精華區beta IA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我猜上篇新聞大概是從這篇紐約時報的報導編譯過來的。不過有興趣的話, 原文還是值得一讀,因為國內編譯新聞似乎常常自動篩掉相當部份的細節, 而這些細節很不幸的有時候也頗為重要。 隨口提兩點上篇編譯新聞忽略掉,我個人認為也值得一提的部份。首先是 截至目前為止,McCain募了8000萬美元,手頭上目前有1100萬的現金。 Obama募了2億四千萬,即使經過初選的大量消耗,銀行內仍然有超過 McCain四倍以上的現金。雖然黨部方面,共和黨募到的3100萬(這筆錢可以 直接拿來支援McCain)遠比民主黨的600萬來的多;不過綜合來說,Obama 仍然享有競選經費上的優勢。 另外,Obama競選團隊雖然利用初選過程建立強大的全國競選網路,但由於 民主黨黨部為了懲罰提前舉行初選的Flordia跟Michigan,禁止候選人在該 處競選;在初選正式結束前,Obama團隊仍然受到這項規定的限制,因此這 兩州也成了目前Obama團隊在組織上最弱的地方。 == 回應一點推ncyc大之前在14154的推文 推 ncyc:這好像有點太囂張了... n大應該是在批評Obama還沒正式取得提名,就說要跟McCain舉辦聯合競選活動吧。 不過從紐時這篇報導看來,這個提議是McCain陣營首先倡議的,McCain陣營 也早已鎖定Obama為大選時的對手,那這樣看來就不是Obama態度囂張了。 == 隨著這篇新聞,紐約時報有一張兩方陣營認定會成為大選時關鍵戰場的州的圖表。 這張圖表我認為整理的不錯,想直接看原圖的板友可以看這裡: http://tinyurl.com/597cgn 不過為了照顧因為種種原因,偏好BBS介面的板友,我整理如下: 鐵票州 民主黨:172票(Electoral Votes) 共和黨:200票 戰場州 04年由Kerry勝出: 80票 04年由Bush勝出 : 86票 另外,由於在Pennsylvania跟Ohio取得令人印象深刻的大勝, Clinton女士及其支持者賣力的推銷能得到大選時關鍵州的 選舉人票是Clinton女士最大的優勢之一。 或許我們可以藉由這個表格來檢視這個論點客不客觀。 去掉還未舉行初選的Oregon(7票),Florida(27票)跟Michigan(17票) 後; Clinton女士在初選贏得了 Ohio (20票), Pennsylvania (21票), New Hampshire (4票) Nevada (5票), New Mexico (5)票) 總共是55票 Obama贏得了 Washington (11票), Minnesota (10票), Wisconsin (10票), Virginia (13票), Colorado (9票), Iowa (7票) 總共是 60票 Obama占優勢的州總共有60票,比Clinton女士的55票還多。 如果要爭論Florida若能按時程舉行初選,Clinton女士將順利勝出 別忘了根據稍後的民調,Obama也在Michigan略占優勢,在2/17號 後所做的三次對比式民調,Obama vs McCain也都比Clinton vs McCain的組 合略占上風(http://usaelectionpolls.com/2008/general-election/michigan.html) ;再加上5/20才舉行初選,但Obama占了相當程度優勢的Oregon; 加起來Clinton女士仍以 82票(55+Florida 27)落後於Obama的84票 (60+ Michigan 17+ Oregon 7)。 從這樣計算看來,Clinton女士雖然更有機會拿下Florida、Pennsylvania、 Ohio三個非常high profile的swing state(近來的對比民調也證實了 這一點);然而在選舉人票的計算上卻並未占有優勢。Obama勝出的 swing state的確都不是那麼的大,但是總合加起來所掌握的選舉人票還是比較多。 如果要"拿Obama贏的多是大選時毫無機會的紅州,Clinton贏的多是大選時 重要的大州"這點來爭論Clinton比Obama更適合代表民 主黨參選,得先考慮一下上面那個計算。 Washington (Kerry,04) 11票 民主黨 共和黨 2004 7% 2000 6% 1996 12% 1992 11% 1988 2% 1984 13% 1980 12% Oregon (Kerry, 04) 7票 民主黨 共和黨 2004 4% 2000 0% 1996 8% 1992 10% 1988 5% 1984 12% 1980 10% Navada (Bush, 04) 5票 民主黨 共和黨 2004 3% 2000 4% 1996 1% 1992 3% 1988 21% 1984 34% 1980 36% Colorado (Bush, 04) 9票 民主黨 共和黨 2004 5% 2000 8% 1996 1% 1992 4% 1988 8% 1984 28% 1980 24% New Mexico (Bush, 04) 5票 民主黨 共和黨 2004 1% 2000 0% 1996 7% 1992 9% 1988 5% 1984 21% 1980 18% Minnesota (Kerry, 04) 10票 民主黨 共和黨 2004 4% 2000 2% 1996 16% 1992 12% 1988 7% 1984 0% 1980 4% Iowa (Bush, 04) 7票 民主黨 共和黨 2004 1% 2000 0% 1996 10% 1992 8% 1988 10% 1984 7% 1980 13% Wisconsin (Kerry, 04) 10票 民主黨 共和黨 2004 0% 2000 0% 1996 10% 1992 4% 1988 4% 1984 9% 1980 5% Michigan (Kerry, 04) 17票 民主黨 共和黨 2004 3% 2000 5% 1996 13% 1992 7% 1988 8% 1984 19% 1980 7% Ohio (Bush, 04) 20票 民主黨 共和黨 2004 2% 2000 4% 1996 3% 1992 2% 1988 11% 1984 19% 1980 11% Pennsylvania (Kerry, 04) 21票 民主黨 共和黨 2004 2% 2000 4% 1996 9% 1992 9% 1988 2% 1984 7% 1980 7% New Hapshire (Kerry, 04) 4票 民主黨 共和黨 2004 1% 2000 1% 1996 10% 1992 1% 1988 26% 1984 38% 1980 29% Virginia (Bush,04) 13票 民主黨 共和黨 2004 8% 2000 8% 1996 2% 1992 4% 1988 21% 1984 25% 1980 13% Florida (Bush,04) 27票 民主黨 共和黨 2004 5% 2000 0% 1996 6% 1992 2% 1988 22% 1984 31% 1980 17% Already, Obama and McCain Map Fall Strategies http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/11/us/politics/11strategy.html?th&emc=th Published: May 11, 2008 Senators John McCain and Barack Obama are already drawing up strategies for taking each other on in the general election, focusing on the same groups — including independent voters and Latinos — and about a dozen states where they think the contest is likely to be decided this fall, campaign aides said. In a sign of what could be an extremely unusual fall campaign, the two sides said Saturday that they would be open to holding joint forums or unmoderated debates across the country in front of voters through the summer. Mr. Obama, campaigning in Oregon, said that the proposal, floated by Mr. McCain’s advisers, was “a great idea.” Even before Mr. Obama fully wraps up the Democratic presidential nomination, he and Mr. McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, are starting to assemble teams in the key battlegrounds, develop negative advertising and engage each other in earnest on the issues and a combustible mix of other topics, including age and patriotism. Mr. McCain, of Arizona, will spend the next week delivering a series of speeches on global warming, evidence of his intention to battle Mr. Obama for independent voters, a group the two men have laid claim to. Those voters tend to recoil from hard-edged partisan politics, and presumably would be receptive to the kind of bipartisan forum that Mr. McCain and Mr. Obama seemed open to on Saturday. Clearly concerned that questions about such things as his association with his former pastor had damaged his standing with independents, Mr. Obama, of Illinois, is likely to embark on a summertime tour intended to highlight the life story that was once central to his appeal. Preliminary plans include a stop in Hawaii, his birthplace, and a major address there at Punchbowl Cemetery, where his maternal grandfather, who fought in World War II, is buried. Mr. Obama’s campaign is firing up voter-registration efforts and sending troops to Ohio and Pennsylvania, states that he lost in the primaries but that his aides said he must win to capture the White House. Mr. McCain’s advisers said they had tracked Mr. Obama’s struggles with blue-collar voters there and would open campaign headquarters in both states in early June. Beyond that, aides to the two men said Latino voters would be central to victory in a swath of Western states now viewed as prime battlefields, including Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico. These decisions by Mr. McCain and Mr. Obama to look ahead to the fall reflect their conclusion that it is only a matter of time before Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York steps away from the fight for the Democratic nomination. Mr. McCain is looking first to states where President Bush narrowly lost in 2004 and where Mr. Obama lost primaries, starting with New Hampshire and Pennsylvania. Mr. Obama is looking to states where he won caucuses and primaries — including some, like Virginia, that have been solidly Republican in recent presidential elections — as well as others where he has organizations in place. And the two sides have produced television advertisements that will be rolled out as soon as the Democratic contest is officially resolved. These advertisements are directed less at promoting themselves than at undercutting their opponents. The Republican National Committee is planning a $19.5 million advertising campaign to portray Mr. Obama, 46, as out of touch with the country and too inexperienced to be commander in chief, seeking to put him on the defensive before he can use his financial advantage against Mr. McCain, 71, party officials said. “In 1984, Ronald Reagan said, ‘I’m not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent’s youth and inexperience,’ ” said Frank Donatelli, the deputy chairman of the Republican National Committee. “Well, we are going to exploit Obama’s youth and inexperience.” On the Democratic side, Mr. Obama’s aides this week put finishing touches on advertisements intended to tether Mr. McCain to Mr. Bush and chip away at his image as a maverick, an identity that the aides said they found remained strong with voters. “By November, every voter will know that McCain is offering a third Bush term,” said Mr. Obama’s campaign manager, David Plouffe. Advisers to Mr. Obama said their research suggested that