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In Mexico, Sorting Out Good Guys From Bad 墨西哥,壞人老闆挑選好人雇員 Many of the mug shots of drug traffickers that appear in the Mexican press show surly looking roughnecks glaring menacingly at the camera. An anticorruption investigation unveiled last week in the Mexican capital, however, made it clear that not everybody enmeshed in the narcotics trade looks the part. 墨西哥的雜誌刊載了許多經過整理的照片,這些照片是由一個反貪機構所公佈 他們都是一副兇神惡煞的臉孔。不論如何,讓它看來並非每個人都已捲入 毒品交易的市場。 There was a gray-haired, grandfatherly type who was pushing 70, as well as an avuncular figure with a neatly coiffed goatee and wire-rimmed spectacles perched upon his nose. Some of the five men who found themselves on the front pages of newspapers on their way to jail wore suits, which made them look more like bureaucrats than bad guys. 有個滿頭灰髮,看起來已經當祖父的70歲男子,剛好有個整理過的山羊鬍,以及鑲邊 的眼鏡掛在他鼻子上。這些在上了報紙頭版的五名男子在進監獄時穿著西裝,看來與 其說是罪犯不如說是政府官員。 Among the greatest challenges in Mexico’s drug war is the fact that the traffickers fit no type. Their ranks include men and women, the young and the old. And they can work anywhere: in remote drug labs, as part of roving assassination squads, even within the upper reaches of the government. 在這場墨西哥毒品戰爭裡最大的挑戰中,發現了毒販有各種類型。他們包含了男女老少。 他們在哪都能工作,在人跡罕至的藥品實驗室,四處流竄的暗殺小隊,以及政府的高 級官員之間。 It has long been known that drug gangs have infiltrated local police forces. Now it is becoming ever more clear that the problem does not stop there. The alarming reality is that many public servants in Mexico are serving both the taxpayers and the traffickers. 毒品幫派滲透進當地的警察體系,早已是長期以來眾人皆知的事情。現在看來問題嚴重 並非僅止於此。令人震驚的事實是,墨西哥許多公務員同時服務納稅人及毒販。 The men in suits, it turns out, were both bureaucrats and bad guys, officials say, corrupt employees high up in an elite unit of the federal attorney general’s office who were feeding secret information to the feared Beltra'n Leyva cartel in exchange for suitcases full of cash. 這位著西裝的人,他便同時是官僚及壞人,官員說,這些貪官層次高達到聯邦總檢察長 辦公室,他們拿著機密情報與令人懼怕的Beltra'n Leyva集團換取大筆現金。 Their arrest, and the firing of 35 other suspect law enforcement officials, represents the most extensive corruption case that this country, which knows corruption all too well, has ever seen. And it raises a question that is on the lips of many Mexicans: how does one know who is dirty and who is clean? 他們逮捕並開除了35名有疑慮的執法人員,代表這國家最廣泛的貪瀆案件,大家都知道, 即使從未見過。而且它提出了每個墨西哥人都掛在嘴邊的問題:怎麼知道誰好誰壞? “I’m convinced that to stop the crime, we first have to get it out of our own house,” President Felipe Caldero'n, who has made fighting trafficking a crucial part of his presidency, said in a speech on Tuesday, after the arrests were announced. 總統Felipe Caldero'n卡德龍說「我知道要制止犯罪,要先讓大環境轉變的適合居住」 他在星期四發表逮捕行動後發表演說,表明對抗毒販是他任期內的重要政策。 That house is clearly dirty. There is ample evidence that Mexicans of all walks of life are willing to join the drug gangs in exchange for cash, including farmers who abandon traditional crops and turn to growing marijuana and accountants who hide the narco-traffickers’ profits. 大環境的確很髒。有充分證據顯示墨西哥人都有加入毒品交易市場賺大錢的想法,農夫 放棄代代相傳的農產品轉而種值大麻,會計師則幫毒販做假帳。 There was sporadic evidence in the past that such corruption extended into high-level government offices. An army general who commanded Mexico’s anti-drug unit was arrested and convicted in 1997 after the discovery that he was working for a drug lord on the side. In 2005, a spy working for a drug cartel was discovered working in the president’s office and accused of feeding traffickers information on the movements of Vicente Fox, then the president. 過去有零星的證據顯示高層官員收賄。97年一名指揮墨西哥反毒行動的陸軍將領被逮, 因他是替毒販老大工作。2005年,發現一名替毒販工作的間諜在Vicente Fox當政時期 於總統辦公室中工作並輸送情報。 But the abundance of law enforcement officials now believed to be on the take has made Mr. Caldero'n’s drug war all the more difficult to execute. Traffickers often know beforehand when raids are going to occur. Sometimes dealers plant their people on the teams that carry out the raids to act as saboteurs. 但大部份的執法人員相信卡德龍總統的反毒戰爭要贏得勝利將更加困難。毒販通常能在 突襲發動前早一步得知消息。有時毒販會在反毒團隊中培植他們的人馬以破壞行動。 The traffickers’ networks are not foolproof. Mr. Caldero'n’s government did manage to capture Alfredo Beltra'n Leyva, a cartel leader, in January even though the group was receiving inside information. What appears to have happened, officials say, is that the army carried out the raid without involving the attorney general’s office, inadvertently keeping the corrupt officials out of the loop. 毒販間的網絡並非萬無一失。一月時,卡德龍政府曾在內部情報被其集團知悉的情況下 順利逮捕其老大Alfredo Beltra'n Leyva。政府官員說,陸軍主導整個突擊過程, 不讓檢察總長辦公室知道,無意間摒除了受賄官員。 The cartel’s leaders, who operate out of Sinaloa State and have been implicated in the killing of a top police commander in Mexico City, were described in local press accounts as being furious that their government moles had not informed them of the raid. 這個集團的首領,掌控了Sinaloa州並涉嫌在墨西哥城殺害警政署長,當地媒體描述 他對政府內他所掌握的人馬沒有通知他突擊的消息感到非常憤怒。 Still, the reach of the drug networks is so extensive that even winning a court conviction against a kingpin is not always enough to claim victory. 但是毒品網絡太過廣大,就算在法院能成功判決有罪,也不到能宣稱贏得勝利。 http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/02/world/americas/ 02mexico.html?_r=1&ref=world&oref=slogin 紐時 http://0rz.tw/94548 煩請注意附上原稿來源 -- 身為台灣人,不可不知天下事 立足台灣,放眼世界 國際事務版 國家研究院 政治, 文學, 學術 PoliticMan 研究 Σ政黨/政治人物研究院 IA 政治 ◎IA國際事務版 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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