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Iraq: US Reply to Security Pact Changes After Election Iraqi officials say they expect the Bush administration to respond to Iraq's proposed amendments to a draft security pact after Tuesday's U.S. presidential election. 伊拉克官方表示他們希望布希政府能在週四的大選過後,回應他們所提出有關安全協定 的修正案。 U.S. and Iraqi officials have been trying since May to finalize a deal that would allow U.S. troops to remain in Iraq after a U.N. mandate expires at the end of December. 兩國政府從五月開始便嘗試能將協定定案。聯合國的任務將在十二月底結束,該協定希 望能在此後依然保持美軍駐守伊拉克。 Iraq is proposing changes to a draft agreement to give Baghdad more authority over U.S. troops and guarantee that Iraqi territory will not be used to attack other countries. 伊拉克對協定的修改是希望能增進巴格達對美軍的權限,以期阻止伊拉克恐怖份子對他 國的攻擊。 In violence Sunday, a bomb killed two Iraqi children as they played in the northern city of Kirkuk, while another bomb in the capital Baghdad killed a policeman. 血腥的星期日,在伊拉克北方的Kirkuk,一顆炸彈奪走了兩名正在玩耍小孩的性命, 同日另顆炸彈則在巴格達爆發,造成警察死亡。 Elsewhere, the U.S. military says its troops killed two suspected al-Qaida militants during an operation Saturday in the northern Iraqi town of Tal Afar. 美國陸軍則稱它們在北伊拉克的Tal Afar擊斃了兩名基地組織的成員。 The military also says it detained 11 suspected al-Qaida members in operations across Iraq on Saturday and Sunday. Separately, the U.S. military says its troops captured six suspected Iranian-backed militants Sunday in the southern Iraqi town of Nasiriyah. 在這項跨日的行動中,美軍逮捕了11名基地成員。另外在南伊的Nasiriyah則捉到了6名 懷疑是有伊朗支援的好戰份子。 http://voanews.com/english/2008-11-02-voa25.cfm voa 煩請注意附上原稿來源 -- 身為台灣人,不可不知天下事 立足台灣,放眼世界 國際事務版 國家研究院 政治, 文學, 學術 PoliticMan 研究 Σ政黨/政治人物研究院 IA 政治 ◎IA國際事務版 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: