精華區beta Hearthstone 關於我們 聯絡資訊
轉自:http://eu.battle.net/hearthstone/en/forum/topic/9256676481#1 應該會有官方中文版,所以只翻譯卡牌修改部分 Hearthstone Update: Upcoming Changes 1/13 Thank you so much for continuing to play, test, and give feedback on Hearthstone as the closed beta testing phase begins to draw to a close. We are monitoring card balance over time, and without your continued testing efforts, we wouldn’t have the necessary data we need in order to make changes to cards that may warrant them. This should be our last big set of balance changes; once we go live, we plan to make very few card changes, and only if they are absolutely necessary. We will be making changes to the following cards: Unleash the Hounds, Sylvanas Windrunner, Blood Imp, Defender of Argus, Pyroblast, Dark Iron Dwarf, Abusive Sergeant, Warsong Commander, Charge and Novice Engineer. 我們即將對以下的卡片進行改動: 放狗、希瓦娜斯‧風行者、血之小鬼、阿古斯防衛者、炎爆術、黑鐵矮人、嚴厲的士官、 戰歌指揮官、衝鋒及見習工程師。 Unleash the Hounds’ mana cost is now 2 (down from 4) 放狗的法力消耗降低為2(原本4) Unleash the Hounds was intended to give Hunters their own form of AoE and to have synergy with other beast cards, but its old cost was too prohibitive. 放狗設計的目的是要讓獵人有自己獨有的AoE招式,而且能與其他野獸卡互相配合, 但是之前的法力消耗實在太高。 Pyroblast’s mana cost is now 10 (up from 8) 炎爆術的法力消耗提高為10(原本8) The 8-cost Pyroblast made for an un-interactive experience where the Mage only needed to do 10 damage during the course of a game and then double Pyroblast you for the win. We want Mages to be more interactive with the opponent to achieve victory, rather than delay the game until they can Pyroblast. 耗費8點法力的炎爆術會讓對上法師的對戰變得毫無樂趣。 因為法師只需要在遊戲前段造成10點傷害,之後對你放兩發炎爆術就可獲勝。 我們希望玩家在對上法師時能有更高的獲勝希望, 而不是讓法師拖延時間直到能放炎爆術。 Blood Imp is now a 0/1 and now reads: Stealth. At the end of your turn, give another random friendly minion +1 Health. 血之小鬼現在是0/1並且修改了文字敘述: 潛行。在你的回合結束時,隨機給一個友方手下+1血量。 The Warlock has three very strong 1-cost minions and that made the Warlock rush deck slightly stronger than we were comfortable with. 術士有三種非常強的1費手下,這讓術士快攻牌組的威力超過我們覺得合理的程度。 Warsong Commander has been reworked and now reads: Whenever you play a minion with 3 or less Attack, give it Charge. 戰歌指揮官修改了文字敘述: 當你打出一張攻擊力在3點以下的手下時,它獲得衝鋒。 Charge (the spell, not the keyword) has been reworked and now costs 3 mana. The card’s new power reads: “Give a friendly minion +2 Attack and Charge”. 衝鋒(這裡指的是法術,而非關鍵詞)修改了文字敘述,並且需要3點法力消耗: 給予一個友方手下+2攻擊力及衝鋒。 Both of these cards were key components in “One Turn Kill” or “OTK” decks that kill your opponent in one turn without requiring any cards on the board. We want the game to be about playing minions and fighting for board control rather than just waiting until you can play your big combo and win in one turn with no interaction from your opponent. 