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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/25183227 快要考試了 加油~ ****************************************************** onset n.開始 [A beginning; a start] ex.the onset of a cold n.攻擊[An onslaught; an assault.] ex. the onset of the enemy. 敵人的進攻。 字源:最早onset的字義是"an assault",後來把程度轉弱點,就當做開始"a start" 聽歌時間:閃靈 悲命格 Chthonic-Onset Of Tragedy opaque adj.不透明的 [Impenetrable by light; neither transparent nor translucent.] ps.If an object or substance is opaque, you cannot see through it. ex. You can use opaque glass if you need to block a street view. ex. opaque <> diaphanous adj. [So obscure as to be unintelligible] ex. opaque and elusive meanings How to place opaque transfer on tote bag (大型手提包) opacity n.不透明 [the state or quality of being opaque.] ex. By definition, a cataract(白內障) is an opacity in the lens. 白內障的定義就是晶狀體混濁。 n. [Something opaque.] Cataracts opalescence opal-esc(becoming)-ence n.乳白光 [Exhibiting a milky iridescence like that of an opal.(可以反射出an rlight...有點像漫畫的特效)] 比方說你可以用這個字形容牙齒很白,且亮的發光。 ps. opal 蛋白石 Gemology of precious opal Opal是一種很稀有的石頭唷,它本身是沒有顏色(或是有點白白透明的),但它反射的光是 很光彩炫目的。 operative oper(to work, labor)-ative adj.運行著的 [Being in effect; having force; operating] ex. The airport is operative again after the bad weather. 惡劣天氣過後機場又重新運行了。 adj. [Functioning effectively; efficient.] ps. 還有字義為 n. [A secret agent; a spy.] n. [A skilled worker, especially in industry.] family word: operate v.操作 operation n.操作 ps. opera 歌劇 它是來自義大利文,而核心的oper- 也是work的意思唷 operetta opera-etta n.輕歌劇 [A theatrical production that has many of the musical elements of opera but is lighter and more popular in subject and style and contains spoken dialogue. Also called light opera.] 輕歌劇的主題性質是輕鬆、滑稽、誇張、取材於當時(而非歷史故事)的歌劇。 小約翰‧史特勞斯(Johann Strauss):輕歌劇「蝙蝠」(Die Fledermaus ) from wiki 在辯護律師布林德協助無效下,艾森史坦男爵即將因為侮辱官員而坐牢八天,而今天就是 他要入監的日子。但是他的朋友法克博士說服他延後一天入獄,並找他一起去參加一場俄 國王子歐羅夫斯基所舉辦的舞會,而在那可以看到許多年輕的美女。法克在上個冬天曾經 參加過一場化裝舞會,他裝扮成蝙蝠而且喝得酩酊大醉,但是當時艾森史坦故意將他拋棄 在大街中,直到天亮後才醒來。結果法克就成了大家的笑柄。而此次他正等待機會想要好 好的回整艾森史坦。 Die Fledermaus (01) - Overture Die Fledermaus (02) - Iintroduction Act I opine v.想;以為 [to hold or express an opinion.] ps. To opine means to express your opinion. (FORMAL) ex. I opine that it will rain before night. 我想天黑以前要下雨的。 ps. opinion n.意見 opinionated opinion-ated adj.堅持己見的;頑固的 [Holding stubbornly and often unreasonably to one's own opinions] ps. Opinionated people have very strong opinions and refuse to accept that they may be wrong. opponent ob(against)-pon(put)-ent n.敵手 [One that opposes another or others in a battle, contest, controversy, or debate.] ex. to defeat one's opponents in the election 字根 pon == put放 pound 例如 compound n.化合物;複合物 proponent n.擁護者 oppose ob(against)-pose(put) v. [To be in conflict with; To be resistant to] ex. oppose the enemy force. ex. He is strongly opposed to the plan. family word oppose v. opposite a.相反的 opposition n.反對 opportune ob(toward)-port(港口)-une adj.適宜的 [appropriate, favorable, or suitable] ex. an opportune phrase for the occasion. ex. The call came at an opportune moment for me. 這個電話對我來說來得正是時候。 ex. opportune:convenience 合適的東西方便 字源:op(=ob; toward)-portune(L. portus;port,haven)。 原來是指風朝向港口,這像歸航就方便多了,所以opportune有"適宜的"意思。 可以順便review p.251 importune = in-(op)portune oppress ob(against)-press v.壓迫;壓制 [To keep down by severe and unjust use of force or authority] ex. A good ruler will not oppress the poor. 好的統治者不會壓迫貧民。 ex. The imperialists exploit and oppress all the peoples of the world. 帝國主義者剝削和壓迫全世界人民。 ps. oppress vs. suppress, repress 基本上這三個字的意思都可以視為同義詞,更細分的話 oppress 比較用於政治那類的(treat cruelly) supress 也可以用於政治(stop it to develop),但他的範圍更廣,比方說壓制情緒、媒 體資訊、活動,甚至你身體的某個器官停止運作了也就叫suppressed. repress 也可以用於政治(指自由被限制了),比較多的情況是當作壓制情緒、壓制嘆息 opprobrious ob-prob(聯想成probe;probity)-rious(=ry-ous) adj.粗野的;罵人的 [Expressing contemptuous reproach; scornful or abusive] ex. opprobrious language 粗野的語言;罵人的話 ps. 這個字並不是很多人使用,比較冷門點。 字源:op- + probr(um) infamy, disgrace + -ious -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: xination 來自: (06/07 17:20)
carnival :推悲命格:D 06/07 17:42
sovereignty :各位觀眾,三個 3! 06/07 17:48