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Voting begins in US state of Ohio http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7643682.stm Early voting is getting under way in the US battleground state of Ohio, five weeks exactly before the 4 November presidential election. It comes a day after Ohio courts ruled that new voters could register and cast an absentee ballot on the same day. Republicans, who argue same-day voting opens the door to voter fraud, opposed the measure; Democrats backed it. Both John McCain and Barack Obama have been campaigning hard in Ohio, seen as a key swing state. John McCain, accompanied by running mate Sarah Palin, used a rally in Colombus, Ohio, on Monday to attack his Democratic rival over his economic policies. Mrs Palin, Republican governor of Alaska, is preparing for the vice-presidential debate scheduled for Thursday night, in which she and Democrat Joe Biden will face each other for the first time. She has come under increasing pressure after a series of TV interviews which critics say have exposed her lack of readiness for the role. Minorities Monday's Ohio Supreme Court decision, backed by two federal judges, cleared the way for same-day registration and voting during a week-long period up to 6 October, when voter registration ends. The Democrats hope the same-day voting period will benefit Mr Obama The ruling was welcomed by state Democrats, who hope to encourage college students and other groups such as minorities, the poor and the homeless to make use of the same-day voting period. Previously, voters had to be registered for at least 30 days before receiving an absentee ballot, which tended to reduce participation among such voter groups. They often favour the Democrats. The ruling was seen as a victory for Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, a Democrat, who had been criticised by Republicans for telling county election organisers to allow same-day voting. Both Mr Obama's campaign and the Republican National Committee have urged supporters to make use of Ohio's 35-day early voting period to cast their absentee ballots. Ohio was an important swing state in 2004, when it went to President George W Bush by a narrow margin, helping him to re-election. A number of states, including the battleground states of Iowa, Virginia, Nevada, New Mexico and North Carolina, allow early and absentee voting. Some voters prefer it because they fear potential problems and long queues at polling stations on election day. The Obama campaign believes its strong on-the-ground organisation in many states could give it an advantage in encouraging people to cast their ballot early. ============================================================================== 美國‧36州提前投票‧2候選人須改變策略 http://www.sinchew.com.my/node/82809?tid=2 (美國‧弗吉尼亞州)美國大選的競選活動進行得如火如荼,雖然現在距離11月4日全國 投票日尚有一個多月,但今年有36個州的選民可以在11月4日之前提早投票。 戰況激烈的弗吉尼亞州是其中之一,週五(9月19日)開始容許已登記的選民投票,成為 最早投票的一個州份。 今年有這麼多州份容許選民提早投票,這項安排可能會迫使兩位候選人民主黨的奧巴馬和 共和黨的麥凱恩,改變競拉票和各項宣傳活動的計劃,包括時間、地點和行程。 除了弗吉尼亞州外,其他安排選民提早投票的州份,還包括兩位候選人不容有失的重要戰 場,例如艾奧瓦州、俄亥俄州、威斯康星州、佛羅里達州和明尼蘇達州。 選民取向影響選情 奧巴馬和麥凱恩現時在這幾個州份的支持率都打成平手,提早投票可能反映選民的取向, 從而對選情造成影響。 艾奧瓦州將於週二(9月23日)提早投票,俄亥俄州是9月30日,而佛州則是10月20日 今年安排選民提早投票的州份,數目之多創下了一個高紀錄。相比之下,在2000年大選選 年,只有11個州作出這項安排。民主黨一向主張和大力推動提早投票這項機制,相信這樣 做可以鼓勵更多窮人和黑人選民去投票。 2候選人對救市意見不同 另一方面,奧巴馬表示支持聯邦政府關於出台金融救援計劃的決定,但麥凱恩卻表示政府 不應參與救市行動。 到現在為止,奧巴馬和麥凱恩均未提出振興經濟的詳細計劃。但美國輿論認為,選民更贊 同奧巴馬應對當前金融和經濟問題的主張。 星洲日報/國際‧2008.09.20 ============================================================================== 36州提早投票 維州919搶頭香 http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2008/new/sep/21/today-int5.htm 〔編譯張沛元/綜合報導〕今年美國總統大選投票日是十一月四日,然因有多達三十六州 實施提早投票,估計今年美國總統大選至少有三分之一的選民、約四千萬人,早在十一月 四日以前便已決定新任總統人選。一般相信,提早投票對民主黨的選情較有利,而此一措 施也迫使兩黨總統候選人的競選團隊重新評估其競選策略。 十一月四日前 四千萬人先投票 維吉尼亞州在眾多舉辦提早投票的州中搶得先機,日期為距離正式投票日超過六週的九月 十九日;率先舉行初選的愛荷華州的提早投票日緊接在後,日期是九月二十三日。接下來 ,首度採行此措施的俄亥俄州在九月三十日舉行提早投票,佛羅里達州在十月二十日提前 開放部分投票所,科羅拉多州則自十月二十二日起提前投票。 眾多提早投票的州中,不乏共和黨總統候選人麥肯與民主黨總統候選人奧巴馬勢均力敵者 ,如俄亥俄州、威斯康辛州、佛羅里達州與明尼蘇達州。相較於兩千年大選時僅十一州獲 准提早投票,今年舉辦提早投票的州數之多,徹底打亂傳統上從全代會、電視辯論到萬聖 節起的選前走透透競選時程。畢竟,就在才剛宣布副手人選並在全代會上正式獲得提名的 麥肯與奧巴馬,開始準備巡迴全美各州催票時,不少他們還沒來得及涉足蒞臨的州,竟已 開始投票了。 民主黨策士迪威表示,估計將有四千萬人在十一月四日前投票;兩名總統候選人現在得更 改拜票行程與所購買的媒體廣告時段,「(提早投票對總統大選競選過程構成)史無前例 的衝擊」。 美國總統大選投票日並非國定假日,除了早已協調當日放假的工會勞工,絕大多數美國人 若想投票,只能仰賴雇主的配合與通融。為了衝高投票率,若干州十年前提出提早投票措 施(選民可郵寄選票或親赴投票所投票);兩千年總統大選有十五%的提早投票選票,二 ○○四年成長至二十%。到了二○○六年國會期中選舉時,近四分之一選票來自提早投票 。民主黨人曾積極推動提早投票,理由是認為此舉有助於減少窮人與黑人選民的投票權遭 到剝奪。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: hunmir 來自: (09/30 20:58)
NKN:這次美國大選真是有夠亂 09/30 22:25
swallow73:很有趣的資訊,謝謝原PO熱心整理提供 10/01 19:50