這兩種卡片都是能讓玩家在場上沒牌時, 能在一回合秒殺對手的OTK(One Turn Kill)牌組中的重要組成。 我們希望遊戲進行的方式是以打出手下並且靠戰鬥取得場優, 而不是只是在那邊等待手上的牌湊到強大的combo然後再一次打出來並獲勝。 因為這樣你的對手會完全沒辦法對此做出任何反應。 Abusive Sergeant now reads: Battlecry: Give a minion +2 Attack until end of turn. 嚴厲的士官修改了文字敘述: 戰吼:給予一個手下+2攻擊直到回合結束。 Abusive Sergeant was changed to make its power the same as the Dark Iron Dwarf and to give it additional versatility. 嚴厲的士官被修改成跟黑鐵矮人一樣強度的卡片,讓它有更多多樣性。 Dark Iron Dwarf’s buff now only lasts until the end of the turn. 黑鐵矮人的增益效果現在只會維持到該回合結束。 This change was made to reduce the Dark Iron Dwarf’s overall power slightly. We also wanted to make the Battlecry effect the same as Abusive Sergeant‘s as to not force you to permanently buff one of your opponent’s creatures. 這個改動稍微降低了黑鐵矮人的強度。 我們也想要讓戰吼效果跟嚴厲的士官的效果一樣, 讓你不會強迫得要永久強化對手的怪物。 Defender of Argus is now a 2/3 (down from 3/3) 阿古斯防衛者現在是2/3(原本3/3) Defender of Argus was a card that found itself automatically included in many decks due to its power and stats. We want players to have an option of what cards they put in their decks, so cards that feel like they must be in all decks (especially Neutral ones) are not ideal. 阿古斯防衛者的強度跟屬性讓它變成每副牌組幾乎都會放的卡。 我們希望玩家在考慮哪些卡片要放進牌組時有更多選擇, 所以這種幾乎必放的牌(尤其是中立卡)並不是適合存在於遊戲中。 Novice Engineer is now a 1/1 (down from 1/2) 見習工程師現在是1/1(原本是1/2) The Novice Engineer was played in most non-rush decks (and even some rush decks) due to its cost and power. Similar in reasoning to our Defender of Argus change, we want players to have an option of what cards they put in their decks. 見習工程師的花費及強度讓它變成大多數非快攻牌組幾乎會放的卡(有些快攻牌組也會)。 與阿古斯防衛者被修改的理由相同, 我們希望玩家在考慮哪些卡片要放進牌組時有更多選擇。 Sylvanas Windrunner’s mana cost is now 6 (up from 5) 希瓦娜斯‧風行者的法力消耗提高為6(原本5) Sylvanas had power and stats that made it a bit too powerful compared to other 5-cost cards, which made it automatically included in many decks. We want players to have an option of what cards they put in their decks, so cards that feel like they must be in all decks (especially Neutral ones) are not ideal. 與其他五費卡片相比,希瓦娜斯的強度跟屬性使她太過強大, 所以大部分的牌組都會放進這張牌。 我們希望玩家在考慮哪些卡片要放進牌組時有更多選擇, 所以這種幾乎必放的牌(尤其是中立卡)並不是適合存在於遊戲中。 Expert cards that are being changed can be disenchanted for their full cost for a limited time when the patch goes live. We hope these changes will increase the variety of cards you will see at all levels of play, and make playing Hearthstone a more fun and interactive game for everyone. -- 原來哥布林也愛看LBJ http://i.imgur.com/UXD1QH5.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ONISUKA 來自: (01/14 02:57)
r02182828 :慢了 詳細還是給推 01/14 02:56
justsay :給推 難得O大慢了XD 01/14 02:57
justsay :沒推到 補推 01/14 02:59
grimmi :用心給推 01/14 03:02
draw7755 :這樣年輕的女牧師 完全被血之小鬼比下去了 01/14 03:05
