精華區beta HIGHLIGHT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
作者:Rowdyruff@allkpop To say B2ST have come a long way from their 2009 debut is something of an understatement. It has taken them several mini-albums and overcoming a rough start to get to where they are now, but they’ve worked hard, grown, and developed into quite the force amongst the boy bands of today. 「Beast從2009年出道至今進步很多。」對我來說這是種過於粗糙簡略的說法。在艱難 中起步,並通過幾張迷你專輯的考驗才成為現在的Beast的他們,一直以來付出相當的努 力並有所成長,到了今天才發展成男團中的一股強勢的力量。 When B2ST debuted, one of the very first pieces of information to surface about these six (Dong Woon, Doo Joon, Hyun Seung, Jun Hyung, Ki Kwang, and Yo Seob) was that they were either failed solo artists, idol rejects, or something in between. They came from a purgatory of sorts; misfits taken in by the talent agency Cube Entertainment, who gave them another chance at the stardom few of them were oh-so close to achieving. Acknowledging the pasts of say, Hyun Seung – the member who was a hair away from making it intothe Big Bang – or Ki Kwang – aka AJ, the forgotten solo artist – is crucial to fully appreciating the music of B2ST and all of their achievements thus far. 當Beast剛出道的時候,首先最引人注意的是六位成員的組成背景中,不是失敗的solo歌 手、idol的落選者,就是處於這兩者之間的類型。他們來自各式各樣的困境,分別有著個 人的苦痛。而Cube Entertainment給了它們另一個機會成為明星,這也是其中少數幾位曾 經幾乎就要實現的事。 檢視某些成員的過去,是能夠充分享受BEAST的音樂和欣賞他們到目前所有成就的重要關 鍵,比如說張賢勝-在成為Big bang一員的過程中遭到淘汰,或是李起光(別名AJ)-一個 被遺忘的solo歌手。 Musically, B2ST began as a cookie-cutter, run of the mill boy band that offered nothing more than the same old auto-tuned vocals sold on a silver platter of abs and biceps. B2ST’s singing voices, even Yo Seob’s at the time, were close to mediocre with little sense of unity as a group. They were average at best, and with a group as precise as SHINee overshadowing all rookies during that time period, B2ST’s 2009 debut fell to a lackluster standard and left very little to savor. However, B2ST possessed something that other rookies seemed to have lacked, and it’s what ultimately kept them reappearing on the scene time and time again: B2ST had a drive to lay it all out there – the good and the bad. You didn’t need to have followed B2ST through every single variety show or waking hour of their existence to see their thirst to always be better. It was evident from one mini-album to the next and in the consistency of their performances. Many groups go up and regress, but B2ST have been getting better as a pop group season after season. 就音樂而言,Beast從千篇一律的偶像打造開始,以最普通的男子偶像團體運作模式出道 。專賣Auto-tuned vocals老梗,再端上閃亮的腹肌和二頭肌作為點綴。當時Beast的歌聲 ,甚至是當時的梁耀燮,可以說接近平庸,幾乎顯示不出一個團體的團結感。他們充其量 只有達到平均標準。但在像SHINee這樣具有特色的團體讓當時所有其他新人團都相形失色 的時刻,Beast在2009年的出道表現平平,並沒有留下什麼值得回味的東西。 然而,Beast卻擁有所有其他新人團沒有的東西。那就是讓他們總是持續不斷的一次又一 次出現在觀眾面前的,那種將終極的自我-不管是壞的還是好的-全部展現的驅動力。你 甚至不需要follow Beast所有的表演和節目或仔細觀察他們的存在,就能察覺到他們不斷 要進步的渴望。這樣的渴望,可以輕易地從一張又一張的mini專輯,以及他們表演的強度 中找到證據。很多團體大紅之後走下坡,Beast則是持續的在季和季之間成長茁壯。 As they trickled teasers for their “Fiction And Fact” album this week, the improvement from their previous endeavors to where they are now is monumentally impressive this time. 