精華區beta Hearthstone 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.hearthpwn.com/ Quote from Blizzard Hearthstone Patch Notes – – Goblins vs Gnomes Invades the Arena! Thanks to a bit of meddlesome tinkering—and perhaps a little goblin-induced sabotage—all Goblins vs Gnomes cards are now available to choose from in the Arena! GVG的所有卡片會開放在競技場讓玩家選! (不確定是不是永久 看起來應該是?) You heard that right—those pesky pint-sized engineers (being an impatient bunch) have jury-rigged the Arena to give Hearthstone players a sneak peek at what’s in store when Goblins vs Gnomes officially launches next week. In doing so, they’ve calibrated things to throw all Goblins vs Gnomes cards into the Arena deck-building mix ahead of schedule. Speaking of peeking, Spectator Mode will also be online, so you’ll also be able to tune your transmitters in to watch your friends play! 觀戰模式! 可以觀戰好友~ Goblins vs Gnomes packs will be available to purchase via the in-game Shop upon the official release of Goblins vs Gnomes on December 8th! GVG專用卡包可以在GVG開放時透過遊戲中商店購買 Goblins vs Gnomes Don’t let Goblins and Gnomes have all the fun building things: All Goblins vs Gnomes cards have been added to the Arena and can be chosen even if you do not have them in your Hearthstone collection. 就算你沒有GVG的卡 在競技場也可以選到所有的GVG卡片 All Goblins vs Gnomes cards can be found easily in My Collection using the search function, and all Goblins vs Gnomes cards have a “gear” watermark in the card text box. GVG的卡說明文字會有個背景齒輪圖案 Expert card packs have been renamed to “Classic” card packs. Classic card packs are still available to acquire in the in-game Shop as well as through Crafting Mode. 原本的卡包會被改名成"經典卡包" 跟新卡包區別 New minion type “Mech” has been added. Use Mechs along with other Mechs for surprising (often devastating) results! 增加機械種族 An all-new interactive Goblins vs Gnomes-themed game board has been added. Turn the gears, wind the springs, and try not to blow anything up in the process. We warned you. 新增一張GVG遊戲沙盤地圖 General Spectator Mode has been added. Watch your friends play through their games of Hearthstone and observe their epic victories all with the click of a button! Spectator Mode is accessed through the Friends list by clicking on the “ Spectate Match” button next to your friend’s name. 在好友名單的好友名字旁邊有個觀戰鈕 可以觀戰 Card Changes Flare now costs 2 mana, up from 1. Flare allowed the Hunter an advantage versus decks that revolve around Secrets, while also allowing the Hunter to draw a card for little cost. We want to encourage a variety of decks in Hearthstone. With this change, Flare will continue to be useful against Secrets decks, but will be weaker against other decks. 照明彈改2費 Gadgetzan Auctioneer now costs 6 mana, up from 5. Gadgetzan Auctioneer’s ability allows for a player to potentially draw many cards for little cost. Card draw and card advantage are important to the game – overall, games are less interesting when a player draws their entire deck. This change brings Gadgetzan Auctioneer’s cost more in line with its power level. 