精華區beta Hattrick 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文: http://www92.hattrick.org/Community/Press/Default.aspx?ArticleID=17438# 底下中文部分由 darkmiz 翻譯 The following article has been written for the Slovenian community and published as an HT press in Slovenia (16168). It is now translated (by Antoine_de_le_Tellec (3308938) and artod (11112383)) and republished in the hope that it could be interesting for global readers. 此文原先發表於斯洛維尼亞(16168)的HT新聞專區,經 Antoine_de_le_Tellec (3308938) 和 artod (11112383) 翻成英文,希望分享給全世界的讀者。 The basic premise for this piece is that National Teams use multiskilled players who can optimise total team ratings (without being bound by training constraints as we experience at club level). I am going to explain how such players are combined to fully exploit their contribution, to help understand how multiskilled players support each other. I will also explain variations experienced when National teams switch coach between attack and defence minded, to illustrate tactical variations. The theory suggested is supported by the evidence provided from the National Team matches: the teams playing in the later stages of the World Cup usually follow the main principles described here. 本文的論點是:國家隊應該運用能夠提升全隊評級的「多技能球員」(不受制於個人 球隊所面臨的訓練位考量問題)。本文將解釋為何結合各種不同的「多技能球員」 能使他們的貢獻可以徹底發揮,並讓大家瞭解「多技能球員」如何相輔相成,並且探討 國家隊更換進攻或防守型教練時所能運用的各種技術陣形。本理論是根據打到世界杯 後期比賽的隊伍所遵循的大原則。 I refer to a Standard System and its variations (which is intentionally related to the Standard Model in physics). This is also known as ercanto, Jestar and many other names. It’s a well known module,discussed at length by the worldwide tactical experts. This article is intended to benefit less experienced managers, to show how, without having amazing tactical genius, and just good planning, common sense and the basic principles described here, a medium-low level National Team like Slovenia (with less than 4000 active users) has been able to win the silver medal in the World Cup. 這邊提及的「標準陣型」(又稱為 ercanto, Jestar 及許多其他名稱),是全HT世界 眾多策略專家所廣泛討論、高知名度的理論模組。本文將示範如何不必仰賴驚人智慧, 只需要一般常識,良好的規劃,以及遵照這裡說的原則,就能讓一個中低級的國家隊 如斯洛維尼亞(少於4000活人球隊)拿到世界杯銀牌。 Disclaimer: the article talks about National Teams, but the vast majority of its concepts is true also for U20 Teams. 聲明: 本文討論的是國家隊,但是大部分的觀念依然適用於U20隊。 How to play a game? How to tactically challenge the best players in the world? It’s easier than you think – most of the time, small details make the difference. For several years Hattrick has embraced multiskilling as a philosophy. Evolution of the game mechanics (training speeds, skill drops, etc) implemented by the devs has incorporated a core target for reducing the relative importance of players’ primary skills, and conversely increasing the benefit and impact of their secondary skills. As a consequence of National Teams utilising the 'best players', it doesn't come as a huge surprise to discover that NT teams are full of multiskilled players, in other words players trained in 2 main skills, sometimes even 3 or 4 (some wingers are trained in Winger, Playmaking, Passing and Defending). 要怎麼打一場比賽?要怎麼和全世界頂尖的玩家鬥智?其實很簡單:勝負關鍵就在一些 小細節裡。這幾年來HT已經把「多技能」昇華成一項哲學。遊戲機制的演變(訓練速度、 技能下降等)明顯看出遊戲開發者試圖降低球員主技能的重要性,這使得訓練第二技能 的效益獲得提升。由於國家隊需要的是「最好」的選手,於是毫無意外地,各國的國家 隊開始充斥雙技能的球員,有些球員甚至擁有三項、四項技能 (例如有些邊鋒球員擁有 邊鋒、組織、傳球、防守) What happens when playing with more multiskilled players? Every players set of skills contribute to the respective team ratings, as influenced by their selected position and individual order, simultaneously, with the multi-skilled team as a whole off-setting any deficit due to individual players being trained to a lower level of primary skills (i.e. any loss caused by a lower winger skill from a player on the wing is compensated by the wing skill of his supporting wing back, the passing skill of his nearest inner midfielder and the range of skills of all the forwards). 運用多位多技能球員的效果在哪? 每位球員的各項技能都能貢獻到相對應的球隊評級,受到他們位置排法和個人指令的 影響,而使得整個球隊可以彌補任何單一球員較低的主技能 (例如邊鋒選手較低的邊鋒 技能可以由邊後衛的邊鋒技能、離他最近的中場選手的傳球技能以及所有前鋒球員的 技能所彌補) As a consequence, this means that, in many situations, highly optimized teams like the National Teams will prefer to utilise players who can provide a higher total contribution, rather than the ones with just the highest primary skill. For example, if we play with a playmaker that has not been trained in Winger as a winger towards middle, our side attack will be significantly lower. If we use a player with with magical (18) Playmaking instead of a winger with titanic (15) Playmaking, we will gain one or two % points of ball possession, but we’ll now expect to lose almost every chance created to score on that side. In the vast majority of the cases, choosing more primary like this just simply isn’t worth it (as our chances for winning the game wouldn’t be improved, nor the potential goal difference gains from any games we'd expect to win). If we take into consideration that many national teams have players with dual high skills in both Playmaking and Winger, it becomes clear that in most cases it's worth playing with multiskilled players in the winger spot (although there are always exceptions to the rule, but I'm not going to discuss these here). 所以大部分的時候,像國家隊這種需要精挑細選的球隊會傾向利用這種總體貢獻度較大 的球員而非主技能最高的球員。例如我們把一個沒有邊鋒技能的中場球員(組織18)排在 靠中邊鋒的位置,我們的持球可能會增加1或2%,但是邊路進攻就會明顯降低。絕大部分 的時候,只選擇最大主技能是不值得的。看看大多數國家隊都有組織和邊鋒雙高技能的 球員,可見多技能在邊鋒位置是較吃香的(雖然總有例外,但這裡不討論)。 What about midfield? In Hattrick, midfield is king, and if we look at the teams that consistently reach the later stages of the World Cup, we can see that all the top teams incorporate this philosophy. This doesn't mean that you can’t win playing Counter Attack (as Slovenia demonstrated against Italy in the World Cup semifinal), but this tactic is arguably less effective than for club teams, partly because it is possible to change the coach just before the game (making opponents less predictable) and it’s very difficult to achieve good enough defence and good enough attack ratings at the same time. 至於中場呢? 在HT裡,掌握中場就是掌握勝利,看看那些經常打進世界杯後期比賽的隊伍,我們可以 看到排名在前面的隊伍都導入這個原則。這不代表防反就贏不了(例如準決賽時斯洛維 尼亞靠防反贏義大利),只是跟一般比賽相較,防反在國家隊比賽的策略效果較小,因為 比賽前可更換攻擊或防守型教練讓對手更難預測,況且要同時取得夠好的防守和進攻評 級並不容易。 The game engine is based on ratios and the higher the skills are, the more the ratio will tend to 50%, so it is seriously tricky to create high enough defensive ratings without using a defensive coach, but this necessitates lowering our CA scoring chances due to our attack ratings being too low. As a result we’re always going to play with 3 inner midfielders and 2 wingers, unless we are planning to use a CA tactic with no possession (5-2-3 with two wingers, 5-3-2 with one or two wingers). 遊戲引擎是建構在各種比例系數上,越高的技能只會讓比例系數趨近50%,所以不靠 防守型教練不容易達到夠高的防守評級,但如此一來進攻評級就降低而影響得分機會。 於是我們總是要靠3名中場和2名邊鋒,除非打算用無控球防反(5-2-3兩邊鋒,或 5-3-2 一或二邊鋒)。 