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Clinton陣營企圖把Obama打成candidate for black的選戰策略 有效果嗎?Obama在S.C的大勝會引起白人選民的恐慌嗎?Survey USA 在1/27號於加州這樣的民調似乎不支持這樣的觀察.Clinton在十二 月初在白人選民中領先Obama25%,現在只剩下2%(43:41).這種結果 似乎支持另一種觀察,政治手腕高超的Clinton夫婦的挑撥策略不 但沒有成功,反而甚至在白人選民中激起反感,反而跟著Ted Kennedy 站出來支持Obama.如果這個驅勢一直持續到2/5的話,或許 可以說明白人選民並不是那麼愚蠢,這麼容易就被惡質的選戰 手法操弄. 不過Oklahoma又是另一番景象了,在那裡Obama還輸給Edwards. 先前在S.C也發生Obama白人選民支持度縮水的現象.跟加州 相比較,或許保守南方白人民主黨選民比較容易受族群操弄 所左右. http://0rz.tw/523E9 Democratic Candidate CA OK Pollster SUSA SUSA Date 1/27 1/27 Hillary Clinton 49% 44% Barack Obama 38% 19% John Edwards 9% 27% Other(vol.) 4% 9% According to the Democratic California poll by Survey USA: Compared to SurveyUSA's most recent CA poll released two weeks ago, before Obama's South Carolina win, Hillary Clinton is down 1 point, Obama is up 3 points, and John Edwards, who finishes today at 9%, is down 1 point. In October, Clinton led Obama by 37 points; today, it's 11 points. Obama today leads among men by 11 points; Clinton leads among women by 30 points -- a 41-point Gender Gap. Clinton today takes 43% of the white vote; Obama takes 41, a virtual tie, and significant in that Clinton led among white voters by 25 points at the beginning of December. According to the Democratic Oklahoma poll by Survey USA: Results are virtually unchanged from those of an identical SurveyUSA poll conducted two weeks ago. Clinton leads by 39 points among women; Edwards leads by 7 points among men -- a 46 point gender gap. By more than 2:1, Oklahoma likely Democratic primary voters say the economy is the issue the the next president should focus on ahead of all overs; among the voters choosing the economy as the most important issue, Clinton leads Edwards by 22. Among those who say Iraq is the most important issue, Clinton leads by 15. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 122.127.71. ※ 編輯: swallow73 來自: (01/31 02:50) ※ 編輯: swallow73 來自: (01/31 02:54)
creep1894:艾德華茲退選了 感覺票好像會流向希拉蕊 01/31 15:10