精華區beta Hattrick 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 CGI-Game 看板 #1HGA9nUm ] 作者: bolam (95 10 23步排入伍) 看板: CGI-Game 標題: [Hat] Hattrick 新手Q&A part 5 時間: Wed Mar 13 23:59:42 2013 淺談職員 我目前剛拿到新球隊,我需要聘請多少職員是最佳解 ? --> 這個問題目前我也目是很確定,我跟TNP討論的結果,目前也沒有一個最佳解。 跟個人的喜好和認定有關係。 我很確定的是,最好10個助教都請滿,然後請兩個發言人。 運動心理學家、醫生、理療醫生該請多少位, 我推薦醫生=0, 運動心理學家= 2-3, 理療醫生= 0 原因 : 醫生,新球隊初期沒啥重要選手,球員傷了就給他傷吧,慢慢恢復便是。 運動心理學家是幫助你贏得中場的好幫手,不過新球隊不太需要, 真的想要就請2-3位吧 理療醫生是幫助你球員避免受傷的好幫手,請滿10位比不請, 受傷機會減少1/3,不過新球隊受傷也不會心痛。 職員該注意的知識 1. 目前共有五種職員,助理教練、發言人、運動心理學家、醫生、理療醫生, 一隊最多只能請30個職員。 聘請單種的職員並不是越多越好,最多請10個, 聘請超過10個會發生排擠效應,請11個效果反而比請10個差 2. 職員的薪水一位一週是1800,解雇職員也要費用,解雇一位1800。 以下是翻譯自global論壇之部分 (不過這篇文章是三年前的文章了) 1. What's the use of staff? Each staff member has a certain effect on some part of your team. If you recruit more staff members of a certain type, their total effect will increase, but every additional staff member's effect is lower than the effect of the one recruited previously. Q : 職員有啥用 ? A : 每種職員可以提供球隊特定的幫助。 單項的職員請越多越有用,不過邊際效應越來越差。 註解 : 單項的職員最多請10個,超過10個的邊際效應是負的。 2. How much will they cost me? Each staff member earns 3,600 BND a week. Firing one will cost you an additional 3,600 BND, recruiting a staff member is free of costs. One hint: when firing a staff member, you should do it right before that week's economy update, to savour his effects for a maximum of time. Q : 聘請職員的費用 ? A : 職員一人一週1800,解雇一位職員需額外多付1800,聘請職員不需要付簽約金。 貼心小提示 : 如果你有打算解雇職員,請在每週的經濟更新前解雇, 這樣可以把這個職員的功能壓榨到最大還不用付當週的錢。 3. How many staff members should I recruit? You can only hire 30 staff members at any given time. If finances allow, you should always try to have 10 assistant coaches to get maximum results out of your training. Other staff members should be recruited on need Spokespersons if your team is going through a rough time, physios if you want to try and prevent team injuries, and medics to heal your players faster. Be aware that if you dont have any players injured it would be a waste of money to keep 10 medics. Q : 我該請多少職員 ? A : 一隊最多只能請30位職員。 只要財務狀況允許,請10位助教是基本的,保證你可以得到最大的訓練效果。 其他職員當你有需求再請 (好官腔的解釋) 當你財務有狀況的時候請發言人, (這裡是錯誤觀念,付債的時候少付點利息只是發言人的功能之一) 如果你想避免比賽受傷,就請理療醫生。 如果你球員受傷了,需要快點痊癒,就請醫生。 貼心小提示 : 醫生只有當你的球員受傷時,才會發生效果, 沒球員受傷,或是受傷球員不是重要球員時,不需要請醫生。 4. What are these spokespersons good for? They have a positive effect on your sponsors and your fan's mood. Your sponsors' payments depend on the size of your fanclub and on the sponsors' mood. If you have more than 10 spokespersons, your sponsors' mood can drop. More information on sponsors can be found here: (http://wiki.hattrick.org/Sponsors) and here: (http://wiki.hattrick.org/Spokesperson). Q : 發言人的作用是甚麼 ? A : 發言人和贊助商心情以及球迷心情有正面的連動關係。 贊助商每週贊助金額是根據球迷數量和贊助商心情計算出來的 (註:有公式,公式為 每週贊助額 大約等於 讚助商心情 * 球迷量 / 聯賽級別 * 185 + 27200。) 5. Assistant coaches can you tell me more about those? They increase the training speed and improve the team's average form. As you can only have 10 in total, you should, as soon as you can afford it, aim at 10. Q : 聊聊助理教練吧 A : 助理教練提升訓練速度以及維持球隊平均狀態,你最多只能有10人, 只要你財務允許,你都需要以10人為目標。 6. Got any use for physiotherapists? They diminish the risk for injuries. Unluckily their real effects are unknown. This is why you should only employ 1 or 2 at the beginning. The others will have to wait until you finances allow you to pay their weekly wages. Having more than 10 physiotherapists will ruin your youth (youth academy not affected). Q : 談談理療醫生吧 A : 理療醫生減少球員受傷的機會,不過不幸的,實際計算的方式未知。 (註:現在透過大數法則的計算,以經初露端倪),請參位公佈的遊戲手冊第19篇文章 這就是為什麼建議新球隊只需雇用1-2位的原因。 只要當你財務穩定後,你才需要考慮請更多。 貼心小提示 : 聘請超過10位理療師,會毀了你的年輕選手(青年隊選手則不受影響) 7. There are sport psychologists available. Are my players that unstable? Well, psychologists affect your team's self-confidence. According to the manual they have a certain effect on the team spirit as well, but to which amount remains unknown. Psychologists' effect can only be seen right after competitive games and during the weekly economy update. You can find more information about confidence here: (14543540.20) Q : 談談心理學家吧, A : 心理學家影響你的球隊自信,同時也影響團隊精神 (註:新手常常忽略掉球隊自信和團隊精神的重要,後面發文專文解說), 不過實際計算方式仍然為未知數。 心理學家只有在進行了一場勢均力敵的比賽以及財政更新後發生效果, 更多資訊請參 [post=14543540.20] 8. Now, let's talk about doctors. How can they help my players? Employing doctors will increase the healing rate of injured players. If you have more than 10 doctors, you will most likely see the supporter's mood fall down. There are numerous healing calculators, not all are really accurate (some use older formulas). Here is one you can use: (http://www.ht-box.ru/healing.php?age=22&inj=5...13610). Q : 聊聊醫生吧 A : 醫生提升受傷球員痊癒的速度。 如果你聘請超過10位醫生,贊助商心情將會下降 (註:所以醫生也是最多請10位就好) -- 大家都在喊三振三振 我就覺得很不爽 我不想最後一個死 BY 陽森 2004.11.11 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
bolam:淺談職員,結果這篇文章值453幣 = = 03/14 00:01
mickey0223w:你要不要來也玩Buzzerbeater,感覺兩款頗像的 03/14 00:04
windfish:一直以來都被新手指引騙了......原來發言人不只是破產 03/14 00:05
windfish:才需要...... 03/14 00:06
bolam:官方的新手手冊濫報了 所以我要找TNP的人拿資料來翻譯 03/14 00:08
bolam:二樓,等有空我會去申請來看看的 03/14 00:09
mickey0223w:ok,等你加入有問題的話可以問我 03/14 00:13
bolam:如果有板友有意願翻譯那篇英文版的新手手冊的任何章節 03/14 00:15
bolam:都請隨意 不用趕到拘束或是不好意思 ^^ 03/14 00:15
※ 編輯: bolam 來自: (03/14 00:27) ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: bolam (, 時間: 03/24/2013 13:03:19