵法。 來自於 《第十篇 地形》 凡兵有走者、有馳者、有陷者、有崩者、有亂者、有北者。凡此六者,非天地之災,將之 過也。 So among military forces there are those who rush, those who tarry(遲延), those who fall, those who crumble, those who riot, and those who get beaten. These are not natural disasters, but faults of the generals. 夫勢均,以一擊十,曰走;卒強吏弱。 Those who have equal momentum but strike ten with one are in a rush. 卒強吏弱,曰馳 Those whose soldiers are strong but whose officers are weak tarry. 吏強卒弱,曰陷 Those whose officers are strong but whose soldiers are weak fall. 大吏怒而不服,遇敵懟而自戰,將不知其能 When colonels(上校) are angry and obstreperous, and fight on their own out of spite(怨恨) when they meet opponents, and the generals do not know their abilities, they crumble. obtainable ob(to)-tain(hold)-able adj.能得到的 [If something is obtainable, it is possible to get or achieve it. ] ex. Is that book still obtainable? reveiw 重要的 page 44~ **字根 ten --> tin tain === hold 、keep tent tinu -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
fleece :推 05/19 21:04
kof311 :push! 05/19 22:32
xination :阿 幫我想一下 330有什麼梗 05/20 07:08
sovereignty :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xnUZCX_ORE 05/20 07:30
Nakamura25 :感謝! 05/20 20:49
Acecat :感恩,你的整理真的幫助我理解很多~~~~ 05/21 19:32