Mr. McCain, notwithstanding his high profile in American politics for more than a decade, was not well known to many voters. In particular, Mr. Obama’s aides said they would highlight Mr. McCain’s opposition to abortion rights to try to stem the flow of disaffected women who backed Mrs. Clinton in the primaries and whom Mr. McCain’s aides said they would aggressively court. The strategies reflect a lesson from the 2004 presidential campaign, when top aides to Mr. Bush, some of whom are working for Mr. McCain today, began a well-financed television campaign to define and undercut Senator John Kerry, Democrat of Massachusetts, the moment he became his party’s nominee. Mr. Obama’s advisers said they were mindful that he had not yet won the nomination and that six contests remained. Still, they said it was crucial to begin engaging Mr. McCain as soon possible. Independent voters have been critical in presidential elections as the country has become polarized along party lines. What makes this election different is the extent to which Mr. Obama and Mr. McCain have turned to independent voters for support throughout their careers. Historically, independent voters have responded to specific issues and concerns, in particular an emphasis on government reform and an aversion to overly bitter partisan wrangling. Accordingly, Mr. McCain’s advisers said they would present him as a senator who frequently stepped across the aisle, while portraying Mr. Obama as a down-the-line Democratic voter who is ideologically out of touch with much of the country. “We believe America is still a slightly right-of-center country, and that is what McCain is,” said Charlie Black, a senior adviser to Mr. McCain. “If you look at Obama’s base and his record, he is a pretty conventional liberal. ” Mr. Obama’s advisers, meanwhile, intend to present Mr. McCain as a product of Washington who moved closer to the Bush administration to win the Republican nomination. The two men also have sought to build their candidacies around images of reform, unconstrained by traditional political molds. The rivals are openly discussing staging forums across the country to speak directly to voters, an idea that is by any measure unconventional for a general election campaign. Asked about the idea on Saturday, Mr. Obama told reporters in Oregon, “If I have the opportunity to debate substantive issues before the voters with John McCain, that’s something that I’m going to welcome.” Hispanic voters could find themselves drawing more attention from presidential candidates than ever before. Their votes could prove critical in determining whether Democrats capture states like Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico and whether Republicans have any chance of being competitive in California. Mr. McCain’s identification with legislation that would have permitted some illegal immigrants to attain citizenship, a position he moved away from in the primaries but never renounced, gives him an opportunity to compete for those voters, who except for Cubans in Florida appear to have largely settled into the Democratic camp in recent years. Mr. Obama also supported measures that would have allowed immigrants to attain citizenship but struggled to win over Hispanic voters in his primary fight, signaling a potential problem for him in the fall campaign. Mr. Obama’ s aides said the endorsement by Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, one of the nation’s most prominent Hispanic leaders, could prove more critical in the general election than in the primary. Both sides say the states clearly in play now include Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Nevada, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin. Republicans said they hoped to put New Jersey and possibly