精華區beta Hattrick 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Hi, revelation0928 : congradulations the cup champion title first, THe Revelation球隊的經理你好 : 首先先恭喜你贏得杯賽冠軍 Q1. How did you come to Hattrick ? 問題一 : 你是如何加入Hat的 ? I like to play sport strategy games and I saw someone recommend Hattrick on the internet,so I joined. 答 : 我喜歡玩球類策略遊戲,有一次我在網路上看到有文章推薦Hattrick這款遊戲, 我就這麼加入了。 Q2. You are an experienced manager and registed in 2006, could you share how do you view Hattrick ? 問題二 : 你是個非常資深的玩家,2006年就註冊開始玩Hattrick了 請分享一下,在你的心中,你是如何看待Hattrick這款遊戲的 ? Hattrick is a fair and relaxed game.You won't get advantage by spending money.Those attributes attract many people to play.More people play, more sense of achievement you got.That's why I like to play Hattrick. 答 : Hattrick是款公平並且很休閒的遊戲,即使你砸錢也無法當台幣戰士, 也如此吸引了很多玩家的加入,越多玩家的加入,取得成功的成就感也越大, 這就是我喜歡玩Hattrick的原因。 Q3. Let's talk about cup semi-final against Teutonia Kaohsiung , and final against BOttawa. how do you prepare for these two matches ? 問題三 : 聊聊準決賽對戰Teutonia Kaohsiung以及決賽對戰BOttawa的比賽吧, 你如何準備這兩場比賽 ? It's not hard to play with TK in semi-final because we are better in all respects. I think Botty misestimated my midfield and he gave up defense especially the CD rating.This two points are my advantage. Botty's advantage is attack rating cause he wanted to play 2-5-3. Under this situation,midfield decides all. So I decided to make Botty get goaling chance as less as possible.Also I buy one defender to keep my defend rating high. If we went to the PK game,we have a good chance to win cause my first 5 players have at least world class level set piece skill. My GK also has good set piece skill. Anyway Botty had done his best,it's an amazing game. Don't cry Botty haha. 答 : 準決賽對戰TK並不是太困難,因為我的球隊各環節的實力都在他之上。 我認為決賽的對手Botty錯估情勢,他低估了我的中場,並且犧牲了防守, 尤其是犧牲了中路防守,這是決賽我佔的優勢。 Botty的優勢在於進攻,所以他我預期他想打253的全攻擊陣型,因此, 決賽是場搶中場的比賽,得中場者得天下。 因此我的比賽戰略是儘可能的降低Botty的得分機會, 同時我也從轉會市場購買一名後衛,確保我有足夠的防守。 如果比賽進行到最後12碼PK,我就有較大的機會獲勝, 因為我前五個點球手都有至少獨步天下的定位球技能, 同時我的守門員也有很好的定位球技能。 不論如何,這是場很精采的比賽,Botty踢出了一場好球, 不要太難過,Botty,哈。 Q4. you have three cup title (season 26、34、37) what is your feeling for these three titles ? 問題四 : 你曾經三次贏得杯賽冠軍的頭銜(26賽季、34賽季、37賽季) 三次奪冠的心情分別為何 ? Every time I won the cup title,I was always excited for several days. It's always a good memory.There are only two cups in one year,and it's not easy to win the cup.How many times you can join the cup in your life?Right? 答 : 我每次贏得杯賽冠軍,都會興奮很多天,贏得杯賽頭銜肯定是個很好的回憶。 一年365天只能參加兩屆杯賽,同時得到杯賽冠軍是很困難的, 人生苦短,你也無法參加太多屆的杯賽,不是嗎 ? Q5. your TSI is not high, even lower than the writer of this artile ( I have 1,603,290 when I wrote this artile, and The Revelation has 1,397,300), how do you build up a strong team with this amount of TSI ? 問題五 : 你球隊的TSI並不高,甚至比筆者還低, (註: 撰筆日當天筆者的TSI為1,603,290、The Revelation為1,397,300) 你是如何用這樣不算高的TSI,打造出一隻善戰之球隊 ? TSI isn't very important.As you can see,KU has low TSI but got good records. What I focused is rating.Rating reflects the true presentation in the game in reality. 答 : 在Hattrick遊戲,TSI並不是很重要, 如你所見。高雄聯隊也是用很低的TSI,踢出了很輝煌的成績。 我要強調的重點是比賽評級,事實上,比賽評級才是影響比賽勝負的關鍵。 Q6. as one of best native team, do you have any suggestions to other native teams aiming for DE title or cup title ? 問題六 : 身為本土球隊的強權,有沒有什麼建議可以分享給其他以頂級聯賽(DE)頭銜、 或是杯賽冠軍頭銜為目標的本土球隊 ? Hold the chance and make the history! Do your best in the cup. As for league games,you should have a long run program. If anyone wants to have good records,understand the match engine clearly first. This is what you need to read first: http://www79.hattrick.org/Forum/Read.aspx?n=1&nm=77&t=16376110&v=4 答 : 把握每次機會並且創造歷史 !! 在杯賽盡力表現,至於聯賽你應該有長久的球隊計劃 同時你必須清楚的了解遊戲引擎運轉的方式, 第一步,你必需閱讀未公佈的遊戲手冊一文 http://www79.hattrick.org/Forum/Read.aspx?n=1&nm=77&t=16376110&v=4 Q7. any other suggestions to all other native managers ? 問題7 : 同時有沒有什麼任何對所有台灣本土玩家的建議 ? Life is short,don't waste too much time in the game. Actually you don't need spending much time in Hattrick. It's what the Hattrick is. 答 : 生命短暫,不要花太多時間在這款遊戲上, 事實上,你也不需要花太多時間在這款遊戲上, 這就是Hattrick的特色 謝謝你撥空接受專訪 ^^ 也謝謝BOLAM你對HT台灣的熱情的付出 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
bolam:我自己來..首推 !! 11/21 15:59
※ 編輯: bolam 來自: (11/21 16:00)
snow02262:翻得不錯,動作很快,well done! 11/21 16:09
※ 編輯: bolam 來自: (11/21 16:17) ※ 編輯: bolam 來自: (11/21 16:31)
EricChih:很讚的訪問 !! 11/21 16:35
peadon:超級同意Q2 11/21 17:10
bolam:未來專訪系列..Q1和Q2都必問 !! 11/21 17:11
Gabai:推 11/21 20:31
windfish:推! 11/22 03:24