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標題:McCain picks Alaska governor as running mate 新聞來源: http://us.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/08/29/palin.republican.vp.candidate/index.html (需有正確連結) (CNN) -- Sen. John McCain Friday picked Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate, CNN has learned. The 44-year-old Palin, now in her first term as governor, is a pioneering figure in Alaska, the first woman and the youngest person to hold the state's top political job. She catapulted to the post with a strong reputation as a political outsider, forged during her stint in local politics. She served as mayor and a council member of the small town of Wasila starting in 1996 and was chairman of the state Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, which regulates Alaska's oil and gas resources, in 2003 and 2004. The conservative Palin defeated two so-called political insiders to win the governor's job -- incumbent Gov. Frank Murkowski in the GOP primary and former two-term Democratic Gov. Tony Knowles in the 2006 general election. Palin made her name in part by backing tough ethical standards for politicians. During the first legislative session after her election, her administration passed a state ethics law overhaul. Palin's term has not been without controversy. A legislative investigation is looking into allegations that Palin fired Alaska's public safety commissioner because he refused to fire the governor's former brother-in-law, a state trooper. Palin acknowledged that a call was made by a member of her staff to a trooper in which the staffer suggested he was speaking for the governor. Palin has acknowledged that the call could be interpreted as pressure to fire state trooper Mike Wooten, who was locked in a child-custody battle with Palin's sister. "I am truly disappointed and disturbed to learn that a member of this administration contacted the Department of Public Safety regarding Trooper Wooten," Governor Palin said. "At no time did I authorize any member of my staff to do so." Palin suspended the staffer who made the call and the investigation is continuing. Palin has been focused on energy and natural resource policy during her short stint in office, and is known for her support of drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, a position opposed by McCain but supported by many grass-roots Republicans. Her biography on the state governor's Web site says one of the two major pieces of legislation passed during her first legislative session was a competitive process to construct a gas pipeline. Palin started Alaska's Petroleum Systems Integrity Office -- an oversight and maintenance agency for the state's oil and gas equipment, facilities and infrastructure. She created the Climate Change Subcabinet that would forge a climate change strategy, according to the biography. At present, Palin chairs the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission, a multistate panel "that promotes the conservation and efficient recovery of domestic oil and natural gas resources while protecting health, safety and the environment," the biography says. She has been named chair of the National Governors Association's Natural Resources Committee. That panel is focused on legislation to make sure that federal policies take state priorities into account in agriculture, energy, environmental protection and natural resource management. She is a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association and takes part in two of Alaska's popular pastimes -- fishing and hunting. The governor's biography says Palin's other priorities have been "education and workforce development, public health and safety, and transportation and infrastructure development." The biography touts other achievements during her time as governor -- the investment of $5 billion in state savings, overhauling educational funding, and implementing a program to help low-income elderly Alaskans. Born in Idaho, she is a longtime Alaskan and a Protestant. Her biography says she arrived in Alaska in 1964, "when her parents came to teach school in Skagway." She graduated from Wasila High School in 1982 and received a bachelor of science degree in communications-journalism from the University of Idaho in 1987. Her husband is Todd Palin, who is a lifelong resident of the state and an oil production operator on Alaska's North Slope. They have five children, including a son who enlisted in the Army last year. Congressional Quarterly notes Palin's other past occupations, including commercial fishing company owner; outdoor recreational equipment company owner; and sports reporter. Palin also made an unsuccessful run for lieutenant governor in 2002, Congressional Quarterly said. -- 以上言論為此媒體之報導或觀點 不代表本人立場 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ncyc:嘿,CNN開始掀Palin的醜聞 08/29 23:00
yeh67:歐巴馬沒選希拉蕊真是失策 08/29 23:13
outdance:辦公室的同事都支持McCain 我在Ohio 08/29 23:17
hawardhsz:哇 是要接收希拉蕊的婦女票源嗎?!感覺是步險棋 08/29 23:41
ncyc:我是覺得有待觀察,Palin州長似乎很保守 08/29 23:45
ncyc:CNN現在就提到,她是反對墮胎的 08/29 23:46
hawardhsz:副總統候選人公開辯論會 她不曉得會不會被老拜登K.O. 08/30 00:26
ncyc:Palin州長說話雖然中氣十足,不過速度略快了點 08/30 00:35
ncyc:她的兒子要去伊拉克?天啊,保守派會愛死這個人選的 08/30 00:42
hawardhsz:可是McCain的年紀問題 這個副總統人選是適當的嗎? 08/30 00:44
ncyc:這就有的瞧啦 08/30 00:46
MRZ:馬侃:我要是選上了就掛了,那麼你們就有破紀錄的年輕總統,科科 08/30 00:55
hawardhsz:youtube上有人說她會get eaten alive by Biden 哈哈 08/30 01:07
MRZ:都嘛是副總統,陪襯而已,重點是兩匹馬誰勝出才對吧XD 08/30 01:11
hawardhsz:所以有人再譏諷馬侃 還不是選一個沒經驗的人當副手 08/30 01:17
hawardhsz:應該不成立吧 一個是副總統沒實權一個是要選總統的人 08/30 01:17
MRZ:馬侃自己也沒有啥經驗啊,他又沒當過總統:P 08/30 01:20
McCain:選這個美國本土以外的人當副手 真是怪招 08/30 01:22
Vicky1016:樓上自己說自己的選擇怪XDD 08/30 01:24
Vicky1016:你自己也不是美國本土出身的阿(巴拿馬運河區生) 08/30 01:24
McCain:我實在不了解我的本尊在想甚麼 大概想搶女性選票吧 08/30 01:24
dblsesame:pro life+NRA member是覺得女性選民只看性別其他不挑嗎? 08/30 08:15
ncyc:我到是覺得馬侃挑選培林的主要目的不是婦女選票... 08/30 10:58
hunmir:是中高齡白人男性選票? 08/30 11:02
ncyc:應該是傳統共和黨保守派的票,婦女選票能挖多少就挖多少 08/30 11:06
ncyc:而且歐巴馬陣營攻擊培林不能太兇,不然就是打自己老闆的耳光 08/30 11:06
ncyc:美國媒體給予馬侃這招「充滿膽識但風險很高的選擇」評語,個 08/30 11:07
ncyc:人認為算是相當中肯的 08/30 11:07
RIFF:裴林比西拉蕊討喜 08/30 18:24
RIFF:我覺得她的發展性很高 08/30 18:25