精華區beta IA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
恩,希拉蕊擺脫之前民調會再次敗選的預測,硬是比歐巴馬多了兩個百分點。 麥坎則一如預期的拿下了新罕布夏州的共和黨初選。 簡易的得票狀況: DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY REPUBLICAN PRIMARY Clinton 110,550 39.6% McCain 86,802 38.0% Obama 102,883 36.8% Romney 73,806 32.3% Edwards 47,803 17.1% Huckabee 26,035 11.4% Richardson 12,987 4.6% Giuliani 20,054 8.8% Kucinich 3,845 1.4% Paul 17,831 7.8% Biden 616 0.2% Thompson 2,808 1.2% Gravel 397 0.1% Hunter 1,195 0.5% Dodd 195 0.1% 下面是TIME的一篇報導文章:(感覺有點長XD) The Comeback Kids: Clinton, McCain Tuesday, Jan. 08, 2008 By DAVID VON DREHLE Polls and pundits took a beating in the New Hampshire primary as Sen. Hillary Clinton blunted the momentum of surging Sen. Barack Obama, turning a possible blowout into a victory as record numbers of energized Democrats flooded the polls. 民調、預測專家跟參議員歐巴馬一樣的都在新罕布夏州初選吃了敗仗,而希拉蕊則 把近來氣勢銳不可擋的歐巴馬陣營重重敲了一記。 票選的結果使得歐巴馬失去了他一舉贏得初選勝利的契機。 It was a day for don't-say-die candidates and voters determined to make up their own minds. Arizona Sen. John McCain, near-broke and plummeting in the polls just months ago, rejoined the front rank of the Republican presidential candidates with a victory over Mitt Romney — who led in polls here by a large margin just last month. Turnout was high — but not unprecedented — for the GOP contest. "I've never seen this many people in New Hampshire undecided this late," Dale Kuehne, associate professor of politics, at Saint Anselm's, said as voters prepared to go to the polls. 這是一個永不言放棄的選戰,選民是會自己選擇投票支持對象的。就在幾個月前, 麥坎在新罕布夏的民調幾乎是一整個鴉鴉烏,而Mitt Romney在上個月的民調 還是大幅度領先,可是最後麥坎卻打敗了Mitt Romney。雖然不是空前,但是本次 共和黨初選的投票率很高。而在選民投票前夕,教授Dale Kuehne說:我沒有看過 這麼多的新州選民到現在還沒有決定投票意向的時候。 The former First Lady's victory averted a near-death experience. Even her husband was speaking in the hours before the election of Obama's "tidal wave" of support after his big win last week in the Iowa caucuses. Her campaign fretted over desperate strategies to stem the tide, but what was obvious was that Clinton would never have a better chance to slow Obama than in New Hampshire. She and her husband have been campaigning since the 1992 primary helped her husband to the White House. 這位前第一夫人的勝利使得她避開了宣佈退選的窘境。自從歐巴馬在愛州初選大勝之 後,勢如破竹般的氣勢跟支持度讓希拉蕊陣營一點辦法也沒有。不管是推出她的先生 四處演講、助選還是怎樣的,也沒有辦法讓聲勢日益高漲的歐巴馬回檔整理。這時候, 新州的初選就是最後一道防堵歐巴馬的關卡。 The deep organization and well of support built over those years delivered in the major cities of New Hampshire. Clinton once again lost to Obama among the youngest voters, but this time beat him soundly among women and blue-collar workers. 在這一次初選中,希拉蕊再一次的在青年票上輸給了歐巴馬,卻在藍領階級以及婦女 票上取得了勝利,打敗了歐巴馬。 Obama conceded the victory at about 11 p.m. EST, but urged his supporters to keep their enthusiasm unchecked. "You can be the new majority in American politics," he said, able to "disagree without being disagreeable." 東岸時間晚上十一點,歐巴馬承認了他的敗選,並持續的鼓勵他的支持群眾繼續保有 活力跟熱情。他說:我們絕對可以成為美國政治中新的執政黨,振作起來,不要沈浸 在不愉快跟怨恨之中! Thanking voters in her victory speech, Clinton said she has "found her voice" in the days since her loss to Obama in Iowa last week. Sounding a chord with the words her husband spoke 16 years ago after he survived New Hampshire, she added: "Let's give America the kind of comeback that New Hampshire has just given me." 在希拉蕊的勝選感言中,她說自從愛州的敗選後,她終於有了一點希望。感言聽起來 跟她先生在16年前的感言有異曲同工之妙。她先生在當年的新州初選雖敗,但是最後 卻進取白宮。希拉蕊強調:給美國一個再次振作的機會,就像新州選民給我的一樣吧! McCain's victory, meanwhile, deals another blow to the well-funded Romney, who was beaten in Iowa last week by former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee. Romney's long-stated strategy was to win both primaries through aggressive campaigning and big spending. 在此同時,麥坎的勝利,給了財力充沛的Romney重重一擊。Romney本來計畫利用大撒 宣傳鈔票跟超級積極的跑行程來贏得兩個州的初選。 New Hampshire voters thronged the polls just five days after a record turnout in Iowa. Election officials ferried reams of blank ballots past long lines of waiting voters just to keep up with demand. Much of the credit for the surge has been chalked up to Obamamania — but clearly more factors were at work. Obama lifted spirits, Clinton scrapped for survival, and McCain recaptured some of the magic of his 2000 New Hampshire landslide. 這一次初選,新州選民破天荒的蜂擁至投票所投票,人數多到連票都不夠用,還要 選務人員臨時送票過去投票所,從票所人龍長長一串就可以看得出來。雖然這一次 有“歐巴馬狂熱症“的加持,但是看起來他的支持者多半在上班吧~ 總結,歐巴馬必須提振精神,希拉蕊逃出生天,而麥坎有一點點重演2000年在新州 壓倒性勝利的奇蹟。 "We're seeing tremendous excitement and enthusiasm all over the state," New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch said. Chalk it up to high stakes, aggressive organizing, well-known candidates, the lack of an incumbent — and weather so unseasonably fine that a voter might feel almost lucky to be waiting in line outside a voting station. 新州官員John Lynch說:喔~這一次選舉我們看到了整個新州的熱情跟活力!選舉打得 如火如荼,有超強的組織戰,也有全國知名的參選人,再加上天氣沒道理的好,讓每 位選民甘願在長長的隊伍中等待投票! At various moments in the long campaign, Romney, Clinton and Obama all seemed poised to piece together quick victories and short-cut the first election in decades with no incumbents on the ballot. Now, as Obama put it, "we know the battle will be long." 在這麼長又這麼多變數的選戰中,Romney,歐巴馬跟希拉蕊通通都想要趕快勝利, 好進入總統大選。但是現在,就如同歐巴馬說的一樣,“結束?還早的哩!“ Indeed, the tighter-than-expected race underlined an overlooked fact of the Iowa caucus: Clinton didn't do badly there. She and former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards ran up what would have been record tallies in any previous year while finishing in a near-tie. It's just that Obama shattered all records. 的確,這一場緊繃的選戰中,在愛州初選裡面被忽略的一件事是:希拉蕊並沒有選 得很差,她和艾德華茲就只差七張票而已(CNN計票結果),但是鋒頭都被勝選的歐巴 馬給搶去了。 In New Hampshire, he and Clinton again posted record totals. Edwards, however, sagged back into third place, a disappointing finish given his relentless campaigning in the closing days, crisscrossing the state around the clock. 在新州,歐巴馬跟希拉蕊再次的創了記錄。而艾德華茲掉回了第三名,這令人失望的 結果給了他無情的打擊,也讓他的全國競選活動面臨了說再見的命運。 Romney, too, fought mightily to rescue his campaign, dominating the final pre-election debate and deploying a massive phone bank to make 100,000 last-minute phone calls to prospective voters. But his mid-day confidence wilted as McCain's grew into the evening. McCain spent election eve in the same room he occupied the night before the 2000 vote, and today he wore the same green sweater he sported on that happy day. "There is no superstition I won't indulge," he said. Romney也是,他希望挽救他的選情,藉由獨霸最後的選前辯論以及展開龐大的電話 攻勢,在投票前夕透過十萬通的搶救選情電話,拜託可能會出門投票的選民 投給Romney,但是他的信心隨著計票時,麥坎得票數的持續增長而逐漸消失。 麥坎的選前之夜造勢晚會選在跟2000年一樣的場地,他這一次選擇穿了他在2000年 選前晚會時所穿的綠毛衣。“沒有任何一個迷信我不會相信的“,他這麼說。 http://0rz.tw/9a3zK (縮網址了) 感謝看到這邊XD 新州這一次開放大家一起來投票,結果投票人數創了記錄。 所以1/12大家要去投票喔XD(好像這兩樣沒什麼關係:P) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: sobeit 來自: (01/09 18:10)
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