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˙The cat appearing in the Lisa Loeb music-video "Stay", which he directed,  is his own. ˙Attended West Windsor-Plainsboro High School in Central New Jersey, but is not pictured in the yearbook (1984-86). ˙Daughter, with Thurman, Maya Ray Thurman-Hawke. [8 July 1998] ˙Graduated from the Hun School of Princeton. [1988] ˙Published his first novel, "The Hottest State," in 1996 (the novel sold for $400,000 to Little, Brown and Company). ˙Was in a production of "Great Expectations" at West Windsor Plainsboro High School. ˙Was accepted by Carnegie-Mellon University, School of Drama in Pittsburgh,  PA, but dropped out after only 5 months. ˙Proposed to wife Uma Thurman twice before she said yes. ˙His brother is a Green Beret. ˙welcomed second child, Roan, a boy on January 15, 2002. The baby weighed  7lbs 15oz. ˙Childhood friend of director Bryan Singer (The Usual Suspects; X-Men) ˙歌手 Lisa Loeb 音樂錄影帶「Stay」(由伊森霍克所導)中出現的小貓,就是 Ethan  Hawke 自己養的貓。 ˙曾就讀位在紐澤西州的高中(West Windsor-Plainsboro High Schoool),但畢業紀 念冊裡沒他的照片。 ˙女兒 Maya Ray Thurman-Hawke 是 Hawke 與 Uma Thurman 的第一個小孩。 ˙畢業於 Hun School of Princeton。 ˙於1996年出版他的第一本小說「The Hottest State」。 ˙曾在 West Windsor Plainsboro High School 參與戲劇「Great Expectations」的製  作。 ˙申請進入 Carnegie-Mellon University 在披茲堡的戲劇學校(School of Drama in  Pittsburgh),但只讀了五個月之後就退學。 ˙向 Uma Thurman 求了兩次婚。 ˙他的哥哥(或弟弟)是美國特種部隊隊員。 ˙2002年一月15號,Hawke 與 Thurman 迎接他們的第二個孩子,Roan,小男嬰出生時重  71磅又15盎司。 ˙童年玩伴 Bryan Singer 現在是知名導演,作品有 X-Men 戰警一二三集。 (www.imdb.com)