a2364983 :翻譯推 OP沒關係啦! 01/14 03:06
KeyFSN :不能這樣比 女牧師是中立卡 職業卡本來就比中立強 01/14 03:06
justsay :原本就被比下去了 現在是小鬼被拉到女牧師的等級XD 01/14 03:06
spellcaster :血小鬼這樣還是很煩阿 01/14 03:06
WisestCat :是小鬼悲劇吧..XD 01/14 03:07
draw7755 :這次改動整個生態影響很大啊.. 01/14 03:08
spellcaster :職業比中立強喔 奧拉基爾表示 01/14 03:09
oya7788 :那這樣 戰歌+狼人 若狼人發動狂怒後能打第二下嗎? 01/14 03:09
justsay :小鬼這樣改反而適合少量生物的中期戰吧 01/14 03:09
spellcaster :小鬼改成這樣 一上BUFF下去 幾乎可以整場+了 01/14 03:10
ed10254 :小鬼沒解掉 還是很煩阿..... 01/14 03:11
KeyFSN :職業是比中立強阿...但總是會有特例 沒辦法 01/14 03:14
hyuchi0202 :小鬼這樣更強吧 01/14 03:15
omanorboyo :有更強嗎 01/14 03:16
dagayealo :一定切都是看對手的牌 01/14 03:17
hyuchi0202 :我的感覺這樣在競技場小鬼更難解掉 01/14 03:22
aoke :小鬼感覺上是打快攻變弱, 但是打優質生物變強 01/14 03:23
Timon1025 :如果後手雙小鬼起手 第二回合就兩隻0/2 要怎麼清... 01/14 03:25
Numbydully :很合理的修改 不過見習工程師有點可惜了 01/14 03:27
scarbywind :到第四回合就看到兩隻隱形的0/4 完全清不掉了 01/14 03:28
Numbydully :這樣以後掠寶囤積者會比見習工程師多了 01/14 03:29
OldYellowDog:如果小鬼BUFF都一直加在小鬼...那小鬼就只是個小鬼XD 01/14 03:34
spellcaster :未必耶 工程師當回合抽實在是有點好用 01/14 03:36
thelittleone:只是開場看到應該會叫回去換別隻 01/14 03:47
jeff781217 :該改玩賊了...... 01/14 03:48
matthew0123 :什麼時候要改麥田啊..3費最OP卡 01/14 04:38
alex53001 :小鬼改這樣....一回硬幣 烈焰+小鬼 1回叫33 01/14 04:55
aa124816 :一回硬幣 烈焰+小鬼 原本不也是1回33嗎…? 01/14 04:58
iphone55566 :樓上...XD 本來就是一回33了啊= = 01/14 04:59
bicabicachu :開場兩隻小鬼互加的話,等到你有AOE的時候都未必能清 01/14 05:03
bicabicachu :而且活越久越討厭,不過快攻就真的變弱了 01/14 05:04
sillymon :四回合兩隻0/4 有個屁用...... 01/14 05:59
iphone55566 :又不一定是互加 01/14 06:04
MidoriG :你開場能拿到兩隻小鬼的話 舊版的更強吧... 01/14 06:23
MidoriG :新版的不能指定 誰知道會加到哪邊 跟原本作用差太多 01/14 06:24
MidoriG :原版小鬼被AOE掃到死就死了 關鍵是能幫其他怪不死 01/14 06:24
MidoriG :能讓其他怪完整吃一次AOE不死 這場也差不多贏了 01/14 06:25
MidoriG :現在隨機亂加 你其他怪都被掃了留隻0/X的有屁用... 01/14 06:26
g1409 :快攻幾乎全砍了 賊超爽的~ 01/14 07:56
yamatai :趕快練 MP 這下子盜賊要獨強了 01/14 08:15
boy00225 :放狗這樣改,搭配土狼或突鷲會太強吧... 01/14 08:18
yamatai :他就是要讓獵人變強 01/14 08:20
linceass :我原本預估是左右兩側+1生命的說 想不到爆雪更狠 01/14 08:21
Aggro :話說 麥田呢 這張怎低調閃過 01/14 09:09
asdpoiuy :爽爽爽爽爽 01/14 09:26
rufjvm12345 :現在熱門職 賊法戰術 只有賊沒被砍 親兒子BJ4 01/14 09:29
WalkFish :德魯依低調暗爽中阿 根本沒nerf到他 01/14 09:34
WalkFish :你們都改弱 德魯依表示 繼續低調強勢 01/14 09:34
DM1984 :麥田還是沒事w 01/14 10:09
Jate :狼人:我的好朋友怎麼死了.. 01/14 10:23
tp6m4xup6 :大怪流要崛起了嗎XD 01/14 10:29
tp6m4xup6 :盜賊的剋星都被改了 要飛更高了 01/14 10:30
madrac :一堆多的麥田等分解, 要再等等了 orz 01/14 10:31
catsondbs :這樣戰士OTK還有得玩嗎? 01/14 10:46
gn00675150 :存了一堆金卡不拆 結果還沒改到我有的 01/14 11:18
Aggro :這就是所謂的期貨被套牢(?) 01/14 11:19
vi000246 :小鬼要看搭配吧 像配卡丁狗 要是當回合沒殺死 01/14 11:39
vi000246 :很可能會變3/7的血量 01/14 11:39
infinite1234:主流打法全被nerf 看來該練MP了 01/14 11:43
Kendai :gooooooooooooooood 01/14 12:16
simon27 :改這樣其實很棒 削弱中立怪 遊戲會變更有趣 01/14 14:10
Kenalex :用心推~~ 01/14 14:35
jason72830 :逼人用血法啊。工程師不知幹嘛用了 01/14 14:50
wolver :工程師還是有用 因為低耗 唯一能馬上抽牌的 只有他 01/14 16:59
PatlaborGao :德魯伊 萬歲! 01/14 18:12
ljm87 :炎爆被改不易外 01/14 20:23