精華區beta HandMade 關於我們 聯絡資訊
圖連文字通吃版-http://ppt.cc/m1m9 練英文請看倌多指教. A LOT OF people like classic work,i'm no exception.The old style always makes you memoring. U may think this beauty costs a lot time to make it.Indeed it cost me so much time to build it's structure. Lower ,as you see,there're many details,especially the border. Just take a look how I accomplished this beauty. 很多人都喜歡古典的事物,我也不例外。老舊的風格總令人難以忘懷 你或許會想說要花很多時間在這美麗的小玩意上,是的,您說的一點也沒錯。在架構上花 了不少時間, 如你所看到下部打折的邊緣是非常細緻的工。接下請看我如何製作出這個美麗的小玩意。 Simply making a round lower, Preparing two different color felts(dark brown *6pc. & ivory white*6pc. each 5cm*34cm) ,folded the two sides of it,on their fringe about 5mm seam allowance.and then each one can be trimmed into 3 pieces. Used a glue gun to attach the strip on the side of round lower. 製作一圓形基底盒 準備兩種不同顏色的不織布12條(棕色六條、米白六條,每條至少5cm*34cm),取一條對折 長邊,留5mm 縫份,每條裁成三份,共36條。將這些使用膠槍黏貼在圓型基底邊緣。 Cut off the unnecessary part (both upper& lower) 剪去不需的上下部份 find some plastic rose. taking the part u like and put together finally attached it on the cover. 找些塑膠玫瑰 將你所需要的部分在上蓋中擺出想要的樣式再黏牢 Attached other decorations on it. 黏上其他裝飾 FB有更多作品 https://www.facebook.com/sheilashandmade -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: