精華區beta Hearthstone 關於我們 聯絡資訊
網址:http://ppt.cc/~FMP 原文: Blackrock Mountain - A Hearthstone Adventure The information contained in this article is the result of datamining and speculation. This information is not guaranteed to be accurate and will be updated when we know more. Blackrock Mountain is not the final name of the adventure. Set in a dangerous mountain between Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge, Blackrock Mountain is the location for Hearthstone's second adventure. Like the Curse of Naxxramas adventure, players will very likely be rewarded cards for defeating bosses. There is no current release date for Blackrock Mountain. We are expecting to hear initial details on March 6th, 2015 at PAX East 2015. ____________________________________ Pricing Structure It is not yet known how much Blackrock Mountain will cost, or if we are even required to pay for it. That being said, datamined information from the current game files suggests that it will have an associated cost, and that there will be a pre-purchase period to buy the adventure. In this data, it appears that anyone pre-purchasing Blackrock Mountain will receive the Molten Core Cardback. ____________________________________ New Cards We do not know how many new cards will be contained in this adventure nor do we know the source of any cards. Naxxramas contained 30 new cards, which dropped from bosses, thus it is reasonable to assume the same for Blackrock Mountain. ____________________________________ Boss Encounters We do not know which bosses will be present in the Blackrock Mountain adventure. It is very likely that we will see the same bosses which are present in the dungeons and raids inside of Blackrock Mountain from World of Warcraft in Hearthstone. ______________ 在版上看了下 好像沒看到相關的訊息 文中有提到關於改版的一些資訊 像是新卡數量 新卡背...等等 最後有提到在3月6號會再公布更多訊息 巴哈上有說大約是台灣時間3月6號晚上11點半左右公布 看樣子應該不會是愚人節的消息 請大家敬請期待xD 如有OP請告知我 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hearthstone/M.1425653284.A.068.html
MotoDawn : 剩不到1小時啦 好期待!!! 03/06 22:48
mp3w69 : 康敏瞬~ 03/06 22:49
Yshuan : 哪一年的3月R 03/06 22:51
文中有提到是2015 不用太擔心coming soooooooon ※ 編輯: chinglino3o (, 03/06/2015 22:54:15
cheex : http://www.twitch.tv/pax2 暴雪說明會直播 03/06 22:53
fim : 又要存錢啦 03/06 22:57
q76211635 : 完了完了 又要噴錢了 03/06 22:58
onininon : soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon 03/06 23:00
t120305 : 要存錢啦 一區也是700嗎? 03/06 23:01
leo0988 : 我準備好了 我還沒準備好~~~~ 03/06 23:03
je321654 : 我的壓歲錢準備好了 03/06 23:06
JierWode : GVG都還沒拿完= = 03/06 23:12
papasai : 我覺得新改版應該是NAXX一樣的副本類吧 03/06 23:17
boss3333 : 你的台幣會受難! 03/06 23:23
UnderMoon : 開撥囉 03/06 23:24
teller526 : 原來不是只有台灣人會遲到 ResidentSleeper 03/06 23:33
AKARA : AMAZ 野再看 03/06 23:35
grene : 整篇文章看下來都是we don't know we don't know, 03/06 23:39
grene : 馬的有講跟沒講一樣 03/06 23:39
iljapan61 : 因為這不是官方稿阿 當然只能猜測 03/06 23:39
snowknife : 康米筍? 03/07 00:10
yujack : 終於出現啦~~~~ 03/07 00:23
zaza1128 : 剛剛看Amaz的live,有介紹新卡,跟龍族有關的,還有 03/07 00:35
zaza1128 : 更新好像是3/24有一波 03/07 00:35
jonathan793 : shut up and take my money 03/07 00:36
alexroc : 快存3500歐 03/07 00:45
neilisme : 像naxx很好阿 穩穩拿到想要的牌 03/07 09:33