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2000s Where the Truth Lies (2005) Beauty Shop (2005) Loverboy (2004) Cavedweller (2004) Woodsman, The (2004) In the Cut (2003) 神秘河流 Mystic River (2003) 步步危機 Trapped (2002) Novocaine (2001) (uncredited) 透明人 Hollow Man (2000) 家有跳狗 My Dog Skip (2000) 1990s Stir of Echoes (1999) Elizabeth Jane (1998) 野東西 Wild Things (1998) Digging to China (1998) Telling Lies in America (1997) Destination Anywhere (1997) (V) 純屬虛構 Picture Perfect (1997) 豪情四兄弟 Sleepers (1996) Balto (1995) (voice) 阿波羅13 Apollo 13 (1995) Murder in the First (1995) New York Skyride (1994) 驚濤駭浪 River Wild, The (1994) 灌籃好手 Air Up There, The (1994) 軍官與魔鬼 Few Good Men, A (1992) Pyrates (1991) .... Ari 誰殺了甘迺迪 JFK (1991) 性愛一念間 He Said, She Said (1991) 最後單身派對 Queens Logic (1991) 闖陰陽界 Flatliners (1990) 從地心竄出 Tremors (1990) 1980s 電影奇譚 Big Picture, The (1989) 犯罪本色 Criminal Law (1988) End of the Line (1988) 天下父母心 She's Having a Baby (1988) Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987) 惡水追擊營 White Water Summer (1987) Quicksilver (1986) .... Jack Casey 渾身是勁 Footloose (1984) Enormous Changes at the Last Minute (1983) Forty Deuce (1982) 餐館 Diner (1982) Only When I Laugh (1981) Hero at Large (1980) Friday the 13th (1980) 1970s Starting Over (1979) 動物屋 Animal House (1978) 資料來源:http://us.imdb.com/name/nm0000102/