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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/25183222 list 26講完了 odyssey n.荷馬的敘事詩 n.長途飄泊 "Odyssey," from L. Odyssea, from Gk. Odysseia, name of the Homeric epic poem of ancient Greece, relating the 10-year wanderings of Odysseus (L. Ulysses), king of Ithaca, after the Trojan War. Homer's Odyssey --The epic tale cut down to 15 seconds. The Odyssey -Official Movie Trailer offbeat off-beat adj.不平常的,非傳統的 [Not conforming to an ordinary type or pattern; unconventional] ex. American shoppers are increasingly seeking out offbeat and unique shopping options like flea markets 美國費者越來越追求那種不拘常規、個性獨特的購物方式:如跳蚤市 在物理中beat是指兩個頻率相近的波的superposition Michael Jackson's Beat It offend ob(against)-fend(strike) v.冒犯 [to irritate, annoy, or anger; cause resentful displeasure in] ex. Does it offend you.. ex. Onions offend my sense of smell. v.犯過錯 [To offend against a law, rule, or principle means to break it.] ps. defend de(away)-fend(strike) v.防禦 offense n.冒犯 n.犯法(行為) ex. For what offense was he arrested? 他是犯了什麼罪被捕的? One Lakers Triangle Offense Attack ..湖人的三角戰術 offhand off-hand adj.未經準備地 [Performed or expressed without preparation or forethought] ps. 也可以當adv來用 ex. offhand remarks ex. <> premediatated 字構:off離去 hand, offhand是指隨手就做的意思。 officious office-ious adj.多管閒事的..(中文有點難翻) [Marked by excessive eagerness in offering unwanted services or advice to others] ex. officious interference from the police offish off-ish adj.不親熱的;冷漠的 [Inclined to be distant and reserved; aloof.] ex. She used to be aloof and stand-offish with us, but we are now friends. 她一向對我們疏遠冷淡,但現在我們成了很好的朋友了。 聯想:off-fish 魚離開,池塘變得冷清 off-key adj.走音的 [deviating from the correct tone or pitch; out of tune.] 這個字是在1943年後才開始有人用的唷 offset v.補償;抵銷 [something that counterbalances, counteracts, or compensates for something else] ex. The move is designed to help offset the shortfall in world oil supplies caused by the UN 這一舉動是被設計來幫助抵銷石油供給的不足 n.補償;抵銷 ex. In basketball, his speed and cleverness were an offset to his small size. 打籃球時,他的速度和機智彌補了他身材矮小的不足。 字構:act of setting off ps. excel 中有offset函數 Excel Magic Trick #78: OFFSET function...我很喜歡這傢伙的講解唷 c.f off set v.補償 on set n.開始 [set on 的顛倒] out set n.開始、開端 back set n.倒退 be set n.鑲嵌 offspring n.子孫,後代 [The progeny or descendants of a person, animal, or plant considered as a group.] 字構:指那些彈出來的(spring off),不過你也可以想成是春天來臨而彈出來的後代。 offstage off(遠)-stage adj/adv. [off the stage or in the wings; away from the view of the audience (opposed to onstage). ] ex. She ran offstage in tears. ex. There was a lot of noise offstage. adj/adv.私生活裡 [in one's private life rather than on the stage] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: