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標題:McCain's Focus on Georgia Raises Question of Propriety After Chiding Obama, He Dwells on Crisis as a President Might By Dan Eggen and Robert Barnes Washington Post Staff Writers Friday, August 15, 2008; Page A16 Standing behind a lectern in Michigan this week, with two trusted senators ready to do his bidding, John McCain seemed to forget for a moment that he was only running for president. 密西根州,馬坎站在講台後頭,兩名可靠的參議員準備表達支持:馬坎一瞬間似乎忘記 他只是在競選總統了。 Asked about his tough rhetoric on the ongoing conflict in Georgia, McCain began: "If I may be so bold, there was another president . . ." 當被問到他針對衝突的強硬措辭,馬坎說,「如果我能這麼說,曾經有另外一位總統...」 He caught himself and started again: "At one time, there was a president named Ronald Reagan who spoke very strongly about America's advocacy for democracy and freedom." 他自己發現了,重新講:「一度,有一位總統叫做雷根,曾強硬表達美國對民主與自由 的代表性。」 With his Democratic opponent on vacation in Hawaii, the senator from Arizona has been doing all he can in recent days to look like President McCain, particularly when it comes to the ongoing international crisis in Georgia. 他的民主黨對手在夏威夷度假期間,這位亞利桑納州參議員近期盡了所有力量來讓自己 看起來像總統馬坎,特別是針對最近的喬治亞國際危機。 Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili says he talks to McCain, a personal friend, several times a day. McCain's top foreign policy adviser, Randy Scheunemann, was until recently a paid lobbyist for Georgia's government. McCain also announced this week that two of his closest allies, Sens. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) and Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.), would travel to Georgia's capital of Tbilisi on his behalf, after a similar journey by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Saakashvili說他與馬坎這位私交談過,每天數次。馬坎陣營首席外交政策顧問Randy Scheunemann一直到最近都還是喬治亞政府的雇用說客。馬坎也宣布兩位他最親近的 盟友參議員Graham和Lieberman會代表他前往喬治亞首都提伯利希,且就在國務卿萊斯 有類似的行程之後。 The extent of McCain's involvement in the military conflict in Georgia appears remarkable among presidential candidates, who traditionally have kept some distance from unfolding crises out of deference to whoever is occupying the White House. The episode also follows months of sustained GOP criticism of Democratic Sen. Barack Obama, who was accused of acting too presidential for, among other things, briefly adopting a campaign seal and taking a trip abroad that included a huge rally in Berlin. 馬坎在這次喬治亞的武裝衝突中投入的程度在所有總統候選人中顯得十分之深。美國 總統候選人傳統上對於正在發生的危機會保持距離,不管誰在白宮掌舵。這段插曲也 是跟隨著共和黨不間斷地批評民主黨參選人歐巴馬過度的總統樣表現之後,包括把競選 徽章弄得像國徽,同時出訪時在柏林舉辦了一場超大的集會。 "We talk about how there's only one president at a time, so the idea that you would send your own emissaries and really interfere with the process is remarkable," said Lawrence Korb, a Reagan Defense Department official who now acts as an informal adviser to the Obama campaign. "It's very risky and can send mixed messages to foreign governments. . . . They accused Obama of being presumptuous, but he didn't do anything close to this." 我們談過只有一個總統,所以你會派遣自己的代表並且干預談判過程是非常特別的,」 雷根政府國防部官員Korb說。現在他任歐巴馬的非正式顧問。「「這風險很大,也會對 外國政府表達不明確的訊息...他們指控歐巴馬太過頭,但他沒有做過這種程度的事情。」 But McCain and his aides say his tough rhetoric on the Georgia crisis, along with his personal familiarity with the region, underscores the foreign policy expertise he would bring to the White House. 但馬坎和他的工作人員說他針對喬治亞的強力措辭,以及他個人對於該區的熟悉度,代表 著他會帶往白宮的外交政策專長。 His focus on the dispute has also allowed McCain to distance himself somewhat from President Bush, who has been sharply criticized by many conservatives for moving too slowly to respond to Russia's military incursion into Georgia and South Ossetia, the breakaway province at the heart of the dispute. McCain's first statement on the conflict last Friday came before the White House itself had responded. 馬坎在這次危機的焦點也讓自己能與布希總統畫出界線。布希總統被許多保守份子批評 對於俄國入侵喬治亞和南奧賽梯的反應太慢。馬坎上禮拜五第一份聲明是在白宮有反應 之前就做出的。 