精華區beta HatandCap 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Cap Care 保養帽子 HOW TO CARE FOR YOUR NEW ERA CAP 如何保養您的NewEra棒球帽 Key things to remember... 幾件要點需要注意 If you make the cap wet, it will take on shape as it dries! If you don't provide the shape, it will shrink to its own smaller shape. If you want it to fit your head, dry it on your head. If you want it to be shaped like a coffee mug, dry it in a mug. If you use rubber bands and you make the rubber bands too tight, you will see rubber band marks. 如果你把帽子弄濕了,它就會維持乾燥過程的那個樣式!!如果你不使 用一些器材將它撐起來,它就會自己縮水.如果您想要它合您的頭型, 就把沾了水分的帽子帶在頭上,如果您想要它看起來看起來像個馬克 杯,就把濕帽子放進杯子讓它乾燥.如果您使用太緊的橡皮筋,你就會 看到橡皮筋的痕跡. Cleaning a 59FIFTY...never wash the cap! 清理一頂NewEra 5950的帽子,千萬別洗它 The cap is made of wool and you will ruin its shape. To clean the headband, take a wet washcloth and put a little detergent and a little Spray and Wash and gently rub down the headband with the wet wash cloth. After you have sufficiently cleaned the headband of sweat stains and soil, rinse the wash cloth out with clear water and once again wash down the headband, cleaning up any left soap. Let dry and your cap will be ready to go again . Some sweat stains stay in but at least the cap will be clean. 所有NewEra的球帽都是羊毛做的,如果洗它將會破壞掉它自身的形狀,清理 頭圍的內部您可以拿一條濕布並噴上一些清潔劑及水分,輕柔地擦拭它.等 您將上頭的汗漬洗掉後,將濕布沾一沾清水再次擦拭頭圍的部位.讓它自然 乾燥,雖然有些汗漬會殘留但起碼帽子會乾淨一些. Dusty caps? 沾上塵蹣的帽子 Things like a little cat hair or lint, just take some masking tape (I like the 2 inch size) and wrap some of it around your fingers so the sticky side is exposed and dab the hat with the tape. The tape will pick up all the lint and anything else on the cap. 有時帽子上會沾到貓毛會類似的東西,拿膠帶(個人偏好兩吋寬的)將灰塵的部 分粘走,膠帶會將所有的異物粘取乾淨. Just a little big? 帽子太大的話...... Take a spray bottle of water and spray the headband with the water, then let dry in the sun on top of an empty coffee can. Or, just let it dry without being elevated by the can. You can also dry it with a good portable hair dryer. 將頭圍部分沾上少許的水分,並將它置於空的咖啡杯中於日光底下曝曬(這個動 作可以省略)您也可以使用吹風機將它吹乾. Drying 乾燥 DO NOT put them in the dryer 請勿將您的NewEra球帽脫水 Too tight? 太緊?? What happens is the sweatband does its job and collects any moisture when you are wearing the cap. Without a head to hold its shape and size, it will shrink as it dries. For starters, grab your cap from the rear of the cap, place it over your knee and give a good hard yank. You will hear some popping noises. That's O.K. Stop pulling after you hear a couple of these noises. If you pull too hard and too long, you could rip a seam. We DON'T want that!! What you are actually doing is breaking the sizing, which is a stiff plastic strap that we sew into the cap for shape and size maintenance. 如果您覺得您所購買的NewEra球帽太小,試著將帽子後緣至於膝蓋(正面朝上方), 用力地往上拉,您接下來會聽到啪啪響,如果您拉的過度用力可能會使縫線斷裂. 我們並不樂見這種情形發生.你做的動作其實是在將尺寸加大,將一條維持帽子 型態的塑膠線撐大. 以上內容來自http://www.neweracap.com/cap_info/ ※ 編輯: Schrijn 來自: (05/21 21:10)