精華區beta IA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這篇是華盛頓郵報的報導。翻譯新手,如果翻得不當或有更好的 翻法,還請不吝指導。 順便一提,這文章第二段提到裁決的rules committee,我從其他地方 得到的資訊是這似乎是誤解。實際負責的機構rules and bylaw committee (RBC),其實跟rules committe或其他報導可能會提到的credential committe 是不同的機構,這常在媒體上搞混。因此文章中提到的rules committe我一律 翻成RBC。 May 23, 2008 Friends May Seal Clinton's Fate By E. J. Dionne http://tinyurl.com/67fvtw WASHINGTON -- Hillary Clinton is talking as if the battle over seating disputed delegations from Florida and Michigan at the Democratic National Convention is the greatest crisis for democracy since the 2000 Florida recount. Hilary Clinton把DNC目前正在處理的Florida和Michgan黨代表爭議講的好像是 自從2000年Flordia爭議後最大的民主危機。 Her rhetoric flies in the face of intensive efforts by members of the party's rules committee to settle the delegate battle with a compromise that would likely guarantee the nomination for Barack Obama. Ending the struggle quickly depends on whether the rules committee's peacemakers succeed in their work. 目前RBC成員力推的和平方案預料將大大的有利於Obama贏得提名,然而Clinton顯然 是在跟他們唱反調。能否明快的解決爭議的關鍵,在於RBC的仲裁者能否搞好調停工作。 Clinton's chances of winning are slim, partly because some of her own supporters believe the contest is over. They see the clash over Michigan and Florida as futile for Clinton and destructive to the party. Clinton成功的機會不大,部份原因是連有些她的支持者都認為提名之戰勝負已定。 他們認為爭執Florida和Michigan黨代表的資格不但無助於Clinton贏得初選,反而 會對黨造成重大傷害。 As a result, officials close to the controversy say that even if the 13 members of the rules committee who support Clinton stick with her, they would likely be outvoted by the eight members loyal to Obama who would join the seven neutral members in favoring a compromise. 因此,熟知內情的黨公職說即使13位Clinton在RBC的支持者都堅決的支持她,他們 在表決時仍然很可能敵不過8名支持者和7位支持妥協方案的中立成員。 The most likely deal would seat the full Michigan and Florida delegations but give each delegate half a vote. This would be in line with party rules, and with how Republicans dealt with the two contested states. 最可能的妥協方案是兩州代表全都保留資格,不過只領到半票。這符合黨紀,也跟 共和黨的處理方式一致。 "If we do this right," said Alice Germond, secretary to the party -- she will be calling the roll at the Denver convention in August -- "everyone will be a little happy, even if no one will get everything they want." Germond, a rules committee member, said it is inconceivable the party will not find a way to seat delegations from both states. "I can't stand up there and say, 'Michigan! -- oops, only kidding.'" 黨秘書長Alice Germond說"如果我們處理的好的話 - 她將在丹佛的大會負責唱名 - 雖然沒人能完全得到他們期待的,不過大家都會嘗到點甜頭。"同時還身兼RBC成員的G ermond也表示,黨中央不可能完全無視兩州的黨代表資格。"我不會在黨代表大會唱名 時說'Michigan!'噢噢,開玩笑的。" Germond added that if the rules committee fails to resolve the issue at its May 31 meeting here, "it does not bode well for our convention, or our unity." Germond補充,如果RBC沒能在5/31會議解決這個問題,這對全國黨代表大會上的氣氛 和本黨的團結恐怕都不利。 Because of this, Clinton could see some of her own supporters defect on a rules vote rather than risk a party split. In an interview, Don Fowler, a South Carolina committee member who supports Clinton, stated his own view very carefully: "I'm inclined to support the Clinton position, but that's not a carte blanche." Without endorsing rules committee efforts to split the differences, Fowler noted "an inclination to reach a compromise." 因此,Clnton可能反而看到她自己的支持者在RBC投票上變節以避免黨分裂。在一 項訪談中,來自South Carolina的委員會成員,也是Clinton支持者的Don Flowler 謹慎的表明他的立場。"我傾向支持Clinton女士的立場,然而我的支持並非無條件 的。"雖然RBC目前正努力推行的讓雙方都能得到好處的解套方案,他並未明確表示支持 ,不過仍表明他傾向支持妥協。 