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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/25183225 比大小 sin(332 degree ) cos(-π/12) A) 大於 B) 小於 C) 等於 D) 不能比 *************************************************************** ogle v.送秋波 [to look at amorously, flirtatiously, or impertinently. ] ex. George got a black eye for ogling a lady in the pub. 喬治在酒店裡對一女士拋媚眼而被打黑了一隻眼睛。 音: 喔~哥哥 字源:Related to Du. ogen "to look at," from oog "eye ointment oint(to salve, anoint )-ment n.軟膏,藥膏 [A highly viscous or semisolid substance used on the skin as a cosmetic, emollient, or medicament; a salve.] ps. a fly in the ointment = 美中不足之處 ex. This ointment is good for soothing skin rashes. 這軟膏對減輕皮膚紅疹有用。 字源: ointment from O.Fr. oignement...受到古法文的影響字的拼法有些改變 from L. unguentum ps. unguent 也是軟膏的意思 from L. unguentem stem of unguere "to anoint or smear with ointment..就是塗軟膏的意思" from PIE base *ongw- "to salve, anoint(宗教儀式上抹油)" How to Choose an Ointment for Your New Tattoo olfaction ol(=odor; a smell)-fact(make)-ion n.嗅覺 [The sense of smell.] How the Body Works : The Olfactory Pathway c.f 眼的 ocular 耳的 auricular / 聽覺的 acoustic 鼻的 nasal / 嗅覺的 olfactory oligarchy oligo(few)-archy(rule) /*你有聽過寡糖飲料嗎...之前有個Mini-Oligo*/ n.寡頭政治 [Government by a few, especially by a small faction of persons or families.] ex. Athens was suffering under the rule of an oligarchy that had no concern for the people's welfare. 參考:古希臘政體的演變 Oligarchy vs Republic (Part 1 of 2) ... 很棒的介紹!大推 Oligarchy vs Republic (Part 2 of 2) 補充 (from wiki) Iron law of oligarchy是一項政治學和社會學理論,1911年由德國人Robert Michels提 出 Robert Michels以觀察歐洲各社會主義政黨(尤其是德國社會黨)的黨內生態,提出下列幾 項觀點: * 組織不論多民主,最後決定都只在少數幾個人手中。 * 組織越大,核心離群眾越遠。 * 領導人產生方法越不民主。 * 領導人越來越執著權力。 * 領導階層生活方式布爾喬亞化,和一般民眾脫鉤。 * 領導階層思想行為保守化。 omelet ps.發音的細節omlet n.煎蛋捲 聯想:O + me + let = 喔(O) 我(Me)來為你做個煎蛋捲(omelet)吧~ 專業主廚教你如何煎香嫩美味蛋包 (French Omelet) ominous omen-ous adj.不祥的 [Of or being an omen, especially an evil one; Menacing; threatening] ps. something is ominous, means you feel something unpleasant is going to happen. ex. ominous black clouds =不祥的黑雲 ex. an ominous sign ...比方說出門看到黑貓、烏鴉等等 ex. <> auspicious a.吉兆的 review 凶兆三兄弟 omen n/v. ex.an omen of defeat bode v. ex.This bodes us no good. portend v. ex.What do these strange events portend? omit ob(to)-mit(send) v.遺漏 [To fail to include or mention (deliberately or accidentally); leave out] ex. omit a word. ex. The typist omitted the last line of the letter. 打字員遺漏了信的最後一行字。 字構:omit的概念就是 to let it go...send away的意思 omnipotent omni(all)-potent adj.全能的; 有無限權力[almighty or infinite in power, as God.; having complete power over things or people] ex. an omnipotent admission committee. 字首 omni-的來源:from *op-ni-, from PIE base *op- "to work, produce in abundance" (see opus). ps.比較常見的 omni-字首所組成的字,還有: omnivorous [omni-vor(eat)-ous] a.雜食的 omnipresent omni(all)-present adj.無所不在的 [present everywhere at the same time] ex. the omnipresent god = 無所不在的上帝 ex. Divine law is omnipresent. ps. ubiquitous ubique-ity-ous ubique = ubi(L. where)-que(suffix any) 進階: Omnipresent用來指"崇高的"、"神的"之類的東西無所不在(跟神那類的比較有關)。 Ubiquitous 用來指出現在很多地方的意思。 omniscient omni(all)-sci(know)-ent adj.無所不知的 [having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things.] ex. We all, long ago, expected teachers to be omniscient. ex. omniscient wikipedia onerous oner-ous adj.繁重的;麻煩的 [Troublesome or oppressive; burdensome.] ex. I've always led an onerous timetable but I like it. 我的日程安排的確很緊,但我喜歡這樣。 字源: L. onus = burden English Pronunciation - ONEROUS ps. 好像之前有談過一個也是跟oner-組成的單字,但是熊熊想不起來 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Teachor :一定要推的~ 06/03 23:23
carnival :EXONERATE 06/03 23:33
sovereignty :B) 小於,all-s-t-c 高中三角,cos(-15度)是正的, 06/03 23:50
sovereignty :sin(-28度)是負的。 06/03 23:51
sovereignty :ogle (哦哥) 一定要聽這首的啦 http://bit.ly/9yZx6r 06/03 23:56
sovereignty :exonerate 厲害! 06/04 00:02
raysung :好久不見~~~推推~ 06/04 10:00
csjiuun :推推推~~ 06/04 10:37
su394ji310 :必定推!! 06/05 01:34