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※ 引述《mygo198 (老a)》之銘言: : 富邦秋訓客座教練團 找來王建民復健恩師 : 記者陳立勳/台中報導 : 富邦11月即將接手義大犀牛,轉手後首次秋訓找來5位華盛頓國民隊教練來台客座,期待 : 提升球員水準,其中教練團陣容相當豪華,包括2010年曾協助王建民投球的復健教練,以 : 及國民隊前板凳教練等人。 : 富邦育樂總經理蔡承儒14日透露球隊11月7日進行秋訓,屆時將邀請華盛頓國民小聯盟體 : 系教練團來台指導,教練團也會參與秋訓,時間大約1個月。 : 在教練團陣容方面,葛蘭特(Mark Grater)曾經在2010年國民隊復健基地,擔任復健基 : 地投手教練,負責照顧王建民,目前他在國民隊擔任投手部門統籌(Coordinator)。 : 牛棚方面有諾爾(Randy Knorr),諾爾前幾年一直都是國民隊板凳教練,在之前國民教 : 練團改組之下,目前轉為國民隊總經理資深助理,以前也當過國民隊3A總教練。 : 此外,金瑞契(Troy Gingrich)目前為國民隊打擊統籌,索門(Gary Thurman)今年義 : 大春訓有來過,現職為國民隊跑壘統籌,至於嘉納(Darrin Garner)則為西雅圖水手隊 : 內野守備統籌。 : http://sports.ettoday.net/news/793931 : ================ : 陣容很好,球員教練都會很受用 查了一下 記者應該沒唬人 國民的Coordinators ***Senior Advisor to the GM, Player Development - Randy Knorr Senior Advisor, Player Development - Spin Williams Co-Field Coordinator - Jeff Garber Co-Field Coordinator - Tommy Shields Pitching Coordinator - Paul Menhart ****Hitting Coordinator - Troy Gingrich ****Outfield/Baserunning Coordinator - Gary Thurman Catching Coordinator - Michael Barrett ****Rehabilitation Pitching Coordinator - Mark Grater Medical and Rehab Coordinator - Jon Kotredes Strength and Conditioning Coordinator - Landon Brandes Minor League Clubhouse and Equipment Coordinator - Calvin Minasian 經歷 :(未完全更新) Randy Knorr Knorr managed in the Washington Nationals organization. He began 2006 as manager of the Potomac Nationals before being named the Nationals bullpen coach in June. After the season, he returned to Potomac. He was again a member of Washington's big league staff in 2009 before going back to the minors to manage in 2010. In 2012, he went back to Washington as bench coach for Davey Johnson and stayed until the end of the 2015 season. In 2016, his title was "Senior Baseball Adviser" although he was still listed among the coaching staff. Mark Grater 2001 Pitching coach Peoria Chiefs 2002 Pitching coach GCL Expos 2003 Pitching coach Brevard County Manatees 2004 Pitching coach Harrisburg Senators 2005 Pitching coach Savannah Sand Gnats 2006 Pitching coach Vermont Lake Monsters 2010-2012 Rehabilitation Pitching coordinator Washington Nationals Troy Gingrich Gingrich has been a coach for the Vermont Expos (2004), Potomac Nationals (2005-2007), Harrisburg Senators (2008-2011), Syracuse Chiefs (2012-2013). Gary Thurman Since his playing career ended, Thurman has been a minor league coach and manager. He was skipper of the AZL Mariners in 1999, the Wisconsin Timber Rattlers from 2000 to 2002, and the Inland Empire 66ers in 2006. He led the 66ers to the California League championship under his guidance. Thurman was a coach for the Tacoma Rainiers in 2003 and the San Antonio Missions in 2004-2005. In 2007 he became the Seattle Mariners minor league outfield coordinator. On July 3, 