加基森改6費 Soulfire now costs 1 mana, up from 0. Soulfire, along with fast and powerful minions, allowed Warlock rush decks to get ahead on the board and stay ahead. We’ve upped Soulfire’s mana cost by 1 to slow down the Warlock rush deck just a bit and allow more players time to react and interact against the Warlock. 靈魂之火改1費 Bug Fixes 修正BUG The left-most enemy minion can once again be targeted on a full board if Counterspell counters a Secret. 法術反制康掉一個秘密後 最左邊的手下可以指定了 Nozdormu, self proclaimed “Master of Time”, once again gives players 15 seconds a round instead of 30. 諾茲多姆時間改15秒 Blood Imps will no longer target Imp Masters with no life left. It’s dead, Jim. 血之小鬼不再幫沒血的小鬼召喚師加血了 Baron Rivendare in the Naxxramas Adventure has fixed his heater and will no longer cast Frostbolt on himself. NAXX副本裡面的瑞文戴爾男爵不再會寒冰箭自己了 Faceless Manipulators will now copy the Echoing Ooze as well as its effect. 無面現在會複製迴音軟泥怪和他的效果 Faceless Manipulators will now copy the Echoing Ooze as well as its effect. 軟泥複製梗 Faceless Manipulator now functions properly when targeting minions with Enrage that refuse to follow the rules. 無面現在會正確複製被觸發狂怒的手下(不知道是不是跟奧多爾保安官有關係?) Druid of the Claw is embracing his wild side and now becomes a Beast minion type upon switching Cat Form or Bear Form. 利爪德魯伊變身時會回歸大自然 貓D或熊D時種族算野獸 Multiple mechanical minions have been upgraded to Mechs, unlocking additional synergy with other Goblins vs Gnome cards: Harvest Golem, Damaged Golem, 以下卡片種族被改成機械:麥田魔像 破損的魔像 Alarm-o-Bot, Demolisher, Mechanical Dragonling, and all of Gelbin Mekkatorque ’s AWESOME inventions. 警報機器人 石毀車 機械幼龍 傑爾賓的各種偉大發明 Kel’thuzad’s mastery of undeath has been tempered and it will no longer resurrect itself after perishing at the hands of Ragnaros the Firelord. 小科被炎魔炸死的時候不再復活自己 Gnomes have been hard at work fixing Goblin “upgrades”, forcing our engineers to step in and fix the fixes that the gnomes “fixed”. Ultimately, a number of display issues and other bugs have been resolved. 修各種小BUG 不過我現在選競技場還是舊的 雖然他說LIVE了 還有觀戰模式 Hype! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hearthstone/M.1417720445.A.313.html
lunlin1993 : 小鬼那個指的是小鬼召喚師扣血應該死了小鬼又把他 12/05 03:18
lunlin1993 : 加一血吧 12/05 03:18
a2364983 : 喔喔 應該是 12/05 03:19
※ 編輯: a2364983 (, 12/05/2014 03:19:51
Alexander13 : 時光龍的意思是? 每個人只有7.5秒可以動? 12/05 03:21
a2364983 : 他說30改15 應該是BUG吧 12/05 03:23
Alexander13 : 本來不就是15嗎 12/05 03:25
a2364983 : 所以才寫在BUG修正區而不是改動區囉 12/05 03:26
Alexander13 : 還以為可以拆了,害我興奮一下 12/05 03:33
benjaminliao: 看起來是這個patch有開放GvG的競技場 但還沒上? 12/05 03:45
qabc1234 : 看AMAZ聊天室好像美服上了 12/05 03:46
a2364983 : AMAZ聊天室比AMAZ LIED還不可信 Kappa 12/05 03:47
qabc1234 : 但是看起來好像是真的XD 現在在等AMAZ打完競技場 12/05 03:49
a2364983 : 我是也有美服帳號啦... 12/05 03:58
a2364983 : 只是懶得特別換XD 等等看看 12/05 03:59
Alexander13 : 美服登進去,沒錢 囧 12/05 03:59
askkh189 : 美服競技場看了下 乾 沒心卡啊 12/05 04:03
shine32025 : 還沒來得及存錢阿 又要晚別人一輪拉 12/05 04:09
benjaminliao: 台服好像更新了耶!? 12/05 04:12
pphhxx : 在跑更新了 12/05 04:12
SanJoc : gvg上線了!! 12/05 04:14
Alexander13 : 這不是我認識的BZ啊 XDD 12/05 04:15
rogerkidd : 沒吧 頂多是預先下載 12/05 04:15
rogerkidd : !!!!!!!!!!!真的上了 12/05 04:16
SanJoc : 就上了阿 12/05 04:16