In often-lengthy remarks about Georgia this week on the campaign trail, McCain repeatedly talked of how many times he had been to the region, let it be known that he had talked daily with Saakashvili since the crisis began and made it clear that there had been times he thought Bush's response could have been stronger. 這禮拜許多關於喬治亞的冗長發言中,馬坎重複提到他去過當第幾次,並希望讓大家知道 自從危機開始後,他每天與Saakashvili交談,並清楚表達他認為布希總統的反應可以 更加強硬一點。 He provided a primer for why Americans should care about the "tiny little democracy" and tried to tie the foreign crisis with a domestic one: oil. Georgia is "part of a strategic energy corridor affecting individual lives far beyond" the region, he said. 他提出了為什麼美國人應該要在乎一個「小到不行的民主政體」,並試圖把國際危機 與國內危機連結起來:他講了「油」字。喬治亞是「一個戰略能源走廊的部分,會影響 很多超出那個區域很遠之外的個人生活,」他說。 "His statements have been very presidential," said John R. Bolton, a former U.N. ambassador under Bush who has since become one of the sharpest critics of the administration's recent foreign policy. "These are the kinds of things that the president should have been saying from the beginning." 「他的發言很總統,」布希政府前駐聯合國大使波頓說。波頓最近是布希政府外交政策 最犀利的批評者之一。「這些都是總統應該在一開始就說的東西。」 At the same time, McCain also appears sensitive to going too far. In remarks both Wednesday and yesterday, for example, McCain explicitly ruled out direct military action against Russia, a step advocated by some hard-line conservatives. 在一些時候,馬坎似乎知道不願太過頭。在禮拜三和昨天的談話中,馬坎特別排除使用 直接軍事行動對付俄國,這是許多鷹派保守份子支持的選擇。 "We want to avoid any armed conflict, and we will not have armed conflict," McCain said at a fundraiser yesterday in Edwards, Colo. "That's not the solution to this problem. But we have to stand up for freedom and democracy as we did in the darkest days." 「我們希望避免任何武裝衝突,並我們不會有武裝衝突。」馬坎於昨天的科羅拉多 募款晚會上說。「武裝衝突不是解決這個問題的方法。但我們必須要為自由和民主 奮鬥,一如我們在最黑暗的時刻曾經作到的。」 McCain's ties to Saakashvili go back to the 1990s, when the future leader of the "Rose Revolution" was a student at George Washington University. In an interview this week on CNN, Saakashvili said he was "talking to Senator McCain several times a day." 馬坎與Saakashvili的交情從90年代開始,當時喬治亞的「玫瑰革命」領袖還是喬治 華盛頓大學的學生。在一次CNN訪談中,Saakashvili說他「與參議員馬坎每天交談 多次。」 "You know, I think he spends less time on his presidential campaign these days and lots of time on Georgia," Saakashvili said. "And I really appreciate that, because Senator McCain has been fighting for freedom of Georgia for many, many years." 你知道,我想他最近選戰時間減少,喬治亞時間變多了,」Saakashvili說。「而我 感激莫名,因為馬坎一直在為喬治亞的民主奮鬥非常非常多年。」 He added a moment later: "And the same for Senator Obama." 他後來加道,「參議員歐巴馬也是。」 The Obama campaign has been generally cautious in its remarks about the Georgia conflict, and the campaign yesterday declined to comment on the appropriateness of McCain's role. But earlier this week, Obama adviser Susan Rice said McCain "may have complicated the situation" with his early tough rhetoric on the dispute. 歐巴馬陣營對於喬治亞衝突的發言非常謹慎,該陣營昨天拒絕針對馬坎角色的適當性 做出評論。「但這禮拜早先,歐巴馬顧問Susan Rice說馬坎之前的強硬措辭「可能讓 情況變得複雜了」。 "John McCain shot from the hip," Rice said on MSNBC, calling his initial statement "very aggressive, very belligerent." 「馬坎這次當了快槍俠,」Rice在MSNBC說,認為他最先的發言「非常激進,非常 具有敵意。」 Lieberman, one of McCain's most ardent and vocal supporters, responded by criticizing Obama's more cautious first statement on the Georgia situation an example of "moral neutrality" that showed his "inexperience." Lieberman,馬坎最積極並最大聲的支持者,對此反擊,批評歐巴馬第一份小心的聲明 是「道德中立」的代表,顯出他「缺乏經驗」。 By Wednesday, however, both McCain and Obama had come together to praise the Bush administration's announcement of humanitarian aid and the secretary of state's diplomatic journey. McCain also told reporters that "this isn't the time for partisanship, sniping between campaigns," and declined to comment on Rice's or Lieberman's remarks. 禮拜三時,馬坎和歐巴馬一起讚揚布希政府的人道救援聲明,以及國務卿的外交行程。 馬坎也告訴記者「這不是搞黨派之爭的時候,」並拒絕評論Rice或Lieberman的發言。 Barnes reported from the campaign trail in Michigan and Colorado. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/08/14/ AR2008081403332.html?hpid=topnews 新聞來源: (需有正確連結) -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: pursuistmi 來自: (08/15 10:42)