How does a multiskilled team help defence? Since we’re almost always playing with wingers, we will rarely want to sacrifice side attack. Wing-backs have the highest contribution if they play normal, so using 2 normal wing-backs would be our logical choice. This could be a worry for leaving a gaping hole in central defence, but if we have the right players (midfielders trained in defending, for example), it shouldn't be a worry, and in most cases we don’t have to worry too much about opposition central attacks even when using just one central defender. 多技能球隊如何建立防守? 因為我們幾乎都會用到邊鋒,我們不希望犧牲邊路進攻。邊後衛如果正常位置會有最大 進攻貢獻,所以用兩個正常位置的邊後衛就是最好的選擇。中間的防守可能會產生一個 漏洞,但是可以由適當的球員補救(例如具有防守的中場球員),況且大部分的時候只用 一個中後衛也不太需要擔心對面的中路進攻。 And attack? Multiskilled attack is reliant upon TDFs, (technical defensive forwards - non-technical DFs are possible as well, but I’ll focus on TDFs only here). These are players that have been trained in playmaking, passing and scoring. Most national teams have TDFs with a sum of passing and playmaking around 30 (mythical playmaking and world class passing, world class playmaking and mythical passing, and all combinations in between) or a little more, up to 32-33. Often, scoring is trained up to world class as a maximum. TDF's are important because we don’t usually play with counterattack (as mentioned above), and every player that can contribute to the midfield rating is a must. Playing forwards with a 'normal' orientation unfortunately provides no midfield contribution. On top of this, a correctly trained TDF's high passing skill provides a substantial contribution to our side attacks, which means that we’re killing two birds with one stone. Even if we do decide to use a normal forward, most of these guys have been trained in wing as well (because their total contribution is higher compared to half a skill more in scoring), so the usual strategy for our multi-skilled team is to attack on wings (but not necessarily utilising the "Attack On Wings" tactic). 進攻呢? 多技能球隊的進攻仰賴 TDF (技術型防守前鋒,非技術型的也可行,但這裡不討論)。 這種球員受過組織、傳球和進球訓練。大部分國家隊的TDF傳球和組織技能總和約30或 更多,到32-33。通常進球最多練到world class。 TDF很重要,因為我們很少用到 防反(如上所提),所以每個能提升中場評級的球員都很重要。不幸的是,打正常位置 的前鋒無法貢獻中場。再加上,一個經過正確訓練的TDF擁有較高的傳球技能可支援 邊路進攻,等於是一石二鳥。就算我們決定排正常位置的前鋒,這些人的邊鋒技能也 都訓練過,(因為多一級邊鋒技能的整體貢獻較高,相較於多半級的進球技能),於是 多技能球隊的策略通常是邊路進攻(但不一定要選「邊路進攻」戰術)。 What's the optimum formation? Our standard 3-5-2 formation involves 3 'normal' midfielders (it's the order with the highest midfield contribution), 2 highly (playmaking) skilled wingers (played normal or offensive), 2 TDFs , two normal wing-backs and a normal central defender. This line-up produces dominant midfield ratings, useful side attacks and a balanced defence. By changing coach this line-up can be very defensive (mythical-magical defence with a defensive coach) or extremely offensive (creating mythical-ET side attacks with an offensive coach). We have some flexibility (we can field a winger with higher playmaking and lower winger/passing or the vice versa, or our TDF could have more playmaking or more passing, whilst our wing-back may have more wing or more defending...). The choice of coach 'attack/defence preference' is generally the main tactical move in the national team, because no other single move has such a significant effect on the ratings. The standard line-up is the basic starting point for preparing any game (but with some exceptions, whenever the relative strength of our opposition varies significantly, so we use other formations especially when we are either big outsiders or big favourites). 最佳陣型是什麼? 正常的 3-5-2 陣包含(依中場貢獻排序):三個正常位置的中場球員,2個高組織的 邊鋒(排防守或進攻位置),2個TDF,2個正常位置的邊後衛和一個中後衛。