a2364983 : 官方中文更新內容可以複製嗎 我想直接貼中文R 12/05 04:16
Alexander13 : =====================爽========================= 12/05 04:16
DaringDo : 哥哥打地地出了!!! 12/05 04:16
rogerkidd : 不是說12/9? 12/05 04:16
pphhxx : 真的有啊 還送一次免費競技場XDD 12/05 04:16
askkh189 : 競技場上了! 這次好快 12/05 04:17
pphhxx : 競技場先出新卡可以選來體驗 12/05 04:17
a2364983 : 只有競技場 12/05 04:17
pphhxx : 可以看AMAZ選牌 正要選 12/05 04:17
Alexander13 : AMAZ直接案重製了 好猛 ,10-2耶 12/05 04:17
makooyoo : 推10-2直接一個跳出XDD 超帥的 12/05 04:19
qabc1234 : 要選牌啦~~~ 12/05 04:19
pphhxx : 拆了5張金卡加基森跟照明彈 好爽 12/05 04:19
DaringDo : 沒差吧 反正Amaz有的是錢XD 12/05 04:19
Tukuyomi : 我想說要是新卡上了,星期六比賽就爆炸了 12/05 04:21
DaringDo : 搞不好會上.. 12/05 04:23
DaringDo : 反正就限制只能用舊卡阿 12/05 04:23
DaringDo : 競技場有新卡了 12/05 04:24
Sainz : 卡片改動也上線了...1費靈魂之火 6費加基森 12/05 04:25
DaringDo : 阿 忘了卡片改動,XDDDDD 12/05 04:25
cbull : http://i.imgur.com/lpwR1Nv.png 選卡遇到新傳說! 12/05 04:27
zxf123 : 選公爵啊 嚇死對面XD 12/05 04:28
skybei : 為什麼我的英文界面被強制改回中文了啊? 改不回來耶 12/05 04:34
Fate1095 : 為什麼我的靈魂之火還是0費? 12/05 04:36
a2364983 : 改版還沒上限 就只是競技場放新卡 12/05 04:39
PROMAC : 獵人職業挑戰也可以去玩玩各種新野獸 XD 12/05 04:43
Alexander13 : 改不回英文+1 12/05 04:48
Alexander13 : ... 12/05 04:48
zxf123 : 職業挑戰是都有放新卡還是只有織網者會拿到? 12/05 04:49
CockBoy : 是只有美服嗎?亞服沒有?我用ipad沒選到gvg 的卡。 12/05 04:49
CockBoy : 。。 12/05 04:49
Sainz : 亞服有 更新完上線就有 可能IPAD版還沒上線 12/05 04:51
Alexander13 : 挑戰模式 織網者給我德魯伊白鹿神= = 12/05 04:54
peter506g : 重組轉化師超好玩的 12/05 04:55
CockBoy : 了解。。(秒開電腦 12/05 04:56
lunlin1993 : 煩人機器人真的很煩= = 12/05 04:56
MidoriG : 免費競技場耶! 12/05 05:00
rogerkidd : 我亞服 競技場有GVG的卡 12/05 05:02
wgzB9812029 : 新牌桌好酷 點右下角會噴光束 12/05 05:03
fosa : 漩渦打擊裝置好強,對手二回出來我沒解掉就吃六點了 12/05 05:09
Tukuyomi : 瑪洛尼動畫帥氣程度100% 12/05 05:15
YanYain : 英雄的招牌話好像也變了 12/05 05:21
Alexander13 : 馬洛尼出場是我看過最帥的 12/05 05:21
Bearcome : 控制秘密那張可以把對手蓋下去的搶過來欸XD 12/05 05:48
Bearcome : 我以為只有搶對手牌組裡的 12/05 05:48
Fate1095 : 那張應該是只能搶檯面上的,不能偷排組裡的 12/05 05:54
AresMars : 想問GvG卡包以後只能買嗎 競技場能拿到嗎? 12/05 06:19
Tukuyomi : 一般對戰的織網者也會出現GVG新卡了,這樣獵人有點 12/05 06:19
Tukuyomi : 不公平啊,而且還有機會拿到德魯伊傳說 12/05 06:19
PROMAC : 改語言在外面選項>遊戲設定>語言 12/05 06:25
EdmundLi : 新牌桌用光束去噴左上角建築可以讓火箭起飛 12/05 06:31
ahinetn123 : 那術士照換惡魔不知道能不能抓到新的 12/05 06:41
ahinetn123 : 末日災厄 12/05 06:42
Tukuyomi : 正在測試末日災厄,還沒有成功過 12/05 06:42
JimiHendrix : 微型裝甲OP! 12/05 06:48
Tukuyomi : 20場*2的結果,沒有出現任何新卡,好像NAXX的 12/05 06:53
Tukuyomi : 虛無呼喚者也不會出現,那看起來末日災厄沒更新? 12/05 06:53
ahinetn123 : 末日災厄繼續廢卡中 因為是照換就一堆限制 囧 12/05 06:56
fosa : "我要來硬的~"強化機器人好強啊,又很可愛 XD 12/05 06:57
x04bp6 : 默默用一副改版前的競技場牌組11/0了XDD 12/05 07:10
a2364983 : 現狀改版前其實應該比較穩定 沒啥亂數XD 12/05 07:13
scottshai : 我怎麼在天梯對戰遇到獵人傳說加茲瑞拉= =" 12/05 07:48
MidoriG : 競技場遇到一個布靈登3000,原來他變出來的武器不管 12/05 07:54
MidoriG : 怎樣都會是金卡 12/05 07:55
genesiss : 請問送的競技場如果到改版後才打完 送的卡包會是新 12/05 08:11
genesiss : 的還舊的? 12/05 08:11
MidoriG : 舊的,主要是嘗鮮,第一次免費 12/05 08:16
pg2000 : 新開始的競技場卡包也是舊的 12/05 08:33
bluegates : 那個8/7/7有聖盾的戰車太強了吧= = 連續兩場被逆轉 12/05 08:39
wkiosar : 新傳說織網者抽的吧 12/05 08:49
cjwgary : 免費競技場 爽賺290+卡包&金卡 12/05 08:52
cockali : 我以為時光龍可以拆了說QAQ 12/05 08:53
pttgale : 微型裝甲 2回解不掉 就尻你10HP 太OP2費卡 12/05 09:29
lacoste1113 : 以為時光龍終於能拆+1 崩潰 12/05 09:31
alexjetertw : 官方說末日災厄會維持原本不然過於op 12/05 11:43
jayway : 幹 強化機器人OP 會改變生態阿 12/05 14:31