精華區beta IA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Election Night (Popcorn Included) Pundits and pollsters may be trying to take all the fun out of Election Day. So many have predicted a lopsided victory for Senator Barack Obama over Senator John McCain that you might wonder why even to bother watching the returns on Tuesday night. 專家學者及民調專家試圖讓大選看來充滿趣味。 大部份預測一面倒的支持歐巴馬將贏得選舉,讓你可能會覺得週二晚上看開票結果將是 一件無趣的事。 The fact is, there is plenty of mystery — and there is only one poll that counts. 其實這場選舉有許多謎題 Aim to have the popcorn popped and to be on the couch by 7 p.m. Eastern time. That’s assuming you have a day job and haven’t been glued to the television all day. (Of course, even if you have a day job, you may have been glued to the Web, in which case, take a quick break!) 準備好爆米花並在晚上七點坐在沙發上,或者是你在白天上班而不能整天黏在電視機前。 (當然,就算你有工作,你也可以在空檔時黏在網路前) Now, a guide of highlights to watch for on Tuesday: 現在,讓我們看看週二會有啥精彩的: SETTING THE TABLE The networks are not supposed to call a state until all the polls in that state have closed. But there will be lots of raw data online, so you can go on the Web, check the returns and try calling the state yourself. Several news sites include interactive maps so you can play along at home to see how the candidates might reach 270 electoral votes, the magic number needed to claim the presidency. 擺設餐具:網路上的投票不會在該州的投票結束後才會開放,相反的,會有許多熱騰 騰的資料上傳,所以能在網上看資料並自行預測結果。 所多新聞網站有互動地圖,讓你能在家看看候選人如何贏得270張選舉人票以入主白宮。 (編按:http://elections.nytimes.com/2008/president/whos-ahead/ key-states/map.html?scp=1&sq=interactive%20maps&st=cse http://0rz.tw/2754l 紐時的互動地圖) FIRST BITE The suspense starts in Indiana. Most polls close at 6 p.m. and others at 7. Indiana is a ruby red state where Mr. Obama has been running closely with Mr. McCain. Be wary of results that do not include Gary, a city with a substantial African-American population. If Mr. Obama wins it, Indiana could be the canary in the coal mine predicting disaster ahead for Mr. McCain. 第一咬(?):這擔心來自於印第安那。許多州投票活動在6點結束,有些在7點。 印第安那是紅州(共和黨)裡歐巴馬拉的與麥肯最近的一州。此結果並不包含Gary,一個 有大量非裔人市的城市,如果歐巴馬贏了印第安納,這可能對麥肯而言就是壓垮駱駝 的最後一根稻草。 APERITIF Also at 7 p.m., polls close in Virginia and Georgia, and polls close in most of Florida and New Hampshire. All eyes will quickly veer to Virginia, which Mr. Obama has labored to win. If he succeeds in the former capital of the Old Confederacy, he will most likely do exceedingly well the rest of the night. Subtracting Virginia from the Republican column would give Mr. McCain very few routes to 270 electoral votes. New Hampshire is less predictive. But it would be a bad sign for Mr. McCain if he cannot capture these mavericks, whom he has been courting for eight years. 開胃酒:一樣在七點,維吉尼亞與喬治亞將結束投票,其它還有佛羅里達與新罕布夏。 所有目光將聚焦維吉尼亞,歐巴馬在此贏得艱難的勝利(是嗎?),如果他在邦聯的舊 首都贏得勝利,他將能在晚上好好休息了。如扣掉維吉尼亞,麥肯非常難得到270張 選舉人票。新罕布夏則是較小的提前投票州,但如果他不能贏得這個他已深耕八年 的州,對麥肯來說將有可能是壞兆頭。 http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/04/us/politics/04guide.html?_r=1&oref=slogin 紐時 其實是想推這個紐時作的flash 回顧從06年開始的選舉過程 http://www.nytimes.com/packages/html/politics/2008-election-overview/ 煩請注意附上原稿來源 -- 身為台灣人,不可不知天下事 立足台灣,放眼世界 國際事務版 國家研究院 政治, 文學, 學術 PoliticMan 研究 Σ政黨/政治人物研究院 IA 政治 ◎IA國際事務版 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
pursuistmi:推爆米花!!!今夜一打啤酒,肉乾加雪加!!! 11/04 14:19
chenglap:我們香港人比較習慣「食住花生睇好戲」 11/04 14:19
pursuistmi:另外tuesday是禮拜二XD 11/04 14:20
※ 編輯: amkust 來自: (11/04 14:30)
amkust:感謝指正orz 11/04 14:30
※ 編輯: amkust 來自: (11/04 14:31)