這個排法 可以產生威力十足的中場評級,有效的邊路進攻和穩定的防守。利用更換防守型教練 可以達到mythical-magical等級的防守評級,或是更換進攻型教練以達到 mythical-ET 等級的邊路進攻。我們可以擁有一些彈性,例如運用一個組織技能較高,邊鋒傳球技能 較低的邊鋒,或是相反。我們的TDF可以用更高組織或傳球,而邊後衛可改成較高邊鋒 或防守技能…等。進攻/防守型教練的選擇是國家隊最主要的戰術決定,其他戰術對評級 影響較小。這個標準陣型是準備任何一場比賽的出發點(除非對手和我們強度相差過大, 我們才用其他陣型)。 Any system provides variations and the standard system of national teams is no exception. The standard 3-5-2 is quite balanced , but if we want to play more defensively or offensively, we have a few options. 任何陣型都有變化,國家隊的基本陣型也不例外。基本的 3-5-2 陣已經相當平衡, 但是想打防守一點或加強進攻,我們還有幾個選擇。 More defensive line-ups Defensive variations within the system require a defensive or neutral coach. The first option is 3-5-2 with two wingers toward middle (real wingers, not midfielders) - with two medium-low side attacks we can still score and we've maximized midfield. Another option is a 4-5-1. This almost always requires both central defenders played towards the wing (because the opponent so rarely plays with a significant central attack). It is possible to CA, using 2 offensive wingers (or positioned 'normal' on the odd occasion). In attack this formation requires a single TDF or a single FTW (a normal striker with high wing skill, played 'towards wing'). Sometimes we also like to play one midfielder towards wing (IMTW), any such midfielder should have some useful winger skill and/or some passing. 加強防守型: 需要防守或中立型教練。第一種是3-5-2 兩邊鋒靠中(真正的邊鋒,不是中場),靠著 中下等級的兩路進攻仍有得分機會,而我們已把中場最大化。另一個選擇是4-5-1。 通常需要兩個靠邊位置的中後衛(因為對面很少人會用中路進攻)。也可以用防反,用 兩名進攻型邊鋒(或正常位置)。進攻方面需要一個TDF或FTW(一個邊鋒技能高的正常 前鋒,靠邊鋒位置)。有時會需要一個中場球員靠邊 (IMTW),這樣的球員需要夠高的 邊鋒技能加上一些傳球。 More attacking line-ups: This is used when we must attack at all costs, or if we are in a situation where we can afford to reduce midfield or defence in order to boost attack ratings. It might be because we are able to play Normal against an opposition PIC, or because we have higher TS , or simply because our expected standard match ratings are so much stronger than the opponent (if we have a very large advantage over the opponent, as mentioned, the standard 3-5-2 is less likely to be utilised, and the optimal line-up may be out of the standard system altogether). Such a scenario usually requires an attack minded coach, but neutral can sometimes do the trick. 加強進攻型: 運用時機是當我們必須全力進攻,或我們禁得起削弱一些中場和防守以換取進攻評級。 也許我們開normal足以對抗對方的PIC,或我們有較高的TS,或者我們預估的標準評級 高出對手許多,這時3-5-2的陣形已經不實用,最佳的陣形已經超出標準陣形的範疇。 這種陣形通常需要配合進攻型的教練,但是中立型也行得通。 We'll opt for player orientation so that wingers are 'offensive' (or normal, if we can boost side attacks using a TDF), wing-backs normal, and in a 2-5-3 this means we usually play without a central defender (because the wing-backs useful boost to side attack ratings is not easy to replace if we don't). If we expect the opponent not to go defensive (say as light as a 3-5-2 with a defensive coach), an interesting possible attack solution is to go 3-5-2 with one normal forward and a TDF. A normal attacker, trained in winger as well, will bolster side attacks more than a second TDF and, unlike a FTW, increases both side attacks. It helps that our central attack also benefits to a level that allows some 'real' probability of goal in the middle (up to 15 %, for example). We don't really want to rely on all scoring chances allocated to side attacks. In a 3-5-2 we can afford offensive midfielders as well to help central attack, as our central defence has cover with a central defender. 我們會選擇攻擊型邊鋒(或正常型的邊鋒,利用TDF增加邊路進攻),加上正常位置的邊 後衛,若用 2-5-3 表示沒有中後衛。