這個禮拜釋出的Fiction and Fact專輯teaser,可以看出他們到此之前所累積下來的努力 ,這次帶來令人印象深刻並具里程碑意義的躍進。 It was a very risky move to release an album full of mellow overtones rather than something filled with pounding beats and drilling synths (as B2ST have done before), but they have somehow managed to inject those idiosyncrasies into “Fiction And Fact” without overwhelming the softness of it all. 在此之前讓整張專輯充滿柔和的overtones取代強烈的節奏和鑽腦的電子合成音(就像 Beast已經嘗試過的),是件非常冒險的事。但他們卻為這張專輯注入和那些節奏一樣強烈 的特質,而沒有使整張專輯被柔性主宰。 The album opens with “The Fact” (video above); this song is short enough to be considered an intro-track, but long enough to enjoy as a full song. “The Fact” is slow and features a simple instrumentation with a chiming guitar part. Like in last year’s releases, the production of this song and the rest of this album is stellar. Right from the start, there’s a clear indication that B2ST wont be recycling any of their old styles (like they did from “ Shock” to “Soom“), which is always a challenge for a pop group. This time, they have gone down an R&B road while successfully keeping it 100% pop with very melodic structures and phrases. 專輯從The Fact開始,這首歌的長度可以被稱為intro-track,但也長得足夠做為一首完 整的歌來欣賞。The Fact是慢板的歌曲,並在簡單的樂器編排中和chiming guitar搭配。 正如同去年發行的作品一樣,這首intro與專輯中接下來的其他歌曲相互輝映。從一開始 ,這首歌就清楚地告訴我們: Beast不會再度重複過去的風格(就像他們已經在Shock到 Soom的時期做了這件事)。而這對於流行團體來說一直以來就是個挑戰。在這首歌,他們 選擇走一條R&B的路,但又利用優美的旋律結構和樂句成功地保持100%流行性。 “Fiction” transitions almost flawlessly from “The Fact”, laying down those very same heart-wrenching melodies you hear in the first song. Fiction則放下第一首歌中我們聽到的那種重複的痛心旋律,幾乎毫無失誤的從The Fact 承接了情緒的轉變。 About a year ago, I had argued that it was the production that brought B2ST to life, but today, it’s the complete opposite. The production in “Fiction” is like a final gloss layered above a well sung and well delivered lead single. When you can strip away an amazing production from a song and still have the remains of something brilliant, that’s when you know you’ve nailed it. 約在一年前,我曾認為是幕後製作才讓Beast有了生命。但到了今天,情況則是完全相反 。製作在Fiction這首歌中,就像為一首已經被好的歌唱完整詮釋的主打歌打上最後的一 層薄薄光澤一樣。當一首歌去除所有炫麗的製作卻仍然傑出,那就是通過一切考驗了。 As a song, one of the best parts of “Fiction” is the chorus, not because it ’s catchy, but because of the way it was pieced together. There are essentially two things going on: a broad set of lines (sung byHyun Seung and Yo Seob the first time around) and an underlying base, i.e. “fiction in fiction.” It’s so subtle, but remove one of those two things and the entire feeling is lost. It’s that kind of attention to structure that I’m impressed to hear out of Cube Entertainment right now, and guess what – it happens several times in this album. 和任何一首歌一樣,Fiction最出色的其中一個部份就是副歌。並不是因為它悅耳得琅琅 上口,而是它被拼湊起來的方式。基本上主要有兩個部分在合作: 一長串歌詞(第一次由 張賢勝和梁耀燮唱的部分) 以及一個潛伏的基礎(fiction in fiction) 。這個安排相當 微妙,將這兩樣東西其中任何一個拿掉都將讓這首歌的感覺不再完整。而聽到這種對歌曲 結構的特別安排讓我對這次的Cube Entertainment驚豔,而在接下來的專輯中我還有數次 同樣的感受。 “Fiction” is very strong, and yet it contrasts dramatically with the vibes that K-pop wants us to feel as the Summer approaches. This album doesn’t sound chipper or high-energy, so this will come off as far-removed to those who are purchasing bikini swimsuits right now. Fiction是首感覺強烈的歌,戲劇性地和接下來K-pop要我們感受到的夏日氣氛產生對比。 這張專輯聽起來並不開朗或充滿能量,所以對現在準備去買比基尼的人來說可能會有很不 尋常的感受。 B2ST have always had a good grip on catchy melodies, but there was always that cheesy factor that ended up cheapening the credibility of their music. Fortunately, their songwriters and B2ST have removed most of the corny elements this year and replaced it with a dash of sophistication. “Back To You” (third song) could have easily fallen victim to sounding like a complete cheese-fest, but the boys turned it into a charming number, and it worked (Back To You). Beast一直以來都很會處理catchy的旋律,但總還是因為俗氣這個因素到頭來使他們的音 樂變得廉價。幸運的是,作曲者和Beast這次用少許成熟的韻味取代過去的陳腔濫調。 Back To You這首歌很容易聽起來像是完全俗氣的音樂製品,但這群男孩成功地將它變成 一首迷人的歌。 The following song, titled “You“, also highlights something that hadn’t entirely been covered before, which is placing B2ST’s vocals onto an upbeat pop song and making them sound fantastic from start to finish.This song features a laid back beat with engaging verses and a beautiful chorus. It’s one of the better songs on this album. Why? Because the vocals sound absolutely amazing. 接下來的You,將Beast的vocals帶進情緒高亢的旋律裡,凸顯了某些以前還沒完全展現出 來的特質,讓他們聽起來從開頭到結尾好得難以置信。這首歌帶有慵懶的節奏、魅力的 verses和出色的副歌,也這是這張專輯中,表現較好的其中一首。 為什麼?因為這首歌的vocals絕對令人驚艷。 B2ST’s voices have also gone through a transformation of their own. Dong Woon ’s voice in particular is like night and day. Well, not completely, but he’ s the one member who has most improved in the vocal department. Beast的聲音也經歷了一段自我的轉變。特別是孫東雲的聲音,就像黑夜和白天一般。嗯 ,也不完全是。但他是在vocal部分進步最多的其中一位成員。 During his newbie days, Dong Woon sounded less like a singer and more like someone singing directly from his throat – or rather, someone just talking his lines in hopes of at least staying in pitch. I remember questioning his presence in a singing group, as his singing was…well…nonexistent. 剛出道的時候,孫東雲聽起來不像是一個歌手,而比較像一個用直接用喉嚨唱歌的人-或 者是,一個邊將歌詞念出來邊祈禱至少別走音的人。我還記得我曾對他在這個歌唱團體中 的存在表示質疑,正如同他的歌聲就像…嗯…不存在。 just pushing from the throat. Dong Woon’s voice is very mute and it’s hard to hear how broad his range might be because it always feels like he’s going to break at any second. Regardless, he’s cautiously pushing his vocal limits, and as he does so (like in “You”), we get to hear just how far he can go. I mean, he even reaches his head voice in some of these songs. The boy is learning, as well as Doo Joon, the other secondary vocalist in B2ST. There are moments when the lead singers – Hyun Seung, Ki Kwang, and Yo Seob – sound untouchable, and now Doo Joon is working his way up there. 現在孫東雲開竅了,並了解到唱歌並不是將聲音從喉嚨推出來。孫東雲的聲音非常沙啞, 而且很難知道他的音域有多廣,因為他每分每秒都像是準備要破音一般。然而,他謹慎地 在這些歌曲中探索了自己聲音的極限,就像他在”You”裡面作的,而我們終於能聽到他 有多大的能耐。我的意思是,在其中的幾首中,他甚至到到達了頭聲。這男孩正在學習, 而斗俊,Beast的另外一個副唱,也是一樣。有些時候這些主唱張賢勝、李起光和梁耀燮 聽起來無懈可擊,而現在斗俊也正往那邁進。 “Freeze” follows as the most ‘Cube’-esque track, featuring a brighter tone with an unending pace and a ton of energy. It reminds me of the up beat songs Big Bang released before their wax into the age of electro-pop. It’s a little too CF, but kudos to Jun Hyung for at least working on something himself. Freeze遵循cube一貫的路數,使用較為明亮的曲調和不間斷的節奏,並充滿了活力。這讓 我想起Big bang在進入electro-pop之前的那些節奏強烈的歌。這是一首有點太像CF的歌 曲。但仍要向龍俊亨致敬,至少他創作了自己的作品。 The next song on the album is “Virus” and it brings us back to the primary style of the album. This one isn’t as strong as any of the previous tracks; for the most part it remains pretty flat, but it’s chock full of falsettos (Freeze, Virus). 接下來的歌是Virus,它將我們帶回專輯前半的氛圍。這首並不像前面幾首那麼強而有力 ,大部分時候都相當平板,但滿滿地充斥著高音。 “Calling You” is another mid tempo song you will have to let grow on you, as it lacks the dramatic melodies and force of the first half of the album. Around this point in “Fiction And Fact” is where I think a really B2ST up-tempo song would have sat well among the many mopy low/mid tracks. This album isn’t as hectic as I had imagined, which is great, but at least one over the top song could have definitely worked here (Calling You). Calling You是另外一首中節奏、需要情緒慢慢渲染的歌曲,因為它缺少了前半段幾首歌 的那種戲劇性的旋律和力量。 整張Fiction and Fact聽到這一刻,差不多是我覺得一首完全Beast風格的快節奏歌曲該 在這些抑鬱的低沉歌曲中出現的時候。這張專輯不如我先前想像般高昂興奮,這點很好, 但至少一首熱鬧的歌放在這裡肯定會很不錯。 Lastly, there’s “On Raining Days“, the one song that cements B2ST as one of the most vocally talented idol pop bands in Korea. This song takes everything that B2ST weren’t two years ago and displays exactly how far they ’ve come. 最後,On Raining Days,這首歌奠定了Beast為韓國最有歌唱實力的偶像團體其中之一。 這首歌需要Beast兩年前所沒有的一切,而這也顯示了他們確實有了長遠的進步。 There’s a certain quality in every member’s voice that ties really well with the other, and “On Raining Days” has done an amazing job of taking those loose ends and weaving them together perfectly. It seems well suited for their vocalswhile keeping a good space between lines where each member can throw in any kind of melismas to decorate their lines but not take away from the overall feel of the song. 這首歌當中每位成員的聲音都有一定的水準,而且相互緊密連結。而On Raining Days令 人驚艷的是將每一句鬆散的末尾完美地編織在一起。他們的vocals似乎很適合在歌詞和歌 詞之間保留空間,讓每位成員的自由發揮各種melismas(註:單音節裝飾句)為屬於自己的 歌詞增色,但卻又不帶走整首歌的感覺。 It really brings this album to a comfortable close, as it draws from those swaying melodies we hear at the beginning. 這首歌確實將這張專輯帶向一個舒適的尾聲,就像它從專輯一開始那些搖擺不定的旋律中 跳脫出來一般。 B2ST is like the little boy band that could. Beast像是一個不顯眼但全能的男子團體。 They went from relying on their image as a means to sell their music to stripping away the over-processed treatments that plague the Korean pop music industry and revealing that they’re more than just hot studs in flashy outfits. This album is very much pop, but also raw in that the focus is directly aimed at B2ST’s vocal competency. Every member gets the opportunity to shine; even the rapper, whose raps make more sense now than ever before. 從只能用外表和形象來推銷自己的音樂開始,一直到完全褪去K-pop產業中泛濫的那些過 度加工的處理方式,他們證明自己並不只是穿著閃亮打歌服的裝飾品。這張專輯的定位 的確完全是流行音樂,但它同時也原原本本的專注於發掘Beast的歌唱實力。每一位成員 都擁有機會發光,甚至連rapper,念的rap內容都比以前的任何時候來得有意義。 