The controversy began when Michigan moved its primary up to Jan. 15 and Florida to Jan. 29, both in violation of party rules. The Democratic National Committee stripped the states of their delegates. 這項爭議起於Michigan決定將初選時程移到1月15、Florida移到1月29。DNC決議 兩州黨代表失去資格。 Complicating matters is the fact that while both Clinton and Obama appeared on Florida's ballot, Obama removed his name from Michigan's. Clinton originally agreed with the party decision, and neither candidate campaigned in Florida or Michigan. But when she won both contests and it became clear she needed more delegates, she reversed course and demanded that the delegations be seated, a position her campaign reiterated in a conference call with reporters on Thursday. 讓事態複雜的原因是,雖然Clinton和Obama都出現在Florida的選票上,Obama卻將他 的名字從Michigan選票上移掉。Clinton一開始也同意這項黨中央的要求,而且 兩人也都沒有在這兩州做任何競選活動。(補充:不過兩個人都有小動作,Obama 在CNN上打得全國廣告也出現在Flordia,Clinton也跑去Florida組織募款活動) 然而當她贏得兩場初選後,並且情勢漸處於不利後,她改變立場,並且要求 兩州黨代表必須算數。在星期四的記者會上,她的競選陣營也再度重申這項立場。 Obama currently leads Clinton by roughly 185 delegates. According to the Clinton campaign, her challenge in the two states would net her 111 delegates if Michigan's uncommitted delegates continued to be counted as uncommitted. If the uncommitted delegates were allocated to Obama, that would cut her gain to 56. In the Michigan primary, Obama supporters urged a vote for the uncommitted slate. Obama目前大約領先Clinton 185席黨代表。根據Clinton陣營,如果Michigan的無所屬 黨代表票保持中立,她要求的解決方案可幫她追回來111票。如果這些無所屬黨代 表被分配給Obama,那麼她追回來的票數則下降到56。在Michigan初選,Obama支持 者鼓勵選民投給保持中立立場的那份黨代表名單。 The Obama campaign would like to split both delegations evenly between the candidates, but is ready to accept a version of the half-vote compromise. This could net Clinton 17 delegates, perhaps a few more. Obama陣營希望將兩州黨代表平均分配,但也願意接受兩州代表票減半的版本。 這版本的計算讓Clinton追回了17票或稍微再多一些的黨代表票。 Clinton also wants to validate the use of Michigan and Florida in popular vote counts. Without Michigan's numbers, she trails Obama in popular votes cast in the primaries so far. Clinton也要藉此將Michigan跟Florida初選算進普選票計算中。如果不算Michigan的 投票結果,她在初選中得到的普選票是落後於Obama的。 The popular vote understates the weight of states that held caucuses and has no formal role in the nomination process. But Clinton is leaving no incendiary metaphor behind in tying her personal interests to an argument for democracy. 這種普選票計算低估了那些採取cacus,且在初選競賽中沒有正式地位的州的份量。 然而,Clinton卻不遺餘力了用了各種煽動性言論將她個人的政治利益與民主論綁在 一塊(補充:或者她是感染力強大的可敬民主烈士,如果你比較喜歡從另一個角 度來看。) In Florida on Wednesday, she linked the controversy both to the battle for democracy in Zimbabwe and to the disputed election of George Bush that still enrages many Democrats. 星期三在Florida,她將兩州初選爭議跟辛巴威民主危機,以及至今仍讓不少民主黨 選民很不爽的2000年結果由布希得利的大選爭議比做一塊。 The heat of Clinton's rhetoric threatens to end an informal cease-fire she and Obama have observed in recent weeks, and some Democrats fear it presages a fight to the convention. It may thus fall to Clinton's own supporters on the rules committee to force her to accept a settlement. By picking this fight, Clinton may guarantee that her defeat is sealed not by her enemies, but by her friends. Clinton激烈的用詞使得這幾個禮拜雙方遵守的非正式停戰協定面臨破裂,部份民主黨 人士擔心這顯示了戰火可能會延燒到全國黨代表大會。Clinton在RBC中的支持者可能因 此決定接手施壓讓Cliton接受妥協方案的任務。或許隨著Clinton選擇挑起爭端,因此也 注定了最後裁定Clinton落敗的不是她的對手,反而是她的盟友。 -- ■所有荷蘭人如果每週一天不吃肉,就可達到荷蘭政府希望家家戶戶一年所減少的二氧化 碳排放量目標。 ■南美洲約有四億公頃的黃豆作物是種給牛吃的;如果是提供給人類食用,則只需兩千五 百萬公頃就可以滿足全世界所需。 「不吃肉、騎腳踏車、少消費,就可協助遏止全球暖化。」 by Dr. Rajendra Pachauri -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: swallow73 來自: (05/23 22:36)
NPLNT:這樣看起來Clinton激烈的手段好像反而導致反效果了 05/23 22:39
※ 編輯: swallow73 來自: (05/23 22:45)