California into play; Democrats said African-Americans could make Mr. Obama competitive in Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina. Mr. Obama’s advisers said they had a strong chance of taking Colorado, Iowa, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio and Virginia away from the Republican column. Mr. Obama has a clear financial advantage. By March 31, Mr. McCain had raised about $80 million and reported about $11 million in cash on hand. Mr. Obama had raised three times as much — about $240 million — and had more than four times as much in the bank. But the Republican National Committee, which is permitted to spend money on Mr. McCain’s behalf, has raised $31 million, compared with just $6 million by the Democratic National Committee. And Republican officials said they were not concerned about being outspent between now and the conventions. Mr. Obama’s advisers said that as a result of the five-month series of primaries and caucuses, he had a nearly national campaign apparatus in place and had identified and registered thousands of new voters. That said, they acknowledged that they were at a disadvantage in two important states — Florida and Michigan — because those states had early primaries in defiance of the Democratic National Committee, and the candidates agreed not to campaign there. “Organizationally, we have now built very powerful organizations in every state but Michigan and Florida,” Mr. Plouffe said. “That is one huge silver lining to how long this nomination fight has gone on.” Republicans will seek to portray Mr. Obama as out of touch with many voters on issues like abortion and gay rights. Some of Mr. McCain’s advisers said they also thought that Mr. Obama had displayed a number of vulnerabilities as a candidate that they would seek to exploit: they argued that he was prone to becoming irritated when tired or pressed on tough questions, that he had trouble connecting with voters in smaller settings and that he had run a campaign light on substance. In the eyes of the Obama campaign, Mr. McCain’s chief weaknesses include continuing to embrace the Iraq war, his support for extending the administration’s tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans (he once opposed the idea) and his suggestion that the economy had made “great progress” in the last eight years. Mr. Obama has said he has no intention of making age — Mr. McCain is 25 years older — an overt issue in the general election campaign. Yet in recent weeks, the Obama campaign has made a point of showing their candidate in settings, on the basketball court, as well as surrounded by his young family, that could be seen as telegraphing the message without explicitly raising the issue. -- 讓原本痛苦、僵化的作文課,變成創意紛飛、想像奔馳、文思泉湧的學習樂園 ---培力作文補習班 http://www.empower.idv.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: swallow73 來自: (05/13 19:11)
NPLNT:請問McCain反對生質燃料是不是會讓他在Iowa不利呢 05/13 21:15
NPLNT:McCain跟Obama誰在Iowa的贏面會較大 05/13 21:16
swallow73:選戰優勢方面請看這裡http://tinyurl.com/4cqg68 05/13 21:39
swallow73:Obama從來沒在Iowa落後過McCain。不過為什麼N大會認為 05/13 21:40
swallow73:Iowa選民會特別關心生質燃料問題?是有什麼相關新聞我漏 05/13 21:40
swallow73:掉沒讀過? 05/13 21:40
ncyc:愛荷華州產玉米,玉米練出來的乙醇是生質燃料的主要原料 05/13 21:43
ncyc:請看The West Wing 6x13 "King Corn" 05/13 21:44
zzaa:滿認同S大的觀點,Obama也有贏得關鍵州的實力 05/13 21:44
ncyc:Alan Alda扮演的Vinivk在裡面就把生質燃料罵翻過去 05/13 21:45
NPLNT:Iowa所生產的乙醇好像是全美最多的 05/13 21:47
swallow73:謝謝,這個面向似乎是選戰相關新聞比較少會提到的,不曉得 05/13 21:57
swallow73:哪位板友有較詳細一點的相關資料可以分享? 05/13 21:58
zzaa:個人覺得Obama仍然可以在賓州和Ohio州勝出,只是幅度較小而已 05/13 22:10
zzaa:至於IA,NM,CO,NV,及VA都可能由紅轉藍,被Obama拿下 05/13 22:16
swallow73:根據民調,Pennsylvania近期Obama的確是穩定領先; 05/14 00:01
swallow73:Ohio就辛苦了,2/26日以來,除了一次領先1%後,其餘都落 05/14 00:02
swallow73:後.至於Florida,看起來是從來都沒贏過XD 05/14 00:02
swallow73:這三州Clinton女士的確是比較有競爭力沒錯 05/14 00:04