2007 it was announced that he would become the Mariners' first base coach, replacing Mike Goff who had moved to bench coach after the previous bench coach, John McLaren, became manager. In 2008, Thurman became the Cleveland Indians' minor league outfield/baserunning coordinator, a job he held unti 2011. In 2012, he was named first base coach of the Miami Marlins. Darrin Garner Garner began his coaching career with the GCL Rangers in 1992. He coached in the Rangers system from 1992 to 1994. He managed the AZL Mariners in 1997-1998 and the Lancaster JetHawks in 1999. He was a coach for the Everett AquaSox in 2000-2001 and managed the AZL Mariners again in 2002. He then returned to Everett as coach of the AquaSox in 2003-2004. Garner was an infield instructor in the Seattle Mariners from 2005-2012. He returned to the field as manager of the AZL Mariners in 2013. -- 這次的洋教比較不同的地方在於 都是各個部門的Coordinator 其實很符合小葉之前強調的養成觀念 http://www.nownews.com/n/2016/01/18/1965116 讓一二軍教的學的觀念一致 垂直整合 避免造成選手的困擾 看到小葉為國內帶來的農場養成思維 其實真的挺感人的 但畢竟洋教練們只來一個月 所能學到的還是有限 比起球員們 更希望本土教練們能多吸收點 讓台灣有更多的小葉能改善整體環境 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Rhinos/M.1476548257.A.902.html
BonSon56: 教練學到東西比球員學到東西更重要 10/16 00:21
mygo198: 先推,要不然人家會以為我們看不懂英文XD 10/16 00:21
joe154: 樓上XDDD 這篇寫得真好!!! 10/16 00:22
chemikelvin: 這其實沒啥英文啊 都是他們的經歷 -_- 10/16 00:23
aufewig: 讚!終於看到有體系的養成,也希望未來球團、球員都支 10/16 00:32
aufewig: 持! 10/16 00:32
lostguy: 明年春訓客座有機會嗎?或是送人出去學也不錯 10/16 00:33
mygo198: 其實要學應該是找洋教來管二軍,二軍的教練去學一整年 10/16 00:38
chemikelvin: 要學一整年有點難 基本上那邊薪水很低... 10/16 00:38
mygo198: 是富邦給目前教練薪水讓他們去學一整年,而二軍讓洋教練 10/16 00:41
mygo198: 來支援管理 10/16 00:41
summer201: 聽小葉的建議做 這樣就對了 10/16 00:44
perhdball: 我是覺得不用一次整隊去啦XD一二軍各去一兩個 10/16 00:47
perhdball: 至少待個一年或半季 10/16 00:47
perhdball: 二軍全洋教,對年輕球員不一定都是好事情 10/16 00:48
langrisser: 只要少主信任葉總,給他持續的支援一定會開花結果 10/16 01:59
AirLee: 支持先全面提升教練團水準! 10/16 07:57
AirLee: 這麼多年沒進步就是被殺豬公的教法害的 10/16 07:58
oneheat: 所以說下半季這個冠軍很重要啊,至少能在保葉君璋一兩年 10/16 09:19
oneheat: 。免得一堆牛鬼蛇神出來亂。 10/16 09:19
oneheat: 將來三年一堆高品質但等著養成的好貨,決勝關鍵會在農場 10/16 09:33
oneheat: 這塊。 10/16 09:33
XYZP: 期待養成農場能創造接下來的連霸王朝~ 10/16 12:35
rahim: 想要拼農場的話,明後年選秀就以潛力股為主吧 10/16 12:59
feelcorner: 二軍練的好絕對很重要,一軍絕對有人會受傷,二軍拉上 10/16 13:04
feelcorner: 來能撐起來才能把球季打好打滿 10/16 13:04
rahim: 感覺現在二軍的潛力股跟其他三隊比起來還有段差距,14年選 10/16 13:06
rahim: 秀太悲劇了,幾乎全軍覆沒 10/16 13:06
oneheat: 明年畢業,高苑三雄,穀保萬,林,鶯歌那個游擊,南英張 10/16 13:19
oneheat: 梓軒等等一大票等著養。不用怕天份不夠,只怕不會選不會 10/16 13:19
oneheat: 養而已。 10/16 13:19
oneheat: 加上大學跟海龜算進去,可能四五輪都還有ace candidate可 10/16 13:21
oneheat: 以抓。台灣真的球隊太少了。 10/16 13:21
tony123839: 張梓軒會旅外吧?? 10/16 13:31
oneheat: 我都先假設留啦,畢竟現在出國錢沒以前那麼好了。 10/16 13:33
oahaha: 張梓軒極速多少,以他的身高跟協調性球速不到140蠻奇怪的 10/16 14:33
rahim: 換個角度想,有身材有球速又沒傷的高中投手也不可能留在中 10/16 14:46
rahim: 職 10/16 14:46
march60256: 二樓好煩,哈哈哈!!! 10/16 19:20
pink0518: 二樓好好笑XD 10/17 00:06