Not only are they each getting decent lines, but they’re singing them with all the conviction they can gather, and you hear it. These songs aren’t explosive noise-wise, but they are still full of energy from B2ST’s emotion, strength, and delivery. And as B2ST are growing individually, they’re developing a very strong chemistry as a unit, as well. These guys know who they are and understand the kind of music they are sent out to perform. 而這不只是每個成員都能得到體面的歌詞來唱而已,重點是你聽得出來他們用盡自己的所 有信念在唱。即使這些歌本身並不是爆炸性的傑作,但當中依舊充滿了來自Beast情感、 實力和個人風格的能量。而當Beast的每個成員正在各自成長著的同時,團體內也正在產 生強烈的化學變化。這些成員清楚自己有多大能耐,他們也完全明瞭現在即將上台表演的 ,是怎樣的音樂。 “Fiction And Fact” is cohesive, sophisticated, and may have single-handedly pushed all other boy band’s releases to the left and claimed the top spot as the best male idol album of the first half of 2011. “Fiction And Fact”前後連貫、洗鍊成熟,並很可能在輕易地讓其他男團的作品站到一 邊去的同時,被視為2011年上半年站在top spot的最佳男子偶像專輯。 Overall Rating: 4.8/5 原文:http://www.allkpop.com/2011/05/review-fiction-and-fact-by-b2st 翻譯:lennanpois@Taiwan-ptt BEAST板 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Danning:這篇樂評...感覺不只是樂評了,透過這篇文章更能感受孩子 05/25 21:11
Danning:們一路來的成長與過去剛起步情景TAT 感燮翻譯!! 05/25 21:11
fgwlf1716:我聽完整張專輯也是有這樣的感受,很開心看到他們的進步 05/25 21:15
luke90702:感謝翻譯,害的沒有買的我都好想趕快入手一張~ 05/25 21:15
MamieCH:相較於該作者之前的樂評 他給F&F這張的評價真的很高 05/25 21:21
MamieCH:真的是能感覺到用心的一篇 05/25 21:23
ali090721:那天也是花很多時間看了這篇 知名的"吃你泡菜"網站 05/25 21:25
ali090721:同樣也是給了非常高的評價 有興趣大家可以去看 05/25 21:26
luke90702:以前吃你泡菜給beast的評比並不是很好.... 05/25 21:28
teddyian:很本質的一篇樂評 而且蠻言之有物的 05/25 21:29
ali090721:http://is.gd/18vQKp 還自掏腰包要送BEAST的專輯 05/25 21:29
vivavila:就是這個吧~ 他們覺得Fiction是2011年目前最好的歌! 05/25 21:29
vivavila:看了真的替BEAST開心 TT 05/25 21:30
teddyian:不會充斥浮誇的溢美之詞或模糊重點的貶抑 個人覺得蠻中肯 05/25 21:30
teddyian:感謝辛苦的翻譯囉~ 05/25 21:30
silvialife:感謝翻譯!!當時看到這麼長就打消看的念頭XD評論好真實! 05/25 21:32
phoebe08:謝謝翻譯TT 對東雲的歌聲真的有一樣的感覺!!!! 05/25 21:45
loveyknow:!!推^^~很棒的樂評~我也覺得Beast 進步很多!!live也棒~ 05/25 21:51
san741200:燮燮翻譯!!!!!推東雲那段 有一樣的感覺!!!!! 05/25 21:52
u250282:看完真的很為小野獸們驕傲欸 他們真的一直在進步:D 05/25 21:52
linoh:謝謝翻譯! 無時無刻都在努力和進步著真的很棒. 大發! 05/25 21:52
eshi5king:謝謝翻譯!! 這次東雲真的進步很多,希望年末有望拿好獎XD 05/25 21:56
st410114:燮燮翻譯!分析的很細膩!東雲的進步受到肯定了! 05/25 22:06
st3885:吃你泡菜把Fiction的舞叫The Pee Dance也太好笑了吧!?XD 05/25 22:08
howchang:吃你泡菜感覺送了很多人去聽了Fiction 舞步命名好好笑XD 05/25 22:09
ladoris:謝謝翻譯!! 這篇文章看了好感動....看完之後哭了....好棒 05/25 22:22
ladoris:的一篇樂評 05/25 22:22
※ 編輯: MamieCH 來自: (05/25 22:48)
purejanne:謝謝翻譯!! 看了之後真的是又感動又驕傲!!!小野獸們真的 05/25 22:49
purejanne:都很努力才慢慢蛻變成現在帥氣的模樣!!能夠得到這麼多人 05/25 22:50
purejanne:的認可真的是很了不起!! So Beast!!!!!!! 05/25 22:50
oreeel:謝謝翻譯!!! 看了覺得好感動~ 這次真的整個音樂性大進步!!! 05/25 23:08
OliveVIP:好感動!!!感謝翻譯!!!真的看完很替小野獸們開心呀 05/25 23:45
Elsiechi:謝謝翻譯!! 這篇看完很令人開心 有種受到肯定的感覺!! 05/26 00:08
mamimi:謝謝翻譯!很感動驕傲小野獸一路努力走來發光發熱!2011大發! 05/26 00:12
lovechang39:燮燮翻譯!!看完哭了!!希望有更多人認同B2uty的BEAST!! 05/26 00:16
gemini5025:燮燮翻譯~我要見證你們登上最高峰才肯罷休!!!Fighting~ 05/26 00:28
choumeier:看完有一種說不出的感動......相信也都b2uty看到了:) 05/26 00:35
choumeier:beast fighting!!!! 05/26 00:35
ckhaodai:BEAST大發!!!!!!!!! 05/26 02:29
zainlove:燮燮翻譯!邊看邊一直起雞皮疙瘩,東雲歌聲真的進步超多! 05/26 06:58
cat83425:推 Beast進步好多 很感動! 05/26 22:48