精華區beta Hattrick 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這是GM 8/12號在Global論壇有感而發發表之文章, 文章很長, 僅作簡單的翻譯, 這應該是本版第一次提到Hattrick營運方面的文章 有翻不正確的請提出 Hi everyone, 大家好 Last week, the old owner group of Hattrick (which includes myself and my Hattrick co-founder HT-Daniel) reached an agreement with Zattikka to buy back the game. Zattikka has been in financial trouble for some time and we are very pleased that we managed to negotiate this settlement. If we had not, there would have been a risk for the operation of the game to have been disturbed and for the game to be sold off at auction in some way, a scenario no one really wanted to see. Zattikka面臨財政危機, 如果放手不管, Zattikka會面臨破產以及拍賣 Hattrick決策團隊決定買下Zattikka (Zattikka是啥我不知道, wiki也沒啥資料, 不過文章後段有些提示, Zattikka現在似乎是HT的金主) The important thing to say first is that this means that Hattrick will continue to run for a long time into the future, that everyone that has paid Supporter will still get the benefits of it, and that we will continue to develop the game for them and for everyone else. 造成的影響是 1. HT會繼續正常營運, 已經買支持者玩家之權益不會受損 2. HT團隊會繼續發展這遊戲 Then it also has to be said that this turn of events have also led us to reevaluate a lot of things. 然而, 這起事件也促使HT團隊重新評估一些過往決策 When we decided to sell a little over a year ago, we were at a crossroads with what we wanted to do with the game. User numbers had been on the decline for some time and it was harder and harder to argue that we should invest more development effort into the game. Zattikka represented a positive vision for the game, they believed they could help grow the game and the business and they were willing to invest. So we sold, inspired by joining a larger group and by seeing where the new relationship could take the game. 多年前HT團隊面臨決策的十字路口, 玩家持續銳減, 也面臨了是否該投持續入資源做遊戲開發的爭論, 當時Zattikka代表了正向的聲音, 相信應該持續開發遊戲並拓展更多業務 同時Zattikka願意投資, 所以Hattrick當時賣給了Zattikka, As often is the case, I guess, things soon turned out to be more complicated. Working as a public company brings a lot of administrative burdens that take time away from creative efforts. It also brings big costs. It turned out to be harder and more expensive than expected to boost the user numbers, at least the healthy user numbers. More and more attention was directed instead at growing the short-term revenue from existing users, through a never ending series of campaigns and discounts. A lot of what Zattikka did was well-informed and well-intentioned, and the people we have worked with have really made an effort to understand the game and also showed respect for us and the users. Of course they had a more commercial mindset than we used to have, but that's not necessarily bad, and things could have been much, much worse. 如同大多數的公開公司, 很多行政營運上之負擔以及包俯是無可避免的, HT團隊也疲於奔命, 開發遊戲的時間被壓縮, 招攬玩家的難度以及成本也大為提高. 這時期的HT決策重心擺在創造營收, 而不是開發遊戲. 因此不斷的推出折扣活動和商品, 也花了心思如何挖深忠實玩家的口袋 這時期之HT多了些商業(銅臭)味, 雖然這可能是必要之惡 同時Zattikka團隊也很尊重這款遊戲, 然而事情卻發展更糟糕之方向. But if I may point at one thing that I think was most frustrating for the "old" HTs it was that, in the end, many decisions were pushed through even though we knew they would only benefit us in the short term. We have always had an extremely long-term view of the game, something with pairs extremely badly with being a public company dependent on showing nice results every quarter. And sadly we were proven right, because as we take Hattrick back again the business is in a lot worse shape than it was than when we sold it. To speak plainly: Massive amounts of Supporter has been sold, deeply discounted, and the money is gone with Zattikka, a company that has now entered administration and will probably cease to exist before long. 有件讓有理想之老HT們很挫折的事情, 是Hattrick被收購時期做了很多短多長空之決策, 同時每分錢的花費也更斤斤計較 現在Hattrick買回來了, 公司營運卻變的坑坑洞洞, 至少比賣出前還糟 大量的支持者以及折扣產品被賣出, 然而錢卻被Zattikka吸走了 Zattikka現在卻要消失了. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
windfish:哇......聽起來真不妙...... 08/13 10:37
peadon:目前不好 往後反而好??方向比現處位置重要 盼往對的方向走~ 08/13 10:44
bolam:我是好奇. BB有遇到一樣的問題嗎 08/13 11:07
peadon:我也正想詢問SKYPE的XD 08/13 11:14
bolam:中國玩家數量 08/13 17:27
bolam:http://maptrick.org/graphs.php?country=60#graphs 台灣的 08/13 17:28
bolam:其他要看啥國家可以自己選.... 08/13 17:28
bolam:2009年9月左右也有個高峰期..應該是AC Taipei那時候 08/13 17:30
bolam:在足球版發的推薦文..產生的 08/13 17:30
bolam:那次的廣告文還造成一個影響..就是台灣成立了五級聯賽 08/13 17:31
bolam:讓我們現在杯賽有多一些的電腦球隊可以打 XD 08/13 19:18