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Clinton wins New Mexico Democratic caucuses Posted: 05:16 PM ET (CNN) — Sen. Hillary Clinton has won the February 5 Democratic presidential caucuses in New Mexico, the state party chairman announced Thursday after a count delayed by a large number of provisional ballots. HC拿下New Mexico 還有延誤的原因blahblah... Clinton, the senator from New York and former first lady, edged out Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois by about 2,000 votes out of the nearly 150,000 cast, New Mexico Democratic Chairman Brian Colon announced nine days after the contest. 差兩千票 贏走NM The final tally was given as 73,105, or about 49 percent, for Clinton and 71,396, or 48 percent, for Obama. 得票 得票率 blahblah "With these two Democratic candidates, we had in New Mexico the largest voter turnout in decades," Colon said. colon評論.... New Mexico is the last of two dozen states that held primaries or caucuses on "Super Tuesday" to complete its count. Colon said the results were delayed as election officials sorted through 17,000 provisional ballots cast during the contest to determine which ones were valid. 詳細原因... Provisional ballots were cast by people whose names did not appear on lists of eligible voters. More than 200 volunteers slogged through the stack of ballots, about half of which were eventually certified, Colon said. http://0rz.tw/423FJ 總之而言 HC拿下NM 不過下個月TX和OH是關鍵 這兩州 對於HC 是非贏不可 的關鍵州 煩請注意附上原稿來源 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ncyc:今天中時有引述一篇美國外電,維州初選前HC陣營內鬨 02/15 17:56
ncyc:還有,羅姆尼表態支持麥坎了 02/15 17:57
argon007:我不想被記者抄 所以我只好簡單的編譯 請見諒 02/15 18:01
nplnt:這個版有被記者抄過?! 02/15 21:55
argon007:你去看王建民版就知道了 那裡鄉民都在罵記者抄鄉民的翻 02/16 04:07
argon007:譯 02/16 04:08
going90:曾經有記者來這邊說要引用投票與文章(基本上還滿理性的) 02/16 19:56
going90:如果說有引用 或是要報導有告知與事前溝通過 其實滿ok的 02/16 19:56
going90:只要原作者同意,基本上記者跟來這版的使用者權利相同 02/16 19:57