如果我們預測對手不玩防守陣(甚至是3-5-2加防 守型教練),一個有趣且可行的進攻陣型是 3-5-2:一正常前鋒加一TDF。正常的前鋒 如果擁有不錯的邊鋒技能會比TDF對邊路進攻貢獻更大。而且不同於FTW,對兩路進攻 都有幫助。對中路進攻也造成一定的影響,甚至有中路進球的機會(例如高到15%)。 我們不想讓進球機會都在邊路,用3-5-2我們也能用進攻型中場球員來幫助進攻,因為 中間防守有中後衛可以負責。 Even more offensive is the 2-5-3 and its permutations. Let's start with midfielders: it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that any 2-5-3 will use offensive midfielders, but this isn't always the case. As we’ve left a gaping hole in central defence, if we use 'normal' midfielders who have been trained in defence, we can close the hole with their defending contribution, so this becomes a more attractive order. Of course, any midfielders trained heavily in passing, will be 'offensive', provided we can afford a (small) midfield loss. In attack we'll choose whether to play with one, two or three TDFs, the others will be normal forwards. Playing with three normal forwards is only practical against very weak teams. Choosing the number of TDFs to play with depends to a large extent on how the desired midfield (and, of course, on the availability of high-quality TDFs). The trade off for normal forwards? More central attack, more opportunities to score in the middle, but with a lower midfield, creating less chances. This is self-evident. The optimal choice depends on number crunching. 需要更多進攻的話還有2-5-3及其變化型。先從中場談起:一般認為2-5-3一定用進攻型 中場球員,但事實並不如此。因為中間防守缺一大洞,若用防守高的「正常」中場球員 可以靠防守貢獻來補這個洞,所以是非常實用的選擇。當然,任何傳球技能高的中場球 員一定要發揮其「攻擊性」,只要我們能容許犧牲一點中場評級。進攻方面,選擇一、 二或三個TDF,其他為正常前鋒。三個正常前鋒只對弱隊有效。必須根據中場所需評級來 決定TDF的數量(當然還要視高品質TDF的可用度)。正常前鋒的利弊是較高的中路進攻, 較多的中路得分機會,相對的中場評級較低使得進球機會降低。要找到最佳選擇需要鑽 研數據。 In addition, more offensive line-ups can play with midfielders set toward wing (IMTW), especially if we expect a very strong defence and we want to boost our side attacks as much as possible. The midfield loss is relatively small, and the boost to side attack depends on the player type. With the right players (eg - mythical/magical playmaking, titanic / mythical winger, outstanding+ passing) using a midfielder towards wing (the same player who would play as a normal winger or winger towards middle in a defensive 3-5-2) could be a decisive tactical move. 再者,進攻陣型可以把中場球員放在靠邊位置(IMTW),尤其當對手防守很強而我們需要 想盡辦法提升邊路進攻。中場評級損失甚小,對邊路進攻的影響則根據球員的類型。 適當的球員(例如組織等級mythical/magical,邊鋒等級titanic / mythical,傳球等級 outstanding+)排在中間靠邊(IMTW)(這個球員在防守型3-5-2會是排在邊鋒或邊鋒靠中) 可能會是決定勝負的關鍵戰術。 To conclude I've described the standard system that is used by almost all middle- to top level national teams, including Slovenia. These NTs almost exclusively use one of these formations against equivalent teams and the only main alternative is an extreme CA. NT managers also face other formations, mostly played by worse teams with underdeveloped multiskilled players such as a 5-5-0 aiming for a draw, or a one-sided 4-5-1,or a one-sided 5-4-1 CA... but I’ll talk about these another time. 結論: 這裡描述的標準陣形幾乎已被所有中上等級的國家所採用。唯一的例外是極端的防反。 國家隊經理有時也會遇到其他陣型,通常是較弱的國家且多技能球員數量不多,例如 以5-5-0試圖求和,或偏某一邊的4-5-1或 5-4-1防反,但這些以後再討論。 Editors note: do you follow National Teams as well? Do you like tactics? Let's discuss this article in the forum: (16442146.1) 編者按: 你關注國家隊戰術嗎?更多討論請到 forum: (16442146.1) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: darkmiz 來自: (01/14 19:13)
peadon:這跟BB這幾季來,全能球員SF風潮很類似,有小差異,大致相理 01/14 20:24
peadon:HT目前觀察是訓練速度+維持難度+控制薪資.等這些因素 01/14 20:26
※ 編輯: darkmiz 來自: (01/14 20:37)
bolam:先推再看.... 01/14 21:04
windfish:推!翻譯抽小苗! 01/14 21:15
bolam:樓上 兄弟的球探已經很厲害啦 01/14 21:43
EricChih